1、 矩阵的定义
template<typename _Scalar, int _Rows, int _Cols, int _Options, int _MaxRows, int _MaxCols> struct traits<Matrix<_Scalar, _Rows, _Cols, _Options, _MaxRows, _MaxCols> > .......
typedef Matrix<double,Dynamic, Dynamic> MatrixXd;
typedef Matrix< double , 3 , 1> Vector3d |
Vector2d a(5.0, 6.0); Vector3d b(5.0, 6.0, 7.0); Vector4d c(5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0);
#include <iostream> #include <Eigen/Dense> using namespace Eigen; using namespace std; int main() { MatrixXd m = MatrixXd::Random(3,3); m = (m + MatrixXd::Constant(3,3,1.2)) * 50; cout << "m =" << endl << m << endl; VectorXd v(3); v << 1, 2, 3; cout << "m * v =" << endl << m * v << endl; }代码段2:
#include <iostream> #include <Eigen/Dense> using namespace Eigen; using namespace std; int main() { Matrix3d m = Matrix3d::Random(); m = (m + Matrix3d::Constant(1.2)) * 50; cout << "m =" << endl << m << endl; Vector3d v(1,2,3); cout << "m * v =" << endl << m * v << endl; }说明:
1)代码段1中MatrixXd表示任意大小的元素类型为double的矩阵变量,其大小只有在运行时被赋值之后才能知道; MatrixXd::Random(3,3)表示产生一个元素类型为double的3*3的临时矩阵对象。
2) 代码段2中Matrix3d表示元素类型为double大小为3*3的矩阵变量,其大小在编译时就知道;
4)向量只是一个特殊的矩阵,其一个维度为1而已,如:typedef Matrix< double , 3 , 1> Vector3d
#include <iostream> #include <Eigen/Dense> using namespace Eigen; int main() { MatrixXd m(2,2); m(0,0) = 3; m(1,0) = 2.5; m(0,1) = -1; m(1,1) = m(1,0) + m(0,1); std::cout << "Here is the matrix m:\n" << m << std::endl; VectorXd v(2); v(0) = 4; v(1) = v(0) - 1; std::cout << "Here is the vector v:\n" << v << std::endl; }其输出结果为:
Here is the matrix m: 3 -1 2.5 1.5 Here is the vector v: 4 3
针对向量还提供[]操作符,注意矩阵则不可如此使用,原因为:在C++中m[i, j]中逗号表达式 “i, j”的值始终都是“j”的值,即m[i, j]对于C++来讲就是m[j];
Matrix3f m; m << 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9; std::cout << m;输出结果为:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
VectorXf m_Vector_A; MatrixXf m_matrix_B; int m_iN =-1; bool InitData(int pSrc[100][100], int iWidth, int iHeight) { if (NULL == pSrc || iWidth <=0 || iHeight <= 0) return false; m_iN = iWidth*iHeight; VectorXf tmp_A(m_iN); MatrixXf tmp_B(m_iN, 5); int i =0, j=0, iPos =0; while(i<iWidth) { j=0; while(j<iHeight) { tmp_A(iPos) = pSrc[i][j] * log((float)pSrc[i][j]); tmp_B(iPos,0) = pSrc[i][j] ; tmp_B(iPos,1) = pSrc[i][j] * i; tmp_B(iPos,2) = pSrc[i][j] * j; tmp_B(iPos,3) = pSrc[i][j] * i * i; tmp_B(iPos,4) = pSrc[i][j] * j * j; ++iPos; ++j; } ++i; } m_Vector_A = tmp_A; m_matrix_B = tmp_B; }
MatrixXf a(2,2); std::cout << "a is of size " << a.rows() << "x" << a.cols() << std::endl; MatrixXf b(3,3); a = b; std::cout << "a is now of size " << a.rows() << "x" << a.cols() << std::endl;
a is of size 2x2 a is now of size 3x3
二元操作符+/-表示两矩阵相加(矩阵中对应元素相加/减,返回一个临时矩阵): B+C 或 B-C;
一元操作符-表示对矩阵取负(矩阵中对应元素取负,返回一个临时矩阵): -C;
组合操作法+=或者-=表示(对应每隔元素都做相应操作):A += B 或者 A-=B
