a little experience on mobile ajax api

mobile ajax api ¶

Table of Contents

   1. Introduction
   2. How to invoke request
         1. 1) asynchronism mode
         2. 2) synchronism mode
   3. How to arouse event
   4. How to invoke response
         1. 1) asynchronism mode
         2. 2) synchronism mode
   5. Summarize the issues
         1. How to do http authentication
         2. How to send request with post method
               1. 1) Send simple message
               2. 2) Upload file data(use multipartBoundary)
                     1. (1) General
                     2. (2) Special for Flickr API
         3. If we can set http header attribute when send request
         4. How to get header attribute from response
         5. How to download file/image
               1. 1) Send parameters to obtain file list
               2. 2) Parse the response from server
               3. 3) Obtain each file's property
               4. 4) Send url to download file
         6. The usages, relathionships of main classes and interfaces in asyncrhonous …
               1. 1) Aid class usages
               2. 2) Interface usages
               3. 3) Main class usages
         7. The usages of all PUBLIC API/interface and related arguments in …
               1. 1) Result class, ResultException? class
               2. 2) Other classes
         8. Progress listeners
         9. See Also

Introduction ¶

Mobile Ajax API are made of 4 parts:a streaming Atom API, A JASON parser API, An Expression Language API and Asynchronous I/O API, the core are A JASON parser API, An Expression Language API and Asynchronous I/O API.The very important core is asynchronous I/O.And Expression Languange is used for invoke JASON parser to parse the data from server and obtain the result;Asynchronous I/O is very important,it offers these functions:

    * Asynchronous versions of HTTP Get and Post
    * HTTP Basic Authentication
    * Multipart MIME (sender only)
    * Progress listeners

How to invoke request ¶

It's very simple for user to invoke Mobile Ajax API, just like below
1) asynchronism mode ¶

private void doGetFriends(){
        final String url,         //http address
        final Arg[] inputArgs,    //parameters behind url
        final Arg[] httpArgs,     //HTTP headers
        final RequestListener listener,    //event listener, monitor progress listener and response listener
        final Object context);             //the UI display


private void doPostFriends(){
        final String url,        //http address,for example "http://twitter.com/statuses/friends.json"
        final Arg[] inputArgs,   //parameters behind url
        final Arg[] httpArgs,    //HTTP headers
        final RequestListener listener,  //event listener, monitor progress listener and response listener
        final PostData multiPart,        //HTTP POST method post data
        final Object context);           //the UI display

2) synchronism mode ¶

private void doGetFriends(){
    Response response = Response.get(
        final String url,        //http address
        final Arg[] inputArgs,   //parameters behind url
        final Arg[] httpArgs,    //HTTP headers
        final RequestListener listener);   //event listener, monitor progress listener and response listener


private void doPostFriends(){
    Response response = Response.post(
        final String url,          //http address
        final Arg[] inputArgs,     //parameters behind url
        final Arg[] httpArgs,      //HTTP headers
        final RequestListener listener,  //event listener, monitor progress listener and response listener
        final PostData multiPart)        //HTTP POST method post data

How to arouse event ¶

Arouse event by implements CommandAction? interface, when click button, commandAction'll invoke accordingly method, for example

public void commandAction(Command c, Displayable d){
    if(c == getFriendsCommand){

How to invoke response ¶
1) asynchronism mode ¶

Need implements the method of RequestListener?,below is one of method we implement.

public void done(final Object context, final Response response) throws Exception {
     handleGetFriendsResponse(response);   //parse data from server

2) synchronism mode ¶

private void doGetFriends(){
    Response response = Response.get(
        final String url,        //http address
        final Arg[] inputArgs,   //parameters behind url
        final Arg[] httpArgs,    //HTTP headers
        final RequestListener listener);   //event listener, monitor progress listener and response listener
    handleGetFriendsResponse(response);   //parse data from server

Summarize the issues ¶
How to do http authentication ¶

        private Arg[] getHttpArgs(String tag){
String credentials = "Basic " + BasicAuth.encode(user, password);
Arg authArg = new Arg(Arg.AUTHORIZATION, credentials);
Arg[] argTag = {authArg};
return tag==null?argTag:null;
Request.get(url, null, getHttpArgs(null), this, context);

How to send request with post method ¶
1) Send simple message ¶

                Arg[] args = {new Arg("source", "twister")};
Request.post(url, args, getHttpArgs(null), this, null, context);

