Session在 网络应用中称为“会话”,借助它可提供客户端与服务系统之 间必要的交互。因为HTTP协议本身是无状态的,所以经常需要 通过Session来解决服务端和浏览器的保持状态的解决方案。用户 向服务器发送第一个请求时,服务器为其建立一个Session,并为 此Session创建一个标识,用户随后的所有请求都应包括这个标识 号。服务器会校对这个标识号以判断请求属于哪个Session。会话 保持有效,默认状况下,直到浏览器关闭,会话才结束。
Session中存储的内容包括用户信息:昵称、用户ID、登录状 态等。我们的服务器通过SESSIONID确认了,谁是谁?但是在我们所录制的脚本里面,每次发送的协议包还一直是我们所录制的内容,此时就引发了如下报错信息:
Error -26612: HTTP Status-Code=500 (Internal Server Error) for
<r id="value":这里的“value”作为服务器确认字段唯一操作ID,它是我们需要关联的字段。
函数名 | 英文描述 | 乌龙翻译(看不明白,就别看了) |
strset |
Fills a string with a specific character.
char *strset( char *string1, int character );
string1 The string to which to add the characher.
character The character(s) to add.
一二三四五,来一起变身,凸凸凸凸凸 |
strchr |
Returns the pointer to the first occurrence of a character in a string.
char *strchr( const char *string, int c );
string The string that is searched.
c The character that is searched for in the string.
买猪肉,从第一块脊骨那儿斩断,只要后面的,多了不要 |
strrchr |
Finds the last occurrence of a character in a string.
char *strrchr( const char *string, int c );
string The string that is searched.
c The character that is searched for in the string.
strcpy |
Copies one string to another.
char *strcpy( char *dest, const char *source );
dest The destination string into which source is copied.
source The string that is sopied.
克隆其实很简单,复制一个字符串到另一个字符串中 |
strncpy |
Copies the first n characters of one string to another.
char *strncpy( char *dest, const char *source, size_t n );
dest The destination string to which n characters are copied.
source The source string from which n characters are copied.
n The number of characters copied.
买了一头猪,看中了大前蹄前面一节儿,切好了装我兜里,包括大前蹄哟 |
strdup |
Duplicates a string.
char *strdup( const char *string );
string The string that is duplicated.
复制一个字符串 |
strlen |
Returns the length of a string.
size_t strlen( const char *string );
string The string whose is returned.
“鞭长莫及” |
strwr |
Converts a string to lower case.
char *strlwr( char *string );
string The string whose characters are converted to lower case.
好吧,中文可没小写版,别乱用哟 |
Converts a string to upper case.
char *strupr( char *string );
string The string whose characters are converted to upper case.
好吧,中文可没大写版,别乱用哟 |
strcmp |
Compares two strings to determine the alphabetic order.
int strcmp( const char *string1, const char *string2 );
string1 The frist string that is compared.
string2 The second string that is compared.
stricmp |
Performs a case-insensitive comparison of two strings.
int stricmp( const char *string1, const char *string2 );
string1 The firest string for comparison.
string2 The second string for comparison.
strncmp |
Compares the first
n characters of two strings.
int strncmp( const char *string1, const char *string2, size_t n );
string1 The firest string for comparison.
string2 The second string for comparison.
n The number of characters in each string that are compared.
Performs a case-insensitive comparison of n strings.
int strnicmp( const char *string1, const char *string2, size_t num);
string1 The firest string for comparison.
string2 The second string for comparison.
num The number of characters to compare.
strcat |
Concatenates two strings.
char *strcat( char *to, const char *from );
to The string at the end of which the from string is concatenated.
from The string concatenated to the end of the to string.
strncat | Concatenates n characters from one string to another.
char *strncat( char *
string, const char *
from_string, size_t
n );
to_string The string to which
n charachters are concatenated.
from_string The string from whice
n charachters are concatenated.
n The number of characters to be concatenated.
String"BBBB"接到String"2"后面,只接一位,化生String"2B" |
strstr |
Returns the first occurrence of one string in another.
char *strstr( const char *string1, const char *string2 );
string1 The string that is searched.
string2 The string that is searched for in the first string.
查找一个字符串 |
strtok |
Returns a token from a string delimited by specified characters.
char *strtok( char *string, const char *delimiters );
string The string to scan.
delimiters The string consisting of the character or characters that delimit tokens in the first string.
老板,来一整根龙骨,按每个骨节切开,依着原来的顺序打包给我 |
strspn |
Returns the length of the leading characters in a string that are contained in a specified string.
size_t *strspn( const char *string, const char *skipset );
string Null -terminated string to be scanned.
skipset Null -terminated string containing character set.
strspn返回string起始部分匹配skipset 中任意字符串的字符数 |