[翻译]ExtJS ChangeLog 2.2 -> 3.0.0 -- by tz - 天猪部落阁

[翻译]ExtJS ChangeLog 2.2 -> 3.0.0 -- by tz




原文地址: http://extjs.com/forum/showthread.php?t=70352

Changes, Additions  (roughly organized alphabetically)


  •  新增:
    •  iterate 方法 - 遍历一个数组或对象,对每个元素都执行指定的函数
    •  isNumber 方法 - 判断传递的参数对象是否是数字
    •  isString 方法 - 判断传递的参数对象是否是字符串
    •  isBoolean 方法 - 判断传递的参数对象是否是布尔值
    •  isDefined 方法 - 判断传递的参数对象是否已经定义


  • 变更: Ajax responses. The core adapter file in the Ext.lib.Ajax class has been changed in line with the W3 XMLHttpRequest specification. The response object which emulates the XHR now has getResponseHeader and getAllResponseHeaders as f unctions rather than Arrays to keep inline with the real XHR object. So, anyone who was currenltly examining headers using an Array (as inherited from YUI via yui-ext) will need to change to use a function.


  • 新增:
    • A Component's Observable events may now be set to bubble up the Component-ownerCt axis.


  • 新增:
    • getWidth() 
    • getHeight()
    • getOuterSize()


  • 新增:
    • Rather than being limited to only positioning buttons in a buttons configuration, they can now be placed anywhere you please. 你的按钮现在可以放在任意地方,而不仅限于buttons配置项
    • Button现在可以缩放为任意高宽,并且有高级的文字布局。 (Buttons can now scale to any height or width and have advanced text positioning.)
    •  新的配置:scale: 'small'  ,  iconAlign : 'left' , arrowAlign : 'right'
  • 变更:
    • Button现在是一个有效的BoxComponent,可以被布局管理器管理。 (Button is now a valid BoxComponent and can partake in layout management. )
    • Button的实现已经完全重写,所以旧版本时候写的自定义样式/主题需要相应的修改。(The markup for buttons is completely different and will require changes if you had implemented a custom theme. )
  • 新增:
    • afterrender事件
    • ref 配置项 - establish a named reference for an object an ancestor Container (mitigate dependency on 'id' and Ext.getCmp).
    • ptypes - ComponentMgr manages plugins similar to xtypes (use Ext.preg similar to Ext.reg)
    • nextSibling
    • previousSibling
    • getDomPositionEl
  • 新增:
    • isRegistered 方法 - 检查一个xtype是否已经被注册
  • 新增:
    • get()
  • 已过时:
    • 推荐使用id, 请用 propertyIdidIndex
  • 新增:
    • store xtypes
    • autoDestroy  配置项 - 当store绑定的component被销毁的时候,销毁该Store
    • setBaseParam()
  • 变更:
    • baseParams可以被load方法传递的同名参数所覆盖。( baseParams may be overwritten by params of same name passed to load() )
  • 已过时:
    • 不推荐使用 id ,请用 storeId 代替它
    • 不推荐使用 loadexception 事件,请用 exception 事件
    • SimpleStore 更名为 ArrayStore
  • 新增:
    • mouseenter事件
    • mouseleave事件
  • 变更/已过时:
    • getAttributeNS() - 已过时,用getAttribute()代替
    • autoHeight() - 移除
    • alignTo() - 变更参数"position"
    • query() - 新增参数"unique"
    • focus() - 新增参数"defer"
  • 变更:
    • within() - can now also check if the passed element is the target or related target
  • 新增:
    • 当动态添加Container到FormPanel时,Fields会被添加到BasicForm's的集合中。所以BasicForm's setValues 方法现在可以始终对动态添加的Fields有效。(When dynamically adding Containers anywhere in a FormPanel, any  Fields are now found and added to the BasicForm's Collection. So BasicForm's setValues  method  will now work consistently with dynamically added Fields.)
  • 变更:
    • Ext.form.Radio/Checkbox - 样式/主题已经被改变,详见http://www.extjs.com/forum/showthread.php?p=312770#post312770.
    • Ext.form.TextField - allowBlank的验证行为已经被改变,请参见文档
    • Ext.form.FormPanel - buttonAlign  does not override the default center for Ext.Panel ('right')
  • 新增:

