







   * Run an action job on the given RDD and pass all the results to the resultHandler function as
   * they arrive.
   * @param rdd target RDD to run tasks on
   * @param func a function to run on each partition of the RDD
   * @param partitions set of partitions to run on; some jobs may not want to compute on all
   *   partitions of the target RDD, e.g. for operations like first()
   * @param callSite where in the user program this job was called
   * @param resultHandler callback to pass each result to
   * @param properties scheduler properties to attach to this job, e.g. fair scheduler pool name
   * @throws Exception when the job fails
  def runJob[T, U](
      rdd: RDD[T],
      func: (TaskContext, Iterator[T]) => U,
      partitions: Seq[Int],
      callSite: CallSite,
      resultHandler: (Int, U) => Unit,
      properties: Properties): Unit = {
    // 开始时间
    val start = System.nanoTime
    // 调用submitJob()方法,提交Job,返回JobWaiter
    // rdd为最后一个rdd,即target RDD to run tasks on
    // func为该rdd上每个分区需要执行的函数,a function to run on each partition of the RDD
    // partitions为该rdd上需要执行操作的分区集合,set of partitions to run on
    // callSite为用户程序job被调用的地方,where in the user program this job was called
    val waiter = submitJob(rdd, func, partitions, callSite, resultHandler, properties)
    // JobWaiter调用awaitResult()方法等待结果
    waiter.awaitResult() match {
      case JobSucceeded => // Job运行成功
        logInfo("Job %d finished: %s, took %f s".format
          (waiter.jobId, callSite.shortForm, (System.nanoTime - start) / 1e9))
      case JobFailed(exception: Exception) =>// Job运行失败
        logInfo("Job %d failed: %s, took %f s".format
          (waiter.jobId, callSite.shortForm, (System.nanoTime - start) / 1e9))
        // SPARK-8644: Include user stack trace in exceptions coming from DAGScheduler.
        val callerStackTrace = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace.tail
        exception.setStackTrace(exception.getStackTrace ++ callerStackTrace)
        throw exception





def awaitResult(): JobResult = synchronized {
    // 循环,如果标志位_jobFinished为false,则一直循环,否则退出,返回JobResult
    while (!_jobFinished) {
    return jobResult

// 任务运行完成
  override def taskSucceeded(index: Int, result: Any): Unit = synchronized {
    if (_jobFinished) {
      throw new UnsupportedOperationException("taskSucceeded() called on a finished JobWaiter")
    resultHandler(index, result.asInstanceOf[T])
    finishedTasks += 1
    // 已完成Task数目是否等于总Task数目
    if (finishedTasks == totalTasks) {
      // 设置标志位_jobFinished为ture
      _jobFinished = true
      // 作业运行结果为成功
      jobResult = JobSucceeded

  // 作业失败
  override def jobFailed(exception: Exception): Unit = synchronized {
    // 设置标志位_jobFinished为ture
    _jobFinished = true
    // 作业运行结果为失败
    jobResult = JobFailed(exception)


   * Submit an action job to the scheduler.
   * @param rdd target RDD to run tasks on
   * @param func a function to run on each partition of the RDD
   * @param partitions set of partitions to run on; some jobs may not want to compute on all
   *   partitions of the target RDD, e.g. for operations like first()
   * @param callSite where in the user program this job was called
   * @param resultHandler callback to pass each result to
   * @param properties scheduler properties to attach to this job, e.g. fair scheduler pool name
   * @return a JobWaiter object that can be used to block until the job finishes executing
   *         or can be used to cancel the job.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException when partitions ids are illegal
  def submitJob[T, U](
      rdd: RDD[T],
      func: (TaskContext, Iterator[T]) => U,
      partitions: Seq[Int],
      callSite: CallSite,
      resultHandler: (Int, U) => Unit,
      properties: Properties): JobWaiter[U] = {
    // Check to make sure we are not launching a task on a partition that does not exist.
    // 检测rdd分区以确保我们不会在一个不存在的partition上launch一个task
    val maxPartitions = rdd.partitions.length
    partitions.find(p => p >= maxPartitions || p < 0).foreach { p =>
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
        "Attempting to access a non-existent partition: " + p + ". " +
          "Total number of partitions: " + maxPartitions)

    // 为Job生成一个jobId,jobId为AtomicInteger类型,getAndIncrement()确保了原子操作性,每次生成后都自增
    val jobId = nextJobId.getAndIncrement()
    // 如果partitions大小为0,即没有需要执行任务的分区,快速返回
    if (partitions.size == 0) {
      // Return immediately if the job is running 0 tasks
      return new JobWaiter[U](this, jobId, 0, resultHandler)

    assert(partitions.size > 0)
    // func转化下,否则JobSubmitted无法接受这个func参数,T转变为_
    val func2 = func.asInstanceOf[(TaskContext, Iterator[_]) => _]
    // 创建一个JobWaiter对象
    val waiter = new JobWaiter(this, jobId, partitions.size, resultHandler)
    // eventProcessLoop加入一个JobSubmitted事件到事件队列中
      jobId, rdd, func2, partitions.toArray, callSite, waiter,
    // 返回JobWaiter







// 创建DAGSchedulerEventProcessLoop类型的成员变量eventProcessLoop
  private[scheduler] val eventProcessLoop = new DAGSchedulerEventProcessLoop(this)

