Deployment Info *************** * Status: Success * Config files: /home/vm/cloudfoundry/.deployments/mysql1/config * Deployment name: mysql1 * Note: * If you want to run ruby/vmc please source the profile /home/vm/.cloudfoundry_deployment_profile * If you want to run cloudfoundry components by hand please source the profile /home/vm/.cloudfoundry_deployment_local * Command to run cloudfoundry: /home/vm/cloudfoundry/vcap/dev_setup/bin/vcap_dev -n mysql1 start vm@vm:~/cloudfoundry/vcap/dev_setup$ ./bin/vcap_dev start Targeting deployment "mysql1" with cloudfoundry home "/home/vm/cloudfoundry" Using cloudfoundry config from /home/vm/cloudfoundry/.deployments/mysql1/config Executing /home/vm/cloudfoundry/.deployments/mysql1/deploy/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p180/bin/ruby /home/vm/cloudfoundry/vcap/dev_setup/bin/vcap start mysql_node -c /home/vm/cloudfoundry/.deployments/mysql1/config -v /home/vm/cloudfoundry -l /home/vm/cloudfoundry/.deployments/mysql1/log /home/vm/cloudfoundry/.deployments/mysql1/deploy/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p180/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/rubygems/custom_require.rb:36:in `require': no such file to load -- nats/client (LoadError) from /home/vm/cloudfoundry/.deployments/mysql1/deploy/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p180/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/rubygems/custom_require.rb:36:in `require' from /home/vm/cloudfoundry/vcap/dev_setup/bin/vcap:13:in `<main>' vm@vm:~/cloudfoundry/vcap/dev_setup$
Did you log out of the installation shell and create a new shell? This is needed I believe with the newer version of rvm.. https://github.com/cloudfoundry/vcap/blob/master/README.md NOTE: The automated setup does not auto-start the system. Once you are done with the setup, exit your current shell, restart a new shell and continue the following steps
Correct Michael. The pull request in flight: https://github.com/cloudfoundry/vcap/pull/67 Does a few things: #1 - it installs RVM correctly given some recent changes in the RVM installer. Major issue has to do with the new rvm blindly writing to .bash_profile which on a raw ubunto vm ends up disableing .bashrc. In addition, there was a bug in the original single-line automated installer that had the test for interactive shells backwards which disabled other parts of .bashrc, and finally there was a problem with the expansion of the $rvm_home variable... Net result is that RVM wasn't always working correctly after install #2 - the automated setup process started vcap for you, but did it in a shell that was properly prepped for rvm. Once the install exits, you are left in the original shell, but that shell did not have rmv installed correctly and as a result is unable to run bin/vcap stop. Simplest solution is to restart the shell. I usually run this process by ssh into the vm so after the install, I just drop the ssh and reconnect in a new shell. this sets up rvm correctly and then cd cloudfoundry/vcap will prep your environment. the pull request no longer starts vcap for you so it feels more natural to run setup, log off and log back in. alternatively you could just source .bash_profile to get your rvm set correctly #3 - The rake 0.9.0 change causes major issues. Its not a trivial thing to just gem uninstall it due to the fact that it's installed using rvm .default and .global gemsets. The pull request dances around this by removing rake from those global gemsets and then in its place gem install's 0.8.7 into each ruby environment.