    • columnLines 配置项 (boolean) - adds class ' x-grid-with-col-lines'
    •  Ext.grid.Column
      • 用来作为columns参数传递给ColumnModel (Instances of this class are used as columns passed to ColumnModel)
      •  xtypes可以用来指定一些预先配置好的renderer(xtypes can be used to specify a preconfigured renderer)
      • renderer may be specified in additional ways
    • Grid RowEditor Class
    • Grid like ListView and ListView.Sorter Classes (译注:就是一个用DataView+XTemplate来模拟的Grid,轻量)
    • Grid BufferedView Class. Buffered GridView enhances performance by waiting to render rows until they are visible.(译注:对大数据量的Grid有明显的性能提升,实际上就是只渲染用户可见的列,拖动的时候再渲染其他.官方还有其他的一个扩展 Ext.ux.LiveGrid,详见:http://extjs.com/forum/showthread.php?t=17791)
  • 新增:
    • hbox布局和vbox布局 
      • 译注:很有用的两个布局。但区域见不能split,不过官方论坛有扩展。详见官方示例
      • http://extjs.com/deploy/dev/examples/layout-browser/layout-browser.html
      • http://extjs.com/deploy/dev/examples/layout/hbox.html
      • http://extjs.com/deploy/dev/examples/layout/vbox.html
    • ToolbarLayout and MenuLayout (internally used by respective classes)
    • Layout managers now defer layout of hidden or collapsed child Components until such time as the child Component becomes visible or expanded. This avoids size calculation problems in hidden/collapsed Containers, and removes the need to use hideMode: 'offsets' (may even require that it be removed).
  • 新增:
    • Menu Overflow. Whenever a menu gets so long that the items won’t fit the viewable area, it provides the user with an easy UI to scroll the menu. This feature is turned on by default and can be disabled by the configuration option enableScrolling.(译注:简单的说就是Menu溢出后的滚动效果,默认是开启该效果,可以通过enableScrolling来配置,详 见官方示例)
  • 变更/已过时:
    • Toolbar and Menu are now proper Containers (formerly extended from BoxComponent). 现在Toolbar和Menu都继承Container
    • Breaking change: MenuItem的ids现在已经不是局部变量了,所以你不能在多个menu里面用一个id.建议:用唯一的id或者用itemIds来替代 它。(MenuItem ids are no longer local to their menu but global component ids. This means that you can't use the same id in multiple menus. Suggested fix: Use unique ids or switch to using itemIds.)
    • As well as Menu being a Container, this also means Menu can be a regular Component. Menu did not extend BoxComponent before, but was out on its own. Now, it can behave either as a regular floating Menu, or, if configured floating: false, it can be used as a usual inline Component of a Container.(译注:简单的说就是由于menu的继承改变,现在你可以设置Menu为浮动的,或者像平常的组件那样使用它)
    • DateItem和ColorItem已经被移出,因为没有必要了,现在你可以把任意组件放入menu的items中
    • autoWidth() - 变更为autoSize()
17.Ext.MenuButton - 该类已经被移除,用SplitButton代替它

18.Ext.StatusBar - 该类已经被移出core库,在3.0final版会有个Ext.ux.StatusBar

  • 新增:
    • Toolbar Overflow. A menu for items that don’t fit the visible toolbar area will be created by default and can be disabled with the configuration option enableOverflow. Items in the menu react with the same handlers as the toolbar items.(译注:简单的说就是Toolbar溢出后的滚动效果详见官方示例)
  • 变更:
    • Toolbar and Menu are now proper Containers (formerly extended from BoxComponent).现在Toolbar和Menu都继承Container
  • 新增:
    • delegate option added so one Tooltip can handle multiple child elements of its target based on selection using the delegate config.(译注:新增的这个属性很有用,就是通过设置的selector对某个元素的子对象设置Tip,在2.0的时候我们经常需要的Gird RowTip,CellTip都可以实现了,不需要实例化很多Tip对象)
    • AnchorTips - Tooltips now support an anchor configuration which will allow you to bring attention to a particular element or component with a small callout arrow.(译注:简单的说就是箭头Tip,详见:http://extjs.com/deploy/dev/examples/simple-widgets/qtips.html)
  • 新增/变更:
    • ellipsis() - "word" parameter added
    • focus() - "defer" parameter added
    • number() - added
    •  numberRenderer() - added
    • plural() - added
  • 新增:
    • Ext.util.Observable.observeClass() - Class level observability 类级别的观察/通知
23.ux's that worked prior to 3.x may need some tweaking (especially if the ux used private properties). ux's should be checked they are utilizing the latest preferred techniques and properties. More notes here. 旧的扩展需要相应的进行修改,详见: http://extjs.com/forum/showthread.php?p=338913#post338913

