1. SIPp概述
1.1 介绍
它包含了一些基本的SipStone用户代理工作流程(UAC和UAS),并可使用INVITE和B YE建立和释放多个呼叫。它也可以读XML的场景文件,即描述任何性能测试的配置文件。它能动态显示测试运行的统计数据(呼叫速率、信号来回的延迟,以及 消息统计)。周期性地把CSV统计数据转储,在多个套接字上的TCP和UDP,利用重新传输管理的多路复用。在场景定义文件中可以使用正规表达式,动态调 整呼叫速率。
SIPp可以用来测试许多真实的SIP设备,如SIP代理,B2BUAs,SIP媒体服务器,SIP/x网关,SIP PBX,等等,它也可以模仿上千个SIP代理呼叫你的SIP系统。
1.2 用途
2. 安装
2.1 Windows版安装
3. SIPp的使用
3.1 运行SIPp
选择“程序”->”Sipp_3.1”->“Start sipp”,运行界面如下所示:

the scenarios.

First line of this file say whether the data is to be

read in sequence (SEQUENTIAL), random (RANDOM), or user

(USER) order.

Each line corresponds to one call and has one or more

';' delimited data fields. Those fields can be referred

as [field0], [field1],
in the xml scenario file.

Several CSV files can be used simultaneously (syntax:

-inf f1.csv -inf f2.csv

-infindex : file field

Create an index of file using field. For example -inf

users.csv -infindex users.csv 0 creates an index on the

first key.

-ip_field : Set which field from the injection file contains the IP

address from which the client will send its messages.

If this option is omitted and the '-t ui' option is

present, then field 0 is assumed.

Use this option together with '-t ui'

-l : Set the maximum number of simultaneous calls. Once this

limit is reached, traffic is decreased until the number

of open calls goes down. Default:

(3 * call_duration (s) * rate).

-lost : Set the number of packets to lose by default (scenario

specifications override this value).

-m : Stop the test and exit when 'calls' calls are processed

-mi : Set the local media IP address (default: local primary

host IP address)

-master : 3pcc extended mode: indicates the master number

-max_recv_loops : Set the maximum number of messages received read per

cycle. Increase this value for high traffic level. The

default value is 1000.

-max_sched_loops : Set the maximum number of calsl run per event loop.

Increase this value for high traffic level. The default

value is 1000.

-max_reconnect : Set the the maximum number of reconnection.

-max_retrans : Maximum number of UDP retransmissions before call ends on

timeout. Default is 5 for INVITE transactions and 7 for


-max_invite_retrans: Maximum number of UDP retransmissions for invite

transactions before call ends on timeout.

-max_non_invite_retrans: Maximum number of UDP retransmissions for non-invite

transactions before call ends on timeout.

-max_log_size : What is the limit for error and message log file sizes.

-max_socket : Set the max number of sockets to open simultaneously.

This option is significant if you use one socket per

call. Once this limit is reached, traffic is distributed

over the sockets already opened. Default value is 50000

-mb : Set the RTP echo buffer size (default: 2048).

-mp : Set the local RTP echo port number. Default is 6000.

-nd : No Default. Disable all default behavior of SIPp which

are the following:

- On UDP retransmission timeout, abort the call by

sending a BYE or a CANCEL

- On receive timeout with no ontimeout attribute, abort

the call by sending a BYE or a CANCEL

- On unexpected BYE send a 200 OK and close the call

- On unexpected CANCEL send a 200 OK and close the call

- On unexpected PING send a 200 OK and continue the call

- On any other unexpected message, abort the call by

sending a BYE or a CANCEL

-nr : Disable retransmission in UDP mode.

-nostdin : Disable stdin.

-p : Set the local port number. Default is a random free port

chosen by the system.

-pause_msg_ign : Ignore the messages received during a pause defined in

the scenario

-periodic_rtd : Reset response time partition counters each logging


-r : Set the call rate (in calls per seconds). This value can

bechanged during test by pressing '+','_','*' or '/'.

Default is 10.

pressing '+' key to increase call rate by 1 *


pressing '-' key to decrease call rate by 1 *


pressing '*' key to increase call rate by 10 *


pressing '/' key to decrease call rate by 10 *


If the -rp option is used, the call rate is calculated

with the period in ms given by the user.

-rp : Specify the rate period for the call rate. Default is 1

second and default unit is milliseconds. This allows

you to have n calls every m milliseconds (by using -r n

-rp m).

