I am developing the JSP portlet using plugin sdk.
I want to implement AJAX in this portlet.
I am facing the problem while sending the URL in
type: "GET",
url: "/changemode.jsp",
data: "modeVal=rahul",
success: function(msg){
alert( "Data Saved: " + msg );
the changemode.jsp is @ same location as the calling JSP.
It doest show any error msg, but the changemode.jsp is not get called.
Please advice.
Thanks in advance.
you need to pass url like that
var url = '<portlet:renderURL windowState="<%= LiferayWindowState.EXCLUSIVE.toString() %>"><portlet:param name="struts_action" value="/ext/search/changemode" /></portlet:renderURL>';
and struts action entry should be in struts-config.xml and tiles-defs.xml
Use the serveResource() method (javax.portlet.GenericPortlet):
1 public void serveResource(ResourceRequest request, ResourceResponse response)
2 throws PortletException, IOException {
4 // Make the parameter "modeVal" available in changeMode.jsp
5 String modeVal = ParamUtil.getString(request, "modeVal");
6 request.setAttribute("modeVal", modeVal);
8 // Dispatch to changeMode.jsp
9 PortletRequestDispatcher dispatcher = getPortletContext().getRequestDispatcher(
10 "/WEB-INF/jsp/changeMode.jsp");
11 dispatcher.include(request, response);
12 }
In your jsp, set the url to <portlet:resourceURL/> :
1 jQuery.ajax({
2 type: "GET",
3 url: "<portlet:resourceURL />",
4 data: "modeVal=rahul",
5 success: function(msg){
6 alert( "Data Saved: " + msg );
7 }});
If you need to handle dispatching to more than one page, specify an id like this:
1 <portlet:resourceURL id="changeMode" />
Check the id in serveResource() to decide where to dispatch the request.
1 if( request.getResourceID().equals("changeMode")) {
2 . . .
3 }
It is really helpful .... now i'm one step ahead ...
I have some question regarding serveResource() method .....
1. should i write a servlet class which extends form GenericServlet and implement serveResource() method.
2. But in that case while calling that servlet from jsp with url <portlet:resourceURL /> what
should my url mapping of <servlet-mapping> in web.xml
3. Is it possible to set session a value in the same servlet and use it later.
4. On which object should i set session. PortletSession or HttpSession.
Hi Rahul, good to hear that you're making progress!
Now, for your additional questions ...
1. Extend
javax.portlet.GenericPortlet , example:
1 package com.example.portal.test.ajax;
3 import java.io.IOException;
5 import javax.portlet.GenericPortlet;
6 import javax.portlet.PortletException;
7 import javax.portlet.PortletRequestDispatcher;
8 import javax.portlet.RenderRequest;
9 import javax.portlet.RenderResponse;
10 import javax.portlet.ResourceRequest;
11 import javax.portlet.ResourceResponse;
13 import com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.ParamUtil;
15 public class AjaxPortlet extends GenericPortlet {
17 @Override
18 public void serveResource(ResourceRequest request, ResourceResponse response)
19 throws PortletException, IOException {
21 // Make the parameter "modeVal" available in changeMode.jsp
22 String modeVal = ParamUtil.getString(request, "modeVal");
23 request.setAttribute("modeVal", modeVal);
25 // Dispatch to changeMode.jsp
26 PortletRequestDispatcher dispatcher = getPortletContext().getRequestDispatcher(
27 "/WEB-INF/jsp/changeMode.jsp");
28 dispatcher.include(request, response);
29 }
31 @Override
32 public void doView(RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response) throws PortletException, IOException {
33 PortletRequestDispatcher dispatcher = getPortletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/view.jsp");
34 dispatcher.include(request, response);
35 }
37 }
2. Specify the above
portlet class in
/WEB-INF/portlet.xml :
1 <portlet-class>com.example.portal.test.ajax.AjaxPortlet</portlet-class>
3. and 4. If you're not using servlets in your application, use PortletSession. If you need to share session between servlet and portlet, refer to
this article.
but now i'm confused because i already have an entry in portlet.xml for <portlet-class> so,
can a portlet have more than one <portlet-class> and if yes what property needs to be set.
If not then can you suggest any other way ....
You cannot have more than one entry for <portlet-class> in portlet.xml
Is your existing entry
com.liferay.util.bridges.MVCPortlet ? This class extends LiferayPortlet which extends GenericPortlet. MVCPortlet implements serveResource() like this:
1 public void serveResource(
2 ResourceRequest resourceRequest, ResourceResponse resourceResponse)
3 throws IOException, PortletException {
5 String jspPage = resourceRequest.getParameter("jspPage");
7 if (jspPage != null) {
8 include(
9 jspPage, resourceRequest, resourceResponse,
10 PortletRequest.RESOURCE_PHASE);
11 }
12 else {
13 super.serveResource(resourceRequest, resourceResponse);
14 }
15 }
If this does not suit your needs, you have to replace the entry in <portlet-class> with your own extension of GenericPortlet (e.g., AjaxPortlet).