之所以采用MyEclipse5.5M2主要时看重这个版本的MyEclipse集成了最新的Spring2.0版本。这个系统采用了SSH框架结构,由于是初次使用,而且人员经验有限,遇到了比较多的问题,其中Error getConfigured / ExtensionValidator error错误是困扰了我两天的问题。
出现这个问题的条件是使用MyEclipse5.5M2,并且使用Spring Core包。
之所以采用MyEclipse5.5M2主要时看重这个版本的MyEclipse集成了最新的Spring2.0版本。这个系统采用了SSH框架结构,由于是初次使用,而且人员经验有限,遇到了比较多的问题,其中Error getConfigured / ExtensionValidator error错误是困扰了我两天的问题。
出现这个问题的条件是使用MyEclipse5.5M2,并且使用Spring Core包。
INFO: Deploying web application archive TestSpringMVC.war
Aug 18 , 2006 10 : 21 : 13 AM org.apache.catalina.util.ExtensionValidator validateManifestResources
INFO: ExtensionValidator[ / TestSpringMVC][commons - attributes - api.jar]: Required extension " ant " not found.
Aug 18 , 2006 10 : 21 : 13 AM org.apache.catalina.util.ExtensionValidator validateManifestResources
INFO: ExtensionValidator[ / TestSpringMVC][commons - attributes - compiler.jar]: Required extension " ant " not found.
Aug 18 , 2006 10 : 21 : 13 AM org.apache.catalina.util.ExtensionValidator validateManifestResources
INFO: ExtensionValidator[ / TestSpringMVC][commons - attributes - compiler.jar]: Required extension " javadoc " not found.
Aug 18 , 2006 10 : 21 : 13 AM org.apache.catalina.util.ExtensionValidator validateManifestResources
INFO: ExtensionValidator[ / TestSpringMVC]: Failure to find 3 required extension(s).
Aug 18 , 2006 10 : 21 : 13 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext start
SEVERE: Error getConfigured
Aug 18 , 2006 10 : 21 : 13 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext start
SEVERE: Context [ / TestSpringMVC] startup failed due to previous errors
Aug 18 , 2006 10 : 21 : 13 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext stop
INFO: Container org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[Catalina].[localhost].[ / TestSpringMVC] has not been started
Aug 18 , 2006 10 : 21 : 13 AM org.apache.catalina.util.ExtensionValidator validateManifestResources
INFO: ExtensionValidator[ / TestSpringMVC][commons - attributes - api.jar]: Required extension " ant " not found.
Aug 18 , 2006 10 : 21 : 13 AM org.apache.catalina.util.ExtensionValidator validateManifestResources
INFO: ExtensionValidator[ / TestSpringMVC][commons - attributes - compiler.jar]: Required extension " ant " not found.
Aug 18 , 2006 10 : 21 : 13 AM org.apache.catalina.util.ExtensionValidator validateManifestResources
INFO: ExtensionValidator[ / TestSpringMVC][commons - attributes - compiler.jar]: Required extension " javadoc " not found.
Aug 18 , 2006 10 : 21 : 13 AM org.apache.catalina.util.ExtensionValidator validateManifestResources
INFO: ExtensionValidator[ / TestSpringMVC]: Failure to find 3 required extension(s).
Aug 18 , 2006 10 : 21 : 13 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext start
SEVERE: Error getConfigured
Aug 18 , 2006 10 : 21 : 13 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext start
SEVERE: Context [ / TestSpringMVC] startup failed due to previous errors
Aug 18 , 2006 10 : 21 : 13 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext stop
INFO: Container org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[Catalina].[localhost].[ / TestSpringMVC] has not been started
Ant - Version: Apache Ant 1.5 . 3
Created - By: Apache Maven
Built - By: hen
Package: org.apache.commons.attributes
Build - Jdk: 1.4 .2_05
Extension - Name: commons - attributes - api
Specification - Title: Client API for Jakarta Commons Attributes.
Specification - Vendor: The Apache Software Foundation
Implementation - Title: org.apache.commons.attributes
Implementation - Vendor: The Apache Software Foundation
Implementation - Version: 2.2
Extension - List: ant qdox
ant - Extension - Name: ant
ant - Implementation - Version: 1.5
ant - Implementation - URL: http: // www.ibiblio.org/maven/ant/jars/ant-1.5.
qdox - Extension - Name: qdox
qdox - Implementation - Version: 1.5
qdox - Implementation - URL: http: // www.ibiblio.org/maven/qdox/jars/qdox-1
. 5 .jar
Implementation - Vendor - Id: org.apache
X - Compile - Source - JDK: 1.4
X - Compile - Target - JDK: 1.4
Ant - Version: Apache Ant 1.5 . 3
Created - By: Apache Maven
Built - By: hen
Package: org.apache.commons.attributes
Build - Jdk: 1.4 .2_05
Extension - Name: commons - attributes - api
Specification - Title: Client API for Jakarta Commons Attributes.
Specification - Vendor: The Apache Software Foundation
Implementation - Title: org.apache.commons.attributes
Implementation - Vendor: The Apache Software Foundation
Implementation - Version: 2.2
Extension - List: ant qdox
ant - Extension - Name: ant
ant - Implementation - Version: 1.5
ant - Implementation - URL: http: // www.ibiblio.org/maven/ant/jars/ant-1.5.
qdox - Extension - Name: qdox
qdox - Implementation - Version: 1.5
qdox - Implementation - URL: http: // www.ibiblio.org/maven/qdox/jars/qdox-1
. 5 .jar
Implementation - Vendor - Id: org.apache
X - Compile - Source - JDK: 1.4
X - Compile - Target - JDK: 1.4
Ant - Version: Apache Ant 1.5 . 3
Created - By: Apache Maven
Built - By: hen
Package: org.apache.commons.attributes
Build - Jdk: 1.4 .2_05
Extension - Name: commons - attributes - api
Specification - Title: Client API for Jakarta Commons Attributes.
Specification - Vendor: The Apache Software Foundation
Implementation - Title: org.apache.commons.attributes
Implementation - Vendor: The Apache Software Foundation
Implementation - Version: 2.2
Extension - List: ant qdox
ant - Extension - Name: ant
ant - Implementation - Version: 1.5
ant - Implementation - URL: http: // www.ibiblio.org/maven/ant/jars/ant-1.5.jar
qdox - Extension - Name: qdox
qdox - Implementation - Version: 1.5
qdox - Implementation - URL: http: // www.ibiblio.org/maven/qdox/jars/qdox-1.5.jar
Implementation - Vendor - Id: org.apache
X - Compile - Source - JDK: 1.4
X - Compile - Target - JDK: 1.4
Ant - Version: Apache Ant 1.5 . 3
Created - By: Apache Maven
Built - By: hen
Package: org.apache.commons.attributes
Build - Jdk: 1.4 .2_05
Extension - Name: commons - attributes - api
Specification - Title: Client API for Jakarta Commons Attributes.
Specification - Vendor: The Apache Software Foundation
Implementation - Title: org.apache.commons.attributes
Implementation - Vendor: The Apache Software Foundation
Implementation - Version: 2.2
Extension - List: ant qdox
ant - Extension - Name: ant
ant - Implementation - Version: 1.5
ant - Implementation - URL: http: // www.ibiblio.org/maven/ant/jars/ant-1.5.jar
qdox - Extension - Name: qdox
qdox - Implementation - Version: 1.5
qdox - Implementation - URL: http: // www.ibiblio.org/maven/qdox/jars/qdox-1.5.jar
Implementation - Vendor - Id: org.apache
X - Compile - Source - JDK: 1.4
X - Compile - Target - JDK: 1.4