java.sql.SQLException: OALL8 is in an inconsist... | Oracle Community Cannot get the result set metadata.

SQL statement does not return a ResultSet object.

SQL error #1: 关闭的连接

SQL error #1:OALL8 处于不一致状态。


1, This error occurred for me because I made a change to a db table (added a column) and did not restart the application server to refresh the connection pools. So the prepared statements were still cached by the connections and needed to be refreshed.

2, I use weblogic 10.3 , ojdbc6.jar and my RAC is ojdbc14.jar.I use Spring. I often get that error of OALL8 being inconsistent. Real Cause is Network. If you see above in somebody's error codes, it says Invalid Packet length, which cannot be changed by us except network layer.
In my case too, I think network layer writes headers rampantly making Oracle 10G Dysfunction. I also get Closed Connection afterwards. So, Please check your router firewalls that is eating our jdbc sockets, and oracle would never know if connecting entity has passed away, disconnected, or network Slow speed made it assume erroneous situation.

3, "OALL8 is in an inconsistent state" is a generic exception that occurs in JDBC 10.1, 10.2, and 11.1. It indicates that an internal inconsistency has been detected in the JDBC connection but it does not provide information on what caused the inconsistency. The exception no longer occurs in JDBC 11.2. The error is usually caused by a bug in the JDBC code. These are very hard to analyze. The simplest solution is to upgrade the JDBC driver.


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