Hi Miguel, Please open up a new Terminal window/shell, which will source in the modified .bashrc and will setup rvm environment. Then try doing a bin/vcap start. We need ruby1.9.2 in the environment, which is set by rvm. For example, when I traverse down to vcap directory, I see the following : $ cd /cloudfoundry/vcap Using /Users/svaiyapuri/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p180 This is ensured by .rvmrc file in that directory, which invokes rvm to use 1.9.2, nats is installed under 1.9.2 gem tree $ cat .rvmrc rvm use 1.9.2-p180 Best Regards, -senthil当然这三个方法都没办法解决我的问题了,我搜了rvm是什么,然后费劲心思装上它,结果发现不会用。然后还想办法去修改ruby的版本,但是我后来发现以前部署单节点的时候ruby版本都没出现问题,所以慢慢的我就否定这三个答案了,可谓千辛万苦,但是最后的答案又是什么?我至今才开始学ruby on rails,所以它给的提示信息我只能猜着看了。
Executing /home/vm/cloudfoundry/.deployments/mysql1/deploy/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p180/bin/ruby /home/vm/cloudfoundry/vcap/dev_setup/bin/vcap start mysql_node -c /home/vm/cloudfoundry/.deployments/mysql1/config -v /home/vm/cloudfoundry -l /home/vm/cloudfoundry/.deployments/mysql1/log /home/vm/cloudfoundry/.deployments/mysql1/deploy/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p180/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/rubygems/custom_require.rb:36:in `require': no such file to load -- nats/client (LoadError)首先是:我们使用的ruby是
#!/usr/bin/env ruby # Copyright (c) 2009-2011 VMware, Inc. # # Usage: bin/vcap_system [start|stop|restart|tail|status] [component ...] # require 'yaml' require 'fileutils' require 'optparse' require 'rubygems' require 'eventmachine' require 'nats/client' require File.expand_path(File.join("..", "lib", "vcap_components"), File.dirname(__FILE__))ruby别的看不懂,这部分还是看的懂的,类似于C地下的包含头文件嘛,然后我想起来这篇博客:http://blog.csdn.net/cherry_sun/article/details/7711913
-c /home/vm/cloudfoundry/.deployments/mysql1/config -v /home/vm/cloudfoundry -l /home/vm/cloudfoundry/.deployments/mysql1/log
$config_dir ||= ENV['CLOUD_FOUNDRY_CONFIG_PATH'] args = ARGV.dup opts_parser = OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.on('--port PORT') { |port| $port = port.to_i } opts.on('--configdir CONFIGDIR', '-c CONFIGDIR') { |dir| $config_dir = File.expand_path(dir.to_s) } opts.on('--config CONFIGDIR') { |dir| $config_dir = File.expand_path(dir.to_s) } opts.on('--vcapdir VCAP_DIR', '-v VCAP_DIR') { |dir| $vcap_home = File.expand_path(dir.to_s) } opts.on('--logdir LOG_DIR', '-l LOG_DIR') { |dir| $log_dir = File.expand_path(dir.to_s) } opts.on('--no-color', '--nocolor', '--nc') { $nocolor = true } opts.on('--noprompt', '-n') { $noprompt = true } end这样一看,基本就懂是什么意思了,-c是读取配置文件,这样我们就知道了mysql配置文件的位置;然后是-v是vcap的目录位置,这个我们都懂,不多说;然后是-l就是日志文件,那这样我们就知道mysql的日志文件在哪里了。虽然我们遇到的问题没有解决,但是我们从这里面已经知道了一些基本的东西,不久以后我们就会用到这些东西,这部分没看。
vm@vm:~/cloudfoundry/vcap/dev_setup/bin$ ./vcap_dev status Targeting deployment "mysql1" with cloudfoundry home "/home/vm/cloudfoundry" Using cloudfoundry config from /home/vm/cloudfoundry/.deployments/mysql1/config Executing /home/vm/cloudfoundry/.deployments/mysql1/deploy/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p180/bin/ruby /home/vm/cloudfoundry/vcap/dev_setup/bin/vcap status mysql_node -c /home/vm/cloudfoundry/.deployments/mysql1/config -v /home/vm/cloudfoundry -l /home/vm/cloudfoundry/.deployments/mysql1/log mysql_node : RUNNING
root@arch3:~/cloudfoundry/vcap/dev_setup/bin# vmc target api.vcap.me Successfully targeted to [http://api.vcap.me] root@arch3:~/cloudfoundry/vcap/dev_setup/bin# vmc register Email: [email protected] Password: *** Verify Password: *** Creating New User: OK Attempting login to [http://api.vcap.me] Problem with login to 'http://api.vcap.me', 404: entity not found or inaccessible, try again or register for an account.解决方法:这个问题我找到的答案就是-将vmc重0.3.21版本降级到0.3.18版本,为什么会这样,我就不明白了。
问题描述如下:这个是从网上copy下来的,当时情况是我执行vmc push hello,然后在Staging Application的时候出现了下面的这个错误。
root@ubuntu:/home/cloudfoundry# vmc start hello Staging Application: .............Error (JSON 504):<html><head><title>504 Gatewa... root@ubuntu:/home/cloudfoundry# vmc update hello Uploading Application: Checking for available resources: ok Processing resources: ok Packing application: ok Uploading (706K): ok Error (JSON 504):<html> <head><title>504 Gatewa...解决方法:这个东西我在网上没有找到答案,但是如果看过这篇博文的话,应该可以找到一些答案:http://samsungapps.csdn.net/text.html?arcid=2806052