24.CSS. general updates, as well as refactoring to split css into visual and structural files to simplify theming.

25. 新增: 图表Charting (Chart, PieChart, CartesianChart, LineChart, BarChart - numeric, time, category axis) -- (译注:其实就是YUI Chart,可以看: http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/charts/ , 或者可以看下我的blog: ExtJS 3.0 Chart 小用一下 http://atian25.javaeye.com/blog/413947)

26. 新增:Ext.FlashComponent (译注:似乎是用了swfobject,管理swf方便多了,不用adobe那又长又臭的代码)

27. 新增:Direct (Direct, Ext.data.DirectStore, Ext.data.DirectProxy) - 官方3.0极力推出的东西,详见: http://extjs.com/blog/2009/05/13/introducing-ext-direct/

28. 新增:Writer

29. 新增:Ext.Spacer - xtype 'spacer' (for empty box component)

30. 新增:ButtonGroup (xtype: 'buttongroup')  (译注:按钮组,仿office2007风格,详见: http://extjs.com/deploy/dev/examples/button/buttons.html)

31. 新增:GroupTabs - (译注:详见 http://extjs.com/deploy/dev/examples/grouptabs/grouptabs.html)

32. 增强:Debug Console (译注:还是firebug好用,不过它可以看到store等,详见: http://extjs.com/deploy/dev/examples/debug/debug-console.html)

33. 新增:Ext.Error

Changes to some example classes: 示例类的修改

Class                                              x(p)type                Deprecates
Ext.ux.data.PagingMemoryProxy                                   Ext.data.PagingMemoryProxy
Ext.ux.form.FileUploadField             fileuploadfield         Ext.ux.FileUploadField
Ext.ux.form.SelectBox                     selectbox                Ext.ux.SelectBox
Ext.ux.form.SpinnerField                 spinnerfield             Ext.form.SpinnerField (remove xtype=spinner)
Ext.ux.form.ItemSelector                 itemselector           Ext.ux.ItemSelector
Ext.ux.form.MultiSelect                    multiselect              Ext.ux.Multiselect  
Ext.ux.grid.CheckColumn                checkcolumn (p)      
Ext.ux.grid.GroupSummary                                            Ext.grid.GroupSummary
Ext.ux.grid.HybridSummary                                            Ext.grid.HybridSummary
Ext.ux.grid.RowEditor                     roweditor   (p)
Ext.ux.grid.RowExpander               rowexpander (p)      Ext.grid.RowExpander
Ext.ux.grid.TableGrid                                                       Ext.grid.TableGrid
Ext.ux.GMapPanel                          gmappanel
Ext.ux.Spotlight                                                              Ext.Spotlight
Ext.ux.Statusbar                                                            Ext.Statusbar
Ext.ux.TabCloseMenu                    tabclosemenu (p)
Ext.ux.tree.ColumnTree                 columntree              Ext.tree.ColumnTree
Ext.ux.tree.ColumnNodeUI                                            Ext.tree.ColumnNodeUI
Ext.ux.tree.XmlTreeLoader                                            Ext.ux.XmlTreeLoader

Changes to Resources 资源的变更
  • Ensure you have updated all the Ext-provided CSS with the new CSS from version 3.
  • Ensure you have updated all the Ext-provided images with the new images from version 3.
Additional References 其他参考
  • http://extjs.com/blog/2009/06/03/ext-js-30-rc2-release-stable-robust-and-enhanced/
  • http://extjs.com/blog/2009/05/13/introducing-ext-direct/
  • http://extjs.com/blog/2009/05/04/ext-js-30-rc11-released/
  • http://extjs.com/blog/2009/04/04/ext-core-30-beta-released/

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