conn sys/scott as sysdba
create tablespace epet_tablespace
datafile 'e:\oracleDB\epet_tablespace.dbf'
size 10m
autoextend on
create user epet identified by epet default tablespace epet_tablespace
grant connect,resource to epet
conn epet/epet
create table master
id number(10) primary key,
loginid varchar2(20) not null,
password varchar2(20) not null,
status varchar2(10)
create table pet_type
id number(10) primary key,
name varchar2(20) not null,
status varchar2(20)
create table pet
id number(10) primary key,
master_id number(10) not null,
name varchar2(20) not null,
type_id number(10) not null,
health number(10) not null,
love number(10) not null,
prop1 varchar(20) not null,
prop2 varchar(20) not null,
prop3 varchar(20) not null,
adopt_time timestamp not null,
status varchar(20)
alter table pet
add constraint master_fk foreign key (master_id) references master(id)
alter table pet
add constraint type_fk foreign key (type_id) references pet_type(id)
create sequence seq_epet
start with 1
increment by 1
insert into master values(seq_epet.nextval,'wangcheng','12345','1')
insert into master values(seq_epet.nextval,'xiaoshui','12345','1')
insert into master values(seq_epet.nextval,'xiaozhuzhu','12345','1')
insert into pet_type values(seq_epet.nextval,'wangcheng','1')
insert into pet_type values(seq_epet.nextval,'xiaoshui','1')
insert into pet_type values(seq_epet.nextval,'xiaozhuzhu','1')
insert into pet values(seq_epet.nextval,1,'xiaoxiao',4,'100','100','1','1','1',sysdate,'1')
insert into pet values(seq_epet.nextval,2,'xiaoxiao',5,'100','100','1','1','1',sysdate,'1')
insert into pet values(seq_epet.nextval,3,'xiaoxiao',6,'100','100','1','1','1',sysdate,'1')