[2016-1-29]OMG美语每日笔记-Do you like go get mani padis?


mani padi 美甲
Wanna go get mani pedis this weekend?I really need it! 你这周末想做手脚美甲吗?我非常需要做!
square-shape 方的
rounded 园的
Yes I do!I've had square-shaped nails and now I want rounded nails. 想啊!我现在的指甲是方的我想做成圆的.
too ticklish. 太痒了
exfoliate 去死皮
I am wai too ticklish to let them exfoliate my feet.I can barely get a foot massage without laughing! 让别人给我的脚去死皮太痒了.我做足底按摩的时候都忍不住要笑!


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