 * An event loop to receive events from the caller and process all events in the event thread. It
 * will start an exclusive event thread to process all events.
 * EventLoop用来接收来自调用者的事件并在event thread中除了所有的事件。它将开启一个专门的事件处理线程处理所有的事件。
 * Note: The event queue will grow indefinitely. So subclasses should make sure `onReceive` can
 * handle events in time to avoid the potential OOM.
private[spark] abstract class EventLoop[E](name: String) extends Logging {
  // LinkedBlockingDeque类型的事件队列,队列元素为E类型
  private val eventQueue: BlockingQueue[E] = new LinkedBlockingDeque[E]()

  // 标志位
  private val stopped = new AtomicBoolean(false)

  // 事件处理线程
  private val eventThread = new Thread(name) {
    // 设置为后台线程

    override def run(): Unit = {
      try {
        // 如果标志位stopped没有被设置为true,一直循环
        while (!stopped.get) {
          // 从事件队列中take一条事件
          val event = eventQueue.take()
          try {
            // 调用onReceive()方法进行处理
          } catch {
            case NonFatal(e) => {
              try {
              } catch {
                case NonFatal(e) => logError("Unexpected error in " + name, e)
      } catch {
        case ie: InterruptedException => // exit even if eventQueue is not empty
        case NonFatal(e) => logError("Unexpected error in " + name, e)


  def start(): Unit = {
    if (stopped.get) {
      throw new IllegalStateException(name + " has already been stopped")
    // Call onStart before starting the event thread to make sure it happens before onReceive

  def stop(): Unit = {
    if (stopped.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
      var onStopCalled = false
      try {
        // Call onStop after the event thread exits to make sure onReceive happens before onStop
        onStopCalled = true
      } catch {
        case ie: InterruptedException =>
          if (!onStopCalled) {
            // ie is thrown from `eventThread.join()`. Otherwise, we should not call `onStop` since
            // it's already called.
    } else {
      // Keep quiet to allow calling `stop` multiple times.

   * Put the event into the event queue. The event thread will process it later.
   * 将事件加入到时间队列。事件线程过会会处理它。
  def post(event: E): Unit = {
    // 将事件加入到待处理队列

   * Return if the event thread has already been started but not yet stopped.
  def isActive: Boolean = eventThread.isAlive

   * Invoked when `start()` is called but before the event thread starts.
  protected def onStart(): Unit = {}

   * Invoked when `stop()` is called and the event thread exits.
  protected def onStop(): Unit = {}

   * Invoked in the event thread when polling events from the event queue.
   * Note: Should avoid calling blocking actions in `onReceive`, or the event thread will be blocked
   * and cannot process events in time. If you want to call some blocking actions, run them in
   * another thread.
  protected def onReceive(event: E): Unit

   * Invoked if `onReceive` throws any non fatal error. Any non fatal error thrown from `onError`
   * will be ignored.
  protected def onError(e: Throwable): Unit

// LinkedBlockingDeque类型的事件队列,队列元素为E类型
  private val eventQueue: BlockingQueue[E] = new LinkedBlockingDeque[E]()

// 事件处理线程
  private val eventThread = new Thread(name) {
    // 设置为后台线程

    override def run(): Unit = {
      try {
        // 如果标志位stopped没有被设置为true,一直循环
        while (!stopped.get) {
          // 从事件队列中take一条事件
          val event = eventQueue.take()
          try {
            // 调用onReceive()方法进行处理
          } catch {
            case NonFatal(e) => {
              try {
              } catch {
                case NonFatal(e) => logError("Unexpected error in " + name, e)
      } catch {
        case ie: InterruptedException => // exit even if eventQueue is not empty
        case NonFatal(e) => logError("Unexpected error in " + name, e)


   * Put the event into the event queue. The event thread will process it later.
   * 将事件加入到时间队列。事件线程过会会处理它。
  def post(event: E): Unit = {
    // 将事件加入到待处理队列

   * The main event loop of the DAG scheduler.
   * DAGScheduler中事件主循环
  override def onReceive(event: DAGSchedulerEvent): Unit = {
    val timerContext = timer.time()
    try {
      // 调用doOnReceive()方法,将DAGSchedulerEvent类型的event传递进去
    } finally {
// 事件处理调度函数
  private def doOnReceive(event: DAGSchedulerEvent): Unit = event match {
    // 如果是JobSubmitted事件,调用dagScheduler.handleJobSubmitted()方法处理
    case JobSubmitted(jobId, rdd, func, partitions, callSite, listener, properties) =>
      dagScheduler.handleJobSubmitted(jobId, rdd, func, partitions, callSite, listener, properties)

    // 如果是MapStageSubmitted事件,调用dagScheduler.handleMapStageSubmitted()方法处理
    case MapStageSubmitted(jobId, dependency, callSite, listener, properties) =>
      dagScheduler.handleMapStageSubmitted(jobId, dependency, callSite, listener, properties)

    case StageCancelled(stageId) =>

    case JobCancelled(jobId) =>

    case JobGroupCancelled(groupId) =>

    case AllJobsCancelled =>

    case ExecutorAdded(execId, host) =>
      dagScheduler.handleExecutorAdded(execId, host)

    case ExecutorLost(execId) =>
      dagScheduler.handleExecutorLost(execId, fetchFailed = false)

    case BeginEvent(task, taskInfo) =>
      dagScheduler.handleBeginEvent(task, taskInfo)

    case GettingResultEvent(taskInfo) =>

    case completion @ CompletionEvent(task, reason, _, _, taskInfo, taskMetrics) =>

    case TaskSetFailed(taskSet, reason, exception) =>
      dagScheduler.handleTaskSetFailed(taskSet, reason, exception)

    case ResubmitFailedStages =>

