最近一直研究android的视频直播部分,从最开始的直接播放本地视频文件,到使用http、rtsp,mms和udp.但是发现目前支持UDP TS流的很少。
刚刚接触的 Vitamio 网址:http://www.vitamio.org/
发现直播会出现很多丢失声音和画面马赛克。据说Vitamio 也是从vlc分离出来。今天开始就自己试着去研究一下vlc-android.
针对vlc具体介绍,大家可以去看一下vlc的官网 http://www.videolan.org/vlc/
从现在开始,主要研究的是vlc-android 网址:http://www.videolan.org/vlc/download-android.html 大家通过这里可以下载最新的代码。针对vlc-android的介绍大家可以看一下,功能也很强大:
We need help to test VLC under a variety of devices.
Please join us on our forum.
We need funding to:
so VLC works perfectly on Android phones and tablets.
If you are a phone manufacturer or have spare phones, please send them to us :)
Contact us.
VLC can decode video in sofware and hardware mode. Hardware decoding often provides better performance but is not supported on all devices. If your device Android version is below 4.3, software decoding may be the only working option for you.
See here for additional documentation.
We would like to thank people who helped us.
大家可以去这里 http://get.videolan.org/vlc-android/ 下载最新的vlc-android.里面已经有一个VLC.apk.可以下载安装和测试。
也可以从我的git上下载 http://git.oschina.net/cuiran/vlc-android