Example: -r 7 -rp 2000 ==> 7 calls every 2 seconds.

-r 10 -rp 5s => 10 calls every 5 seconds.

-rate_scale : Control the units for the '+', '-', '*', and '/' keys.

-rate_increase : Specify the rate increase every -fd units (default is

seconds). This allows you to increase the load for each

independent logging period.

Example: -rate_increase 10 -fd 10s

==> increase calls by 10 every 10 seconds.

-rate_max : If -rate_increase is set, then quit after the rate

reaches this value.

Example: -rate_increase 10 -rate_max 100

==> increase calls by 10 until 100 cps is hit.

-no_rate_quit : If -rate_increase is set, do not quit after the rate

reaches -rate_max.

-recv_timeout : Global receive timeout. Default unit is milliseconds. If

the expected message is not received, the call times out

and is aborted.

-send_timeout : Global send timeout. Default unit is milliseconds. If a

message is not sent (due to congestion), the call times

out and is aborted.

-reconnect_close : Should calls be closed on reconnect?

-reconnect_sleep : How long (in milliseconds) to sleep between the close and


-ringbuffer_files: How many error/message files should be kept after


-ringbuffer_size : How large should error/message files be before they get


-rsa : Set the remote sending address to host:port for sending

the messages.

-rtp_echo : Enable RTP echo. RTP/UDP packets received on port defined

by -mp are echoed to their sender.

RTP/UDP packets coming on this port + 2 are also echoed

to their sender (used for sound and video echo).

-rtt_freq : freq is mandatory. Dump response times every freq calls

in the log file defined by -trace_rtt. Default value is


-s : Set the username part of the resquest URI. Default is


-sd : Dumps a default scenario (embeded in the sipp executable)

-sf : Loads an alternate xml scenario file. To learn more

about XML scenario syntax, use the -sd option to dump

embedded scenarios. They contain all the necessary help.

-oocsf : Load out-of-call scenario.

-oocsn : Load out-of-call scenario.

-skip_rlimit : Do not perform rlimit tuning of file descriptor limits.

Default: false.

-slave : 3pcc extended mode: indicates the slave number

-slave_cfg : 3pcc extended mode: indicates the file where the master

and slave addresses are stored

-sn : Use a default scenario (embedded in the sipp executable).

If this option is omitted, the Standard SipStone UAC

scenario is loaded.

Available values in this version:

- 'uac' : Standard SipStone UAC (default).

- 'uas' : Simple UAS responder.

- 'regexp' : Standard SipStone UAC - with regexp and


- 'branchc' : Branching and conditional branching in

scenarios - client.

- 'branchs' : Branching and conditional branching in

scenarios - server.

Default 3pcc scenarios (see -3pcc option):

- '3pcc-C-A' : Controller A side (must be started after

all other 3pcc scenarios)

- '3pcc-C-B' : Controller B side.

- '3pcc-A' : A side.

- '3pcc-B' : B side.

-stat_delimiter : Set the delimiter for the statistics file

-stf : Set the file name to use to dump statistics

-t : Set the transport mode:

- u1: UDP with one socket (default),

- un: UDP with one socket per call,

- ui: UDP with one socket per IP address The IP

addresses must be defined in the injection file.

- t1: TCP with one socket,

- tn: TCP with one socket per call,

- l1: TLS with one socket,

- ln: TLS with one socket per call,

- c1: u1 + compression (only if compression plugin


- cn: un + compression (only if compression plugin

loaded). This plugin is not provided with sipp.
3.2 使用SIPp进行压力测试
sipp -sn uas -i -p 5060

启动客户端使用:sipp -sn uac….,使用如下:
sipp -sn uac -m 1 -i -p 6060 -s 01012345678


sipp -sn uac -i -p 6060 -s 01012345678



vmstat 命令报告关于内核线程、虚拟内存、磁盘、陷阱和 CPU 活动的统计信息。由 vmstat 命令生成的报告可以用于平衡系统负载活动。系统范围内的这些统计信息(所有的处理器中)都计算出以百分比表示的平均值,或者计算其总和。
vmstat 3
表示每隔3s显示内核线程、虚拟内存、磁盘、陷阱和 CPU 活动的统计信息。界面如下所示:


1) 按“+”键表示在当前caps的基础中加1;
2) 按“-”键表示在当前caps的基础中减1;
3) 按“*”键表示在当前caps的基础中+运行起点的caps,例如10caps,按“*”后,变成20,再按“*”变成30.