2) Upload file data(use multipartBoundary) ¶
(1) General ¶

                byte[] photoBits = ...    //obtain the file data
                final Arg apiKeyArg = new Arg("api_key", API_KEY);
                final Arg photoArg = new Arg("photo", "img" + Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis(), 16) + ".jpg");
final Arg[] apiKeyArgs = {new Arg(Arg.CONTENT_DISPOSITION, "form-data; name=" + apiKeyArg.getKey())};
                final Arg[] photoArgs = {
                    new Arg(Arg.CONTENT_TYPE, "image/jpeg"),
                    new Arg(Arg.CONTENT_DISPOSITION, "form-data; name=" + photoArg.getKey() + "; filename=" + photoArg.getValue())
final String multipartBoundary = Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis(), 16) + "--" + getClass().getName();
final Arg[] httpArgs = {
new Arg("MIME-Version", "1.0"),
new Arg("Content-Type", "multipart/form-data; boundary=" + multipartBoundary)
final Part[] postData = {
new Part(apiKeyArg.getValue().getBytes(), apiKeyArgs),
new Part(photoBits, photoArgs)};
final PostData mp = new PostData(postData, multipartBoundary);
Request.post(url, null, httpArgs, this, mp, context);

(2) Special for Flickr API ¶

    Add a new Arg to httpArgs, that is apiSigArg, it role is security.At client side, the sign() method dealed with it's value; at server side also do the same thing like sign() method, and then compare them, if different, server'll refuse request; if the same, accept request.

                    byte[] photoBits = ...    //obtain the file data
                    final Arg apiKeyArg = new Arg("api_key", API_KEY);
                    final Arg photoArg = new Arg("photo", "img" + Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis(), 16) + ".jpg");
    final Arg apiSigArg = new Arg("api_sig", null);
    final Arg[] postArgs = { apiKeyArg, photoArg, apiSigArg};
    final Arg[] apiKeyArgs = {new Arg(Arg.CONTENT_DISPOSITION, "form-data; name=" + apiKeyArg.getKey())};
                    final Arg[] photoArgs = {
                        new Arg(Arg.CONTENT_TYPE, "image/jpeg"),
                        new Arg(Arg.CONTENT_DISPOSITION, "form-data; name=" + photoArg.getKey() + "; filename=" + photoArg.getValue())
    final String multipartBoundary = Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis(), 16) + "--" + getClass().getName();
    final Arg[] httpArgs = {
    new Arg("MIME-Version", "1.0"),
    new Arg("Content-Type", "multipart/form-data; boundary=" + multipartBoundary)
    Arg signedArg = sign(postArgs);  //obtain apiSigArg
    final Arg[] apiSigArgs = {new Arg(Arg.CONTENT_DISPOSITION, "form-data; name=" + signedArg.getKey())};
    final Part[] postData = {
    new Part(apiKeyArg.getValue().getBytes(), apiKeyArgs),
                            new Part(photoBits, photoArgs)},
    new Part(signedArg.getValue().getBytes(), apiSigArgs)};
    final PostData mp = new PostData(postData, multipartBoundary);
    Request.post(url, null, httpArgs, this, mp, context);

    Sign() method used for combine all the httpArgs's keys and values,except apiSigArg and postData, then MD5 encryption

    private static Arg sign(final Arg[] args) throws Exception {
            if (args == null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("args cannot be null");
            if (args.length == 0) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("args must not be empty");
            final StringBuffer concat = new StringBuffer();
            // first append the shared secret
            // now append the args, which are assumed to be sorted by key
            for (int i=0; i < args.length; i++) {
                if (args[i] != null) {
                    // do not include the signature or the photo arg in the signature computation
                    final String key = args[i].getKey();
                    if ("api_sig".equals(key) || "photo".equals(key)) {
                    if (key != null) {
                    final String value = args[i].getValue();
                    if (value != null) {
            final byte[] input = concat.toString().getBytes();
            // an md5 hash is 128 bits = 16 bytes
            final byte[] hash = new byte[16];
            final java.security.MessageDigest md = java.security.MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
            md.update(input, 0, input.length);
            md.digest(hash, 0, hash.length);
            final StringBuffer sig = new StringBuffer(hash.length);
            for (int i=0; i < hash.length; i++) {
                sig.append(Integer.toHexString((hash[i] & 0xf0) >>> 4));
                sig.append(Integer.toHexString((hash[i] & 0x0f)));
            // the sig arg, whose value should be null (a placeholder), is replaced with the sig
            int sigIndex = -1;
            for (int i=0; i < args.length; i++) {
                if ("api_sig".equals(args[i].getKey())) {
                    if (args[i].getValue() != null) {
                        throw new IllegalArgumentException("the api_sig arg must be null to replace with the actual signature");
                    sigIndex = i;
            if (sigIndex < 0) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("the api_sig arg must be present");
            return args[sigIndex] = new Arg("api_sig", sig.toString());