--- deployment: name: "rest" jobs: install: - nats_server - cloud_controller: builtin_services: - redis - mongodb - mysql - router - health_manager - ccdb - redis_node: index: "0" - redis_gateway - mysql_gateway - mongodb_node: index: "0" - mongodb_gateway问题就是在于,新的CF已经将stager(打包)这个功能从原有的Cloud Controller中剥离开了。
vm@vm:~/test$ vim /home/vm/cloudfoundry/vcap/dev_setup/deployments/sample/multihos t_mysql/rest.yml --- deployment: name: "rest" jobs: install: - nats_server - cloud_controller: builtin_services: - redis - mongodb - mysql - router - stager - health_manager - ccdb - redis_node: index: "0" - redis_gateway - mysql_gateway - mongodb_node: index: "0" - mongodb_gateway然后再试试看
vm@vm:~/cloudfoundry/vcap/dev_setup$ vmc start hello Staging Application 'hello': OK
问题描述:在查看dea的log(位于$HOME/cloudfoundry/.deployment/dea/log/ 目录下)的时候发现下面的提示信息,runtime not support。
[2012-09-20 22:04:50.898873] dea - pid=12396 tid=d39f fid=99c9 DEBUG -- DEA received discovery message: {"droplet":12,"limits":{"mem":128,"disk":2048,"fds":256},"name":"hello","runtime_info":{"version":"1.8.7","description":"Ruby 1.8.7","executable":"/root/cloudfoundry/.deployments/rest/deploy/rubies/ruby-1.8.7-p357/bin/ruby","version_flag":"-e 'puts RUBY_VERSION'","additional_checks":"-e 'puts RUBY_PATCHLEVEL >= 174'","version_output":"1.8.7","environment":{"PATH":"/root/cloudfoundry/.deployments/rest/deploy/rubies/ruby-1.8.7-p357/bin:$PATH","BUNDLE_GEMFILE":null},"name":"ruby18"},"runtime":"ruby18","prod":false,"sha":"012b0fc043c9e03a03bf7f3432a0fc9c54d14ba1"} [2012-09-20 22:04:50.899769] dea - pid=12396 tid=d39f fid=99c9 DEBUG -- Ignoring request, runtime not enabled for 'ruby18' [2012-09-20 22:04:50.899939] dea - pid=12396 tid=d39f fid=99c9 DEBUG -- Ignoring request, {"version"=>"1.8.7", "description"=>"Ruby 1.8.7", "executable"=>"/root/cloudfoundry/.deployments/rest/deploy/rubies/ruby-1.8.7-p357/bin/ruby", "version_flag"=>"-e 'puts RUBY_VERSION'", "additional_checks"=>"-e 'puts RUBY_PATCHLEVEL >= 174'", "version_output"=>"1.8.7", "environment"=>{"PATH"=>"/root/cloudfoundry/.deployments/rest/deploy/rubies/ruby-1.8.7-p357/bin:$PATH", "BUNDLE_GEMFILE"=>nil}, "name"=>"ruby18"} runtime not supported.解决方法:回答之前可以先插卡看下自己的runtimes,如下。说实在的,我没弄明白这边的runtime到底是什么玩意,所以这个问题就稀里糊涂的去网上查了。
vm@vm:~/cloudfoundry/vcap/dev_setup$ vmc runtimes +--------------+---------------+-----------+ | Name | Description | Version | +--------------+---------------+-----------+ | php | PHP 5 | 5.3 | | node08 | Node.js | 0.8.2 | | node06 | Node.js | 0.6.8 | | ruby19 | Ruby 1.9.2 | 1.9.2p180 | | ruby18 | Ruby 1.8.7 | 1.8.7 | | java | Java 6 | 1.6 | | erlangR14B01 | Erlang R14B01 | R14B01 | | python2 | Python 2.6.5 | 2.6.5 | | node | Node.js | 0.4.12 | +--------------+---------------+-----------+在Google Group里面的答案就是:问题就是这个路径名出现问题了。
Hi I think the problem is because dea didn't find the correct ruby executable path. DEBUG -- DEA received discovery message: {"droplet":12,"limits":{"mem":128,"disk":2048,"fds":256},"name":"hello","runtime_info":{"version":"1.8.7","description":"Ruby 1.8.7","executable":"/root/cloudfoundry/.deployments/rest/deploy/rubies/ruby-1.8.7-p357/bin/ruby","version_flag":"-e 'puts RUBY_VERSION'","additional_checks":"-e 'puts RUBY_PATCHLEVEL >= 174'","version_output":"1.8.7","environment":{"PATH":"/root/cloudfoundry/.deployments/rest/deploy/rubies/ruby-1.8.7-p357/bin:$PATH","BUNDLE_GEMFILE":null},"name":"ruby18"},"runtime":"ruby18","prod":false,"sha":"012b0fc043c9e03a03bf7f3432a0fc9c54d14ba1"} the correct path should be /root/cloudfoundry/.deployments/dea/deploy/rubies/ruby-1.8.7-p357/bin/. But how can modify this so that DEA can find the path????要怎么解决呢?:就是去修改rest这个节点底下的runtimes.yml文件,找到里面对于这个路径名的设置的地方,然后架构rest修改成dea就可以了。
Hi guys: It worked. I find the configuration. /root/cloudfoundry/.deployments/rest/config/runtimes.yml the path of executable ruby need change to where your dea's ruby located in.