#include <iostream> #include <Eigen/Dense> using namespace Eigen; int main() { Matrix2d a; a << 1, 2, 3, 4; MatrixXd b(2,2); b << 2, 3, 1, 4; std::cout << "a + b =\n" << a + b << std::endl; std::cout << "a - b =\n" << a - b << std::endl; std::cout << "Doing a += b;" << std::endl; a += b; std::cout << "Now a =\n" << a << std::endl; Vector3d v(1,2,3); Vector3d w(1,0,0); std::cout << "-v + w - v =\n" << -v + w - v << std::endl; }输出结果为:
a + b = 3 5 4 8 a - b = -1 -1 2 0 Doing a += b; Now a = 3 5 4 8 -v + w - v = -1 -4 -6
对于a*A、A/a、A*=a、A /=a也是一样,例如下面的代码:
#include <iostream> #include <Eigen/Dense> using namespace Eigen; int main() { Matrix2d a; a << 1, 2, 3, 4; Vector3d v(1,2,3); std::cout << "a * 2.5 =\n" << a * 2.5 << std::endl; std::cout << "0.1 * v =\n" << 0.1 * v << std::endl; std::cout << "Doing v *= 2;" << std::endl; v *= 2; std::cout << "Now v =\n" << v << std::endl; }输出结果为:
a * 2.5 = 2.5 5 7.5 10 0.1 * v = 0.1 0.2 0.3 Doing v *= 2; Now v = 2 4 6
在Eigen中,算术操作例如 “操作符+”并不会自己执行计算操作,他们只是返回一个“算术表达式对象”,而实际的计算则会延迟到后面的赋值时才进行。这些不影响你的使用,它只是为了方便Eigen的优化。
可以通过 成员函数transpose(), conjugate(),和 adjoint()来完成,注意这些函数返回操作后的结果,而不会对原矩阵的元素进行直接操作,如果要让原矩阵的进行转换,则需要使用响应的InPlace函数,例如:transposeInPlace() 、 adjointInPlace() 之类。
MatrixXcf a = MatrixXcf::Random(2,2); cout << "Here is the matrix a\n" << a << endl; cout << "Here is the matrix a^T\n" << a.transpose() << endl; cout << "Here is the conjugate of a\n" << a.conjugate() << endl; cout << "Here is the matrix a^*\n" << a.adjoint() << endl;输出结果为:
Here is the matrix a (-0.211,0.68) (-0.605,0.823) (0.597,0.566) (0.536,-0.33) Here is the matrix a^T (-0.211,0.68) (0.597,0.566) (-0.605,0.823) (0.536,-0.33) Here is the conjugate of a (-0.211,-0.68) (-0.605,-0.823) (0.597,-0.566) (0.536,0.33) Here is the matrix a^* (-0.211,-0.68) (0.597,-0.566) (-0.605,-0.823) (0.536,0.33)
#include <iostream> #include <Eigen/Dense> using namespace Eigen; int main() { Matrix2d mat; mat << 1, 2, 3, 4; Vector2d u(-1,1), v(2,0); std::cout << "Here is mat*mat:\n" << mat*mat << std::endl; std::cout << "Here is mat*u:\n" << mat*u << std::endl; std::cout << "Here is u^T*mat:\n" << u.transpose()*mat << std::endl; std::cout << "Here is u^T*v:\n" << u.transpose()*v << std::endl; std::cout << "Here is u*v^T:\n" << u*v.transpose() << std::endl; std::cout << "Let's multiply mat by itself" << std::endl; mat = mat*mat; std::cout << "Now mat is mat:\n" << mat << std::endl; }输出结果为:
Here is mat*mat: 7 10 15 22 Here is mat*u: 1 1 Here is u^T*mat: 2 2 Here is u^T*v: -2 Here is u*v^T: -2 -0 2 0 Let's multiply mat by itself Now mat is mat: 7 10 15 22--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
matrix.block(i,j,p,q); (1) matrix.block<p,q>(i,j); (2)定义(1)表示返回从矩阵的(i, j)开始,每行取p个元素,每列取q个元素所组成的临时新矩阵对象,原矩阵的元素不变。
