Open MacVim tabs from command-line

Open MacVim tabs from command-line
MacVim takes vim and provides better integration with Apple’s OS X - I’ve only just started using it and I am already loving it. Provided along with the application is a wrapper-script written to handle calls from the command-line:

cd project
mvim project_file.php

MacVim supports tabs, but unfortunately calling mvim multiple times from the command-line results in multiple separate windows opening, instead of multiple tabs in one window. I made the following modifications to the mvim script to correct this.

Add the following line to the top of the file, below the commented section:

tabs = true

Replace the if structure at the bottom of the file with the following:

# Last step:  fire up vim.
if  [  " $gui "  ]; then
if  $tabs  &&  [[ `$binary  -- serverlist`  =   " VIM "  ]]; then
" $binary "   - g $opts  -- remote - tab - silent ${ 1 : + " $@ " }
" $binary "   - g $opts ${ 1 : + " $@ " }
" $binary "  $opts ${ 1 : + " $@ " }


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