网上有一些关于DWR的文章如:AJAX made simple with DWR ,DWR让AJAX如此简单等,对于DWRUtil.addRows有示例用法。
DWR helps you to manipulate tables using 2 functions: DWRUtil.addRows()
and DWRUtil.removeAllRows()
. The first parameter to both is the id of the table, tbody, thead or tfoot to edit. Generally it makes sense to use tbody because it enables you to keep header and footer rows unaltered, and it is a neat work-around to some hard to track-down Internet Explorer bugs.
Removes all the rows in a table element specified by id.
DWRUtil.addRows(id, array, cellfuncs, [options]);
Adds rows to a table element specified by id. It takes it's data from an array and creates a row in the table for each entry in the array. A column is created for each function in the cellfuncs array. The cells are created by passing each array entry to each 'cellfunc' in turn.
As of DWR 1.1, addRows() also works with objects. If you pass in an object in place of an array we will create cells by passing object values to the cell functions.
You could write some pseudo-code that looks something like this:
for each member in array for each function in cellfuncs create cell from cellfunc(array[i])
The options available are:
For simplicity in this demo we will be using a simple array of strings, but you can have anything in your array. It's most powerful when used with an array of objects.
For demo purposes, we have a table with a tbody element with id="demo1"
Unaltered | Altered | Button | Count |
var cellFuncs = [ function(data) { return data; }, function(data) { return data.toUpperCase(); }, function(data) { return "<input type='button' value='Test' onclick='alert(\"Hi\");'/>"; }, function(data) { return count++; } ]; var count = 1; DWRUtil.addRows( "demo1", , cellFuncs);
The cellFuncs can return either an HTML string, or a DOM object to populate more complex controls. Generally HTML strings are a better choice because creating them is more compact, and it's a great workaround to some Internet Explorer bugs. However if a pure XHTML model ever becomes more predominant, DOM manipulation may become required.
The options object is new in DWR version 1.1
We can use the options object to pass a cell creator function or a row creator function.
By default DWR provides these creator functions for you. They look something like this:
function defaultRowCreator(options) { return document.createElement("tr"); }; function defaultCellCreator(options) { return document.createElement("td"); };
The options object passed to you by DWR is the same options object that you passed in originally (containing the rowCreator and cellCreator functions). The following fields will have been altered:
But you can provide your own versions like this:
Unaltered | Altered | Button | Count |
DWRUtil.addRows( "demo2", , cellFuncs, { rowCreator:function(options) { var row = document.createElement("tr"); var index = options.rowIndex * 50; row.style.color = "rgb(" + index + ",0,0)"; return row; }, cellCreator:function(options) { var td = document.createElement("td"); var index = 255 - (options.rowIndex * 50); td.style.backgroundColor = "rgb(" + index + ",255,255)"; td.style.fontWeight = "bold"; return td; } });
The Table Editing example contains code that uses an array of objects rather than the more simple array of strings on this page.