定义(2)中block(p, q)可理解为一个p行q列的子矩阵,该定义表示从原矩阵中第(i, j)开始,获取一个p行q列的子矩阵,返回该子矩阵组成的临时 矩阵对象,原矩阵的元素不变。
#include <Eigen/Dense> #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { Eigen::MatrixXf m(4,4); m << 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10,11,12, 13,14,15,16; cout << "Block in the middle" << endl; cout << m.block<2,2>(1,1) << endl << endl; for (int i = 1; i <= 3; ++i) { cout << "Block of size " << i << "x" << i << endl; cout << m.block(0,0,i,i) << endl << endl; } }输出的结果为:
Block in the middle 6 7 10 11 Block of size 1x1 1 Block of size 2x2 1 2 5 6 Block of size 3x3 1 2 3 5 6 7 9 10 11通过上述方式获取的子矩阵即可以作为左值也可以作为右值,也就是即可以用这个子矩阵给其他矩阵赋值,也可以给这个子矩阵对象赋值。
#include <Eigen/Dense> #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { Eigen::MatrixXf m(3,3); m << 1,2,3, 4,5,6, 7,8,9; cout << "Here is the matrix m:" << endl << m << endl; cout << "2nd Row: " << m.row(1) << endl; m.col(2) += 3 * m.col(0); cout << "After adding 3 times the first column into the third column, the matrix m is:\n"; cout << m << endl; }输出结果为:
Here is the matrix m: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2nd Row: 4 5 6 After adding 3 times the first column into the third column, the matrix m is: 1 2 6 4 5 18 7 8 303)向量的块操作,其实向量只是一个特殊的矩阵,但是Eigen也为它单独提供了一些简化的块操作,如下三种形式:
#include <Eigen/Dense> #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { Eigen::ArrayXf v(6); v << 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; cout << "v.head(3) =" << endl << v.head(3) << endl << endl; cout << "v.tail<3>() = " << endl << v.tail<3>() << endl << endl; v.segment(1,4) *= 2; cout << "after 'v.segment(1,4) *= 2', v =" << endl << v << endl; }输出结果为:
v.head(3) = 1 2 3 v.tail<3>() = 4 5 6 after 'v.segment(1,4) *= 2', v = 1 4 6 8 10 6
Decomposition | Method | Requirements on the matrix | Speed | Accuracy |
PartialPivLU | partialPivLu() | Invertible | ++ | + |
FullPivLU | fullPivLu() | None | - | +++ |
HouseholderQR | householderQr() | None | ++ | + |
ColPivHouseholderQR | colPivHouseholderQr() | None | + | ++ |
FullPivHouseholderQR | fullPivHouseholderQr() | None | - | +++ |
LLT | llt() | Positive definite | +++ | + |
LDLT | ldlt() | Positive or negative semidefinite | +++ | ++ |
void QR2() { Matrix3d A; A<<1,1,1, 2,-1,-1, 2,-4,5; HouseholderQR<Matrix3d> qr; qr.compute(A); MatrixXd R = qr.matrixQR().triangularView<Upper>(); MatrixXd Q = qr.householderQ(); std::cout << "QR2(): HouseholderQR---------------------------------------------"<< std::endl; std::cout << "A "<< std::endl <<A << std::endl << std::endl; std::cout <<"qr.matrixQR()"<< std::endl << qr.matrixQR() << std::endl << std::endl; std::cout << "R"<< std::endl <<R << std::endl << std::endl; std::cout << "Q "<< std::endl <<Q << std::endl << std::endl; std::cout <<"Q*R" << std::endl <<Q*R << std::endl << std::endl; }输出结果为: