Flex Event标签

Using the Event metadata tag
You use the [Event] metadata tag to define events dispatched by a component so that the Flex compiler can recognize
them as MXML tag attributes in an MXML file. You add the [Event] metadata tag in one of the following locations:
ActionScript components   Above the class definition, but within the package definition, so that the events are bound
to the class and not a particular member of the class.
MXML components   In the <mx:Metadata> tag of an MXML file.



定义MyEvent extends Event

ActionScript 3语言:
package event
  import flash.events.Event;

  public class MyEvent extends Event
    public static const EVENT_TEST : String = "EventTest";

    public function MyEvent( type : String , bubbles : Boolean = false , cancelable : Boolean = false)
      super( type , bubbles , cancelable);


定义MyButton extends Button

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Button xmlns:fx= "http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
      xmlns:s= "library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark"
      xmlns:mx= "library://ns.adobe.com/flex/halo"
      click= "dispatchEvent(new MyEvent(MyEvent.EVENT_TEST));" >
      import event.MyEvent;
        [Event(name ="EventTest",type ="event.MyEvent")]


Main App

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx= "http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
         xmlns:s= "library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark"
         xmlns:mx= "library://ns.adobe.com/flex/halo"
         xmlns:my= "button.*"
         minWidth= "1024"
         minHeight= "768" >
      import event.MyEvent;
       * 定义Event的函数监听方式
       * 在my2 的 EventTest="handleEvent(event)" 相当于对于该Event注册了一个Listiner
       * 消息监听函数为handleEvent(event)
      private function handleEvent( e : MyEvent ): void { trace( e); }
  <!--可以直接定义EventTest="myTa.text='got Event';" 及在Event触发式执行myTa.text='got Event';-->
  <my:MyButton id= "my1" EventTest= "myTa.text='got Event';" x= "208" y= "213" ></my:MyButton>
  <my:MyButton id= "my2" EventTest= "handleEvent(event)" x= "209" y= "258" ></my:MyButton>
  <s:TextArea id= "myTa" x= "141" y= "55" />




1· 在MyButton中将[Event]标签放入Metadata标签中,则告诉编译器该空间会产生该种Event,

   如果此时dispatchEvent出去的Event不是该种类型 则在编译期间及会报错

2· 在主类中<my:MyButton id="my1" EventTest="myTa.text='got Event';" x="208" y="213"></my:MyButton>


   EventTest="myTa.text='got Event';"  表示为EventTest 这个Event注册一个监听者,监听到信息后处理方式为

   myTa.text='got Event' , same as the EventTest="handleEvent(event)

