
Chapter 19. JMS
Spring提供了一个用于简化JMS API使用的抽象框架,并且对用户屏蔽了JMS API中1.0.2和1.1版本的差异。 JMS的功能大致上分为两块,叫做消息制造和消息消耗。JmsTemplate用于制造消息和同步消息接收。和Java EE的事件驱动bean风格类似,对于异步接收消息,Spring提供了一些消息侦听容器来创建消息驱动的POJO(MDP)。
Spring 配置 ActiveMQ - Alger - JavaEye技术网站
Spring 配置 ActiveMQ
Message Driven POJOs! | SpringSource Team Blog
Of all the new Spring 2.0 features and improvements, I must admit that Message-Driven POJOs are one of my personal favorites. I have a feeling that a lot of other Spring users will feel the same way.
Dev Notes » 在Spring中使用ActiveMQ发送邮件
结合Spring2.0和ActiveMQ进行异步消息调用 - 若水汪洋的java学习博客 - JavaEye技术网站
在Spring 2.0之前,Spring的JMS的作用局限于产生消息。这个功能(封装在 JmsTemplate 类中)当然是很好的,但是,它没有描述完整的JMS堆栈,比如像消息的 异步 产生和消耗。JMS堆栈缺少的这一部分已经被添加,Spring 2.0现在提供对消息异步消耗的完整支持
JSON Serialization Usage
JavaScript Object Notation (aka JSON) is a very popular alternative to XML for transmitting data to the web browser. Flexjson is a lightweight library for serializing Java objects into JSON. What's different about Flexjson is it's control over what gets serialized allowing both deep and shallow copies of objects. Most JSON serializers mimic object serialization libraries and try to serialize the entire object graph from the object being turned into JSON. This causes problems when you want a connected object model in your server, but you can't send that object model to the client because the serialization library will try to send the entire object graph. This makes it very hard to create object oriented models and serialize pieces of that model to the client without sending everything.
jqGrid JSON Java Model - Gregg Bolinger
I've been using the JQuery plugin jqGrid for several months now. I've been really pleased with it. Up to this point, due to laziness, I've been building my JSON string manually using StringBuilder. Tonight I decided it was time to make this easier.
/civx/widgets/jqgrid/static - CIVX - Trac
jqgrid demo
玩转jquery插件之flexgrid | 雨润心灵,哲思天下
Flexigrid - Web 2.0 Javscript Grid for jQuery
Features * Resizable columns * Resizable height and width * Sortable column headers * Cool theme * Can convert an ordinary table * Ability to connect to an ajax data source (XML and JSON[new]) * Paging * Show/hide columns * Toolbar (new) * Search (new) * Accessible API * Many more
Flexigrid for jQuery | Google Groups
What is Flexigrid? Lightweight but rich data grid with resizable columns and a scrolling data to match the headers, plus an ability to connect to an xml based data source using Ajax to load the content.
Tungsten Replicator
The Tungsten Replicator provides open source database-neutral master/slave replication. Master/slave replication is a highly flexible technology that can solve a wide variety of problems including the following:
Open Source Replication and Synchronization Tools Written in Java - 毛毛的小窝 — 关注技术交流、让我们一起成长 - 博客园
Open Source Replication and Synchronization Tools Written in Java 数据同步/复制工具
Ignite Realtime: SparkWeb IM Client
SparkWeb is an Open Source, web-based IM client optimized for businesses and organizations. It features built-in support for group chat and strong security. It also offers a great end-user experience with features like group chat room bookmarks, and tabbed conversations.
