使用mylyn在eclipse中同步google code的issuse

使用mylyn在eclipse中同步google code的issuse

google code不错,稳定,好用。
但是mylyn官方默认支持bugizla, jira, trac,对与google code的支持是通过
http:// download.eclipse.org/tools/mylyn/update/incubator
进行eclipse update更新。


The instructions I previously posted to set up Mylyn to work with Google Code do not seem to work with Eclipse 3.4 (Ganymede). Luckily, readers of the previous post have kindly left comments with updated instructions on how to make this tool work again (many thanks to Christopher Barber, RoSt, Sergey Kolos and LI Daobing.)

Here we go:

  1. Update Mylyn to version 3.0.2.

    使用mylyn在eclipse中同步google code的issuse_第1张图片
    1. Go to the "Software Updates" dialog (menu "Menu" / "Software Updates...")
    2. Once in the dialog, select the "Installed Software" tab and press the "Update..." button
    3. Eclipse will look for updates of all the Eclipse plugins installed (warning: this is painfully slow)
    4. Once the list of "Available Updates" is generated, select Mylyn, accept the license terms and press the "Finish" button
    5. Restart Eclipse once the update process is complete
  2. Download the Web Templates Connector for Mylyn.

    1. Go to the "Software Updates" dialog (menu "Menu" / "Software Updates...")
    2. Once in the dialog, select the "Available Software" tab
    3. Add a new site with the URL http://download.eclipse.org/tools/mylyn/update/incubator (Mylyn Incubator)
    4. Select the connector Mylyn Connector: Web Templates (Advanced)
    5. Press the "Install" button (warning: this is also painfully slow)
  3. Open the "Task Repositories" View (menu "Window" / "Show View" / "Other...")

    使用mylyn在eclipse中同步google code的issuse_第2张图片
  4. Click on the "Add Task Repository" button.
  5. In the "Add Task Repository" wizard, select "Web Template (Advanced)" and click "Next."

    使用mylyn在eclipse中同步google code的issuse_第3张图片
  6. Select "Eclipse Outliner (Google Code)" from the drop-down (this is the provided template.)

    使用mylyn在eclipse中同步google code的issuse_第4张图片
  7. Change the server link and label (in my case I used http://code.google.com/p/fest and "FEST," respectively)
  8. Change the query request URL to
  9. Change the query pattern to
  10. Right-click the new task repository and create a new query.
  11. Voilà! Now you can see all the tasks in your repository, including the completed ones!

    使用mylyn在eclipse中同步google code的issuse_第5张图片

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