vm@vm:~/cloudfoundry/.deployments/dea$ tail log/dea.log [2012-10-15 16:25:36.540653] dea - pid=6504 tid=a226 fid=0c51 INFO -- Using ruby @ /home/vm/cloudfoundry/.deployments/dea/deploy/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p180/bin/ruby [2012-10-15 16:25:36.540896] dea - pid=6504 tid=a226 fid=0c51 INFO -- Using network: [2012-10-15 16:25:36.541032] dea - pid=6504 tid=a226 fid=0c51 INFO -- Socket Limit:1024 [2012-10-15 16:25:36.541099] dea - pid=6504 tid=a226 fid=0c51 INFO -- Max Memory set to 4.0G [2012-10-15 16:25:36.541159] dea - pid=6504 tid=a226 fid=0c51 INFO -- Utilizing 1 cpu cores [2012-10-15 16:25:36.541212] dea - pid=6504 tid=a226 fid=0c51 INFO -- Allowing multi-tenancy [2012-10-15 16:25:36.541273] dea - pid=6504 tid=a226 fid=0c51 INFO -- Using directory: /var/vcap.local/dea/ [2012-10-15 16:25:36.542077] dea - pid=6504 tid=a226 fid=0c51 INFO -- Initial usage of droplet fs is: 0% [2012-10-15 16:25:36.597228] dea - pid=6504 tid=a226 fid=0c51 INFO -- File service started on port: 12345 [2012-10-15 16:25:36.636433] dea - pid=6504 tid=a226 fid=0c51 DEBUG -- Took 0.002520012 to snapshot application state.
vm@vm:~$ vmc start hello Staging Application 'hello': OK Starting Application 'hello': .......................... Application is taking too long to start, check your logs Starting Application 'hello': OK
vm@vm:~$ vmc apps +-------------+----+--------+---------------+----------+ | Application | # | Health | URLS | Services | +-------------+----+--------+---------------+----------+ | hello | 1 | 0% | hello.vcap.me | | +-------------+----+--------+---------------+----------+
Check the dea logfile on your DEA node(s). There is another problem with the multi-node guide where the "rest" / CC node contains the path information for the runtimes, but the DEA node has them installed at a different place. I filed a bug on that particular issue (not that it's the same one that you're having, but maybe) here: https://cloudfoundry.atlassian.net/browse/CF-140. You can work around it by tweaking cloudfoundry/.deployments/<name>/config/runtimes.yml on the CC node... notice the <name> is different on your CC and DEA nodes, if you followed the multi-node deployment guide exactly, and that's what breaks the runtimes. You can edit the paths in that file (what I did), or try to reinstall either the CC or DEA node to use the same "name", so that the path happens to line up properly. Good luck! Once it works it really is kinda nice. The multi-node guides are just *awful* though.意思大概就是去查看dea的log日志。晕,在问题3的时候我们才试着查看过dea的日志信息,当时试着改过一个问题,已经没问题了,现在怎么还会有问题?但是没办法我还是试着查看了一下,结果很惊讶的发现下面的信息:
[2012-10-16 12:52:28.863974] dea - pid=6504 tid=a226 fid=0c51 DEBUG -- Ignoring request, {"version"=>"1.8.7", "description"=>"Ruby 1.8.7", "executable"=>"/home/vm/cloudfoundry/.deployments/rest/deploy/rubies/ruby-1.8.7-p357/bin/ruby", "version_flag"=>"-e 'puts RUBY_VERSION'", "additional_checks"=>"-e 'puts RUBY_PATCHLEVEL >= 174'", "version_output"=>"1.8.7", "environment"=>{"PATH"=>"/home/vm/cloudfoundry/.deployments/rest/deploy/rubies/ruby-1.8.7-p357/bin:/home/vm/cloudfoundry/.deployments/rest/deploy/nodes/node-0.8.2/bin:$PATH", "BUNDLE_GEMFILE"=>nil}, "name"=>"ruby18"} runtime not supported. [2012-10-16 12:52:37.610533] dea - pid=6504 tid=a226 fid=0c51 DEBUG -- DEA received router start message: {"id":"e02da355f3b4a439cae9066fce2ec6ef","version":0.98}解决方法:天哪,这不是和问题3中的情况一样么!!!最后解决方法也和问题3一样咯。试着修改后,再重启一下每个节点。
