

1. Scrum团队采取自组织的方式,团队成员自己决定如何完成当前sprint的任务。

2. ScrumMaster不是管理者的角色,更像一个领导者,更多的是为 scrum团队服务,而不是指手画脚。 ScrumMaster主要负责为团队排除障碍,保证开发的顺利进行, 确保团队按照 Scrum的简单规则进行开发。

3. 在设计良好的团队中领导才能来自于团队的每个成员,而非仅仅是被任命的领导者,所以,你没有必要也不应该等待一个任命的到来。这与 Scrum的理念非常相似。 Scrum弱化PM的功能,强调团队的自主性。

4. ScrumMaster like a sheepdog, responsible for keeping the flock together and the wolves away.

5.  A Scrum project is controlled by means of frequency inspection of the project followed by necessary adaption.

6. All the development artifacts like design documents that existed only to support the waterfall approach are recommended to be eliminated. Scrum relies on high-bandwith, face-to-face communication and teamwork. 对于分布式团队,尤其是跨国团队来说,设计文档还是很有必要的。

7. Scrum team is cross-functional: in situations where everyone is chipping in to build the functionality, you don't have to be a tester or a designer to design. 感觉就像在说,我就是社会主义的一块砖,哪里需要哪里放。
