Spring IDE的使用

Spring IDE的使用

下载了spring ide, 其具体的使用方法。


Fresh Installation

  1. Add Spring Beans project nature
    • select open project nodes in Eclipse resource navigator, or JDT package explorer
    •  在Eclipse的resource navigator窗口中打开项目,(或者在 JDT package explorer窗口)
    • activate context menu item "Add Spring Beans Project Nature" on selected projects -> these projects are now decorated with a small 'S' in the upper right corner (overwriting other decorators, e.g. Java project decorator 'J') 
    • 在所打开的项目中,右键项目名,选择“Add Spring Beans Project Nature”,这时该项目就会在右上角挂上了“S”. :)
  2. Add references to other Spring projects
    • open project's properties dialog in Eclipse resource navigator or JDT package explorer 
    •  右键项目名,查看其properties,这就打开了"project properties"窗口
    • select the properties page "Project References" from the list 
    •  这时就可以选择 "Project References"
    • select Spring project(s) containing Spring Beans config files which are referenced from within in this project's Spring Beans config sets 
    • 选择 所依赖引用的项目
  3. Add Spring Beans factory config files
    • open project's properties dialog in Eclipse resource navigator or JDT package explorer or via double-clicking a project in the Spring Beans view
    • 同样,再次打开项目的属性对话框,或者也可以打开“Spring Beans View”(这个窗口可以在window->slow view里面打开)
    • select the properties page "Spring Beans Project" from the list
    • 在项目的属性窗口中选择"Spring Beans Project"
    • use button "Add..." to open a selector dialog and select all Spring Beans config files -> added Spring Beans config files are decorated with a small 'S' in the upper right corner
    • 通过“Add”按钮选择Spring配置文件。
    • (optionally) combine config files into config sets with the second tab of the property page (use "New..." to create a new config set and select the config files; use "Move Up" and "Move Down" to change the order of the config files)
  4. Open Spring Beans view
    • select from within any of the added Spring Beans config files opened in an Eclipse editor the menu item "Navigate/Show In/Spring Beans" -> Spring Beans view is opened and the corresponding Spring Beans config file is selected in the view's model
    •  Double clicking on an entry in the view navigates to the corresponding location in the config file
  5. Validate Spring Beans config file
    • save any of the added Spring Beans config files from within an open Eclipse editor -> all errors occured during validation create a problem marker in Eclipse's task view
    • 保存Spring配置文件,这时就可以看到错误了 (俺没有能够在task窗口中看到,但在Bean.xml文件的编辑窗口看到了,嘻嘻~~~)
    • 另外,可以观察一下"Spring beans"那个窗口,在其上面有三个按钮,第三个是"show in property sheet", 这个功能不错哦,可以试一下。当然了,直接看xml文件也是挺好的。

6、非常好的一个功能,在Spring Beans那个窗口中添加好你的Spring配置文件之后,在其中右键你的配置文件,选择“show graph”,it's such a wonderful function~~~~

在线安装地址:  http://springframework.sourceforge.net/spring-ide/eclipse/updatesite/. 

注意哦,在安装的时候,一定要选“Spring framework”,然后才可以装“Spring IDE”(就是Beans Configuration Support啦。)


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