vm@vm:~/test$ vmc apps +-------------+----+---------+---------------+----------+ | Application | # | Health | URLS | Services | +-------------+----+---------+---------------+----------+ | env | 1 | RUNNING | env.vcap.me | | | hello | 1 | RUNNING | hello.vcap.me | | +-------------+----+---------+---------------+----------+
vm@vm:~$ vmc start hello Staging Application 'hello': OK Starting Application 'hello': .......................... Application is taking too long to start, check your logs Starting Application 'hello': OK
~/cloudfoundry/vcap/dev_setup/bin/vcap_dev_setup -D test.uestc -c ~/cloudfoundry/vcap/dev_setup/deployments/sample/multihost_mysql/rest.yml结果最后查看日志的时候出现下面的问题:
mysql_gateway --> [2012-10-22 23:32:50.149187] mysql_gateway - pid=32730 tid=be94 fid=33cd ERROR -- Failed fetching handles, status=302 mysql_gateway --> [2012-10-22 23:32:50.691135] mysql_gateway - pid=32730 tid=be94 fid=33cd INFO -- Fetching handles from cloud controller @ http://api.test.uestc/services/v1/offerings/mysql-5.1/handles mysql_gateway --> [2012-10-22 23:32:51.772054] mysql_gateway - pid=32730 tid=be94 fid=33cd ERROR -- Failed fetching handles, status=302 mysql_gateway --> [2012-10-22 23:32:52.765308] mysql_gateway - pid=32730 tid=be94 fid=33cd INFO -- Fetching handles from cloud controller @ http://api.test.uestc/services/v1/offerings/mysql-5.1/handles mysql_gateway --> [2012-10-22 23:32:53.822947] mysql_gateway - pid=32730 tid=be94 fid=33cd ERROR -- Failed fetching handles, status=302 mysql_gateway --> [2012-10-22 23:32:54.827635] mysql_gateway - pid=32730 tid=be94 fid=33cd INFO -- Fetching handles from cloud controller @ http://api.test.uestc/services/v1/offerings/mysql-5.1/handles mysql_gateway --> [2012-10-22 23:32:55.882179] mysql_gateway - pid=32730 tid=be94 fid=33cd ERROR -- Failed fetching handles, status=302 mysql_gateway --> [2012-10-22 23:32:56.875083] mysql_gateway - pid=32730 tid=be94 fid=33cd INFO -- Fetching handles from cloud controller @ http://api.test.uestc/services/v1/offerings/mysql-5.1/handles mysql_gateway --> [2012-10-22 23:32:57.960161] mysql_gateway - pid=32730 tid=be94 fid=33cd ERROR -- Failed fetching handles, status=302 mysql_gateway --> [2012-10-22 23:32:58.953425] mysql_gateway - pid=32730 tid=be94 fid=33cd INFO -- Fetching handles from cloud controller @ http://api.test.uestc/services/v1/offerings/mysql-5.1/handles这个我也不知道如何开始说起,大概意思就是这两个gateway在链接到http://api.test.uestc/services/v1/offerings/mysql-5.1/handles的时候出现了问题。
根据我的想法,这个api.test.uestc应该是指向本机的。所以修改的方法就是去修改/etc/hosts这个文件。其中“”是我本机的IP地址。 localhost vm-virtual-machine api.test.uestc然后重启了一下,然后看看日志,问题解决。
