How to add Technorati tag quickly!

How to add Technorati tag quickly!

Just add " Gen Tag " to FireFox bookmark.
But this is customized to myself, if you want to use it, you can do some modification.

Here is the source code:
 1 javascript:(
 2 function () {
 3    var  a = '';
 4    var  t = prompt('Enter Tags:','');
 5    var  addr = prompt('Enter page url:','');
 6    var  tr = t.split(' ');
 7   a += ' < P >< span class = ' + unescape(' % 22 ') + 'technoratitag'
 8        + unescape(' % 22 ') + ' > Technorati Tags: ';
 9    for ( var  i = 0 ;i < tr.length;i ++ ) {
10      if (i  >   0 ) {
11       a += |  ';
12     }
13     a += ' < a href = ' + unescape(' % 22 ') + 'http: //'
14          + tr[i] + unescape(' % 22 ') + ' rel = ' + unescape(' % 22 ') + 'tag'
15          + unescape(' % 22 ') + ' > ' + tr[i] + ' </ a > ';
16   }
17   a += ' </ span >   < a href =% 22http: //'
18        + addr + ' % 22 >< img src =% 22http: //'
19        + 'blogjava_net / blake / Misc / bubble_h17.gif % 22  border =% 220 % 22 /></ a ></ P > ';
20   prompt('Copy  this  code, press OK, then paste to your blog entry:',a);
21 })()

I didn't find a good way to do it in Microsoft IE, maybe need write some tools to generate it. If anybody knows, please tell me. Thanks

Technorati Tags: Technorati | Tag | FireFox Ping Technorati

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