If we can set http header attribute when send request ¶

       final Arg[] httpArgs = {
new Arg("MIME-Version", "1.0"),
new Arg("Content-Type", "multipart/form-data; boundary=" + multipartBoundary)
Request.post(url, null, httpArgs, this, mp, context);

How to get header attribute from response ¶

        Arg[] headers = response.getHeaders();

How to download file/image ¶
1) Send parameters to obtain file list ¶

                Arg[] args = {
new Arg("api_key", API_KEY),
new Arg("format", "json"),
Request.get(url, args, null, this, context);

2) Parse the response from server ¶

                Result result = response.getResult();
Photo[] photos = new Photo[result.getSizeOfArray("photos.photo")];  //inner class, saved data
for (int i=0; i < photos.length; i++) {
Photo foto = new Photo();
String root = "photos.photo[" + i + "].";
foto.id = result.getAsString(root + "id");
foto.owner = result.getAsString(root + "owner");
photos[i] = foto;

3) Obtain each file's property ¶

        for (int i=0; i < photos.length; i++) {
final Photo foto = photos[i];
final Image thumb = getImage(foto, "t");
Image getImage(Foto foto,String size){
String imageLoc = "http://farm" + foto.farm + ".static.flickr.com/" +...;
return loadImage(imageLoc);

4) Send url to download file ¶

    private Image loadImage(String location){
                HttpConnection conn = null;
InputStream is = null;
conn = (HttpConnection) Connector.open(location);
                conn.setRequestProperty("accept", "image/*");
final int responseCode = conn.getResponseCode();
if (responseCode != HttpConnection.HTTP_OK) {
// TODO: handle redirects
return null;
int totalToReceive = conn.getHeaderFieldInt(Arg.CONTENT_LENGTH, 0);
is = new ProgressInputStream(conn.openInputStream(), totalToReceive, this, null, 1024);
ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(Math.max(totalToReceive, 8192));
byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];
for (int nread = is.read(buffer); nread >= 0; nread = is.read(buffer)) {
bos.write(buffer, 0, nread);
return Image.createImage(new ByteArrayInputStream(bos.toByteArray()));

The usages, relathionships of main classes and interfaces in asyncrhonous I/O ¶
1) Aid class usages ¶

    BasicAuth? class see How to do http authentication

    Arg, Part, PostData? class see How to send request with post method

    ProgressInputStream? class see Send url to download file

    Response class see Parse the response from server

2) Interface usages ¶

    RequestListener? interface extends ProgressListener? interface and user implements RequestListener?

    include readProgress() method, writeProgress() method, done() method, for example

        public void done(final Object context, final Response response) throws Exception {
if(context==home){  //the UI displayed
handleGetFriendsResponse(response);   //parse data from server

3) Main class usages ¶

    Request class see

    *How to do http authentication
    *How to send request with post method
    *If we can set http header attribute when send request
    *How to get header attribute from response

The usages of all PUBLIC API/interface and related arguments in asynchronous I/O ¶
1) Result class, ResultException? class ¶

                Result result = response.getResult();
try {
Photo[] photos = new Photo[result.getSizeOfArray("photos.photo")];  //inner class, save data
int maxPage = Integer.valueOf(result.getAsString("photos.pages")).intValue();
for (int i=0; i < photos.length; i++) {
Photo foto = new Photo();
String root = "photos.photo[" + i + "].";
foto.id = result.getAsString(root + "id");
foto.owner = result.getAsString(root + "owner");
photos[i] = foto;
for (int i=0; i < photos.length; i++) {
Photo foto = photos[i];
status.setText("Loading " + foto.id);
} catch (ResultException jex) {

2) Other classes ¶

*The usages, relathionships of main classes and interfaces in asyncrhonous I/O
Progress listeners ¶

    Implements ProgressListener? and handle logic at implemented methods

        public void readProgress(final Object context, final int bytes, final int total) {
status.setText(total > 0 ? (((bytes * 100) / total) + "%") : Integer.toString(bytes));  //a StringItem display percentage
public void writeProgress(final Object context, final int bytes, final int total) {
status("Uploading... " + (total > 0 ? (((bytes * 100) / total) + "%") : Integer.toString(bytes)));  //a StringItem display percentage

See Also ¶