vm@vm-virtual-machine:~/cloudfoundry$ tail -f .deployments/rest/log/mongodb_gateway.log [2012-10-22 23:43:03.714025] mongodb_gateway - pid=2296 tid=bd74 fid=4b65 INFO -- Successfully registered with cloud controller [2012-10-22 23:43:23.905633] mongodb_gateway - pid=2296 tid=bd74 fid=4b65 DEBUG -- [MongoaaS-Provisioner] Received node announcement: {"available_capacity":50,"capacity_unit":1,"id":"mongodb_node_0","plan":"free","supported_versions":["1.8","2.0"]} [2012-10-22 23:43:53.991126] mongodb_gateway - pid=2296 tid=bd74 fid=4b65 DEBUG -- [MongoaaS-Provisioner] Received node announcement: {"available_capacity":50,"capacity_unit":1,"id":"mongodb_node_0","plan":"free","supported_versions":["1.8","2.0"]} [2012-10-22 23:44:03.721696] mongodb_gateway - pid=2296 tid=bd74 fid=4b65 INFO -- Sending info to cloud controller: http://api.test.uestc/services/v1/offerings
vm@vm-virtual-machine:~/cloudfoundry$ tail -f .deployments/rest/log/mysql_gateway.log [2012-10-22 23:41:47.481952] mysql_gateway - pid=1848 tid=2705 fid=6bf1 INFO -- Sending info to cloud controller: http://api.test.uestc/services/v1/offerings [2012-10-22 23:41:47.525692] mysql_gateway - pid=1848 tid=2705 fid=6bf1 INFO -- Successfully registered with cloud controller [2012-10-22 23:42:47.540149] mysql_gateway - pid=1848 tid=2705 fid=6bf1 INFO -- Sending info to cloud controller: http://api.test.uestc/services/v1/offerings [2012-10-22 23:42:47.573084] mysql_gateway - pid=1848 tid=2705 fid=6bf1 INFO -- Successfully registered with cloud controller [2012-10-22 23:43:47.581261] mysql_gateway - pid=1848 tid=2705 fid=6bf1 INFO -- Sending info to cloud controller: http://api.test.uestc/services/v1/offerings [2012-10-22 23:43:47.609556] mysql_gateway - pid=1848 tid=2705 fid=6bf1 INFO -- Successfully registered with cloud controller [2012-10-22 23:44:47.628153] mysql_gateway - pid=1848 tid=2705 fid=6bf1 INFO -- Sending info to cloud controller: http://api.test.uestc/services/v1/offerings [2012-10-22 23:44:47.659385] mysql_gateway - pid=1848 tid=2705 fid=6bf1 INFO -- Successfully registered with cloud controller [2012-10-22 23:45:47.680424] mysql_gateway - pid=1848 tid=2705 fid=6bf1 INFO -- Sending info to cloud controller: http://api.test.uestc/services/v1/offerings
Cloud Foundry框架介绍(上):http://qing.weibo.com/2294942122/88ca09aa330004r8.html
Cloud Foundry框架介绍(下):http://qing.weibo.com/2294942122/88ca09aa33000975.html
CloudFoundry DEA运作源码分析:http://blog.csdn.net/cherry_sun/article/details/7696482
cloud foundry之router代码解读:http://www.54chen.com/architecture/cloud-foundry-router.html
Cloud Foundry vcap_dev start过程分析:http://blog.csdn.net/cherry_sun/article/details/7730008
cloudfoundry dev setup 分析以及chef学习:http://blog.csdn.net/cherry_sun/article/details/7711913
cloud foundry之warden代码解读-part1:http://www.54chen.com/architecture/cloud-foundry-warden-part1.html
Cloud Foundry 深入学习三 CloudController源码分析 :http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_902f34a901014hw5.html
Cloud Foundry新版router源码分析:http://blog.csdn.net/cherry_sun/article/details/7780472
cloud controller 源码分析(包括Ruby on Rails项目结构分析):http://blog.csdn.net/cherry_sun/article/details/7750394
Event Machine:http://eventmachine.rubyforge.org/
$ cd $HOME $ mkdir cloudfoundry第二步、将ubuntu目录下的源码克隆过来,例如我想克隆vcap的源码,可以这么做
$ cd $HOME/cloudfoundry/ $ git clone [email protected]:/home/ubuntu/cloudfoundry/vcap此外其他的源码都可以这么来做,速度绝对提升几十倍
$ cd /var/cache/ $ sudo mkdir dev_setup第二步、将软件包全部拷贝过来,
$ cd /var/cache/dev_setup $ sudo scp [email protected]:/var/cache/dev_setup/* .
$ tail -f ~/cloudfoundry/.deployments/uaa/log/uaa.log
$ /home/vm/cloudfoundry/vcap/dev_setup/bin/vcap_dev tail | grep ERROR