Java Web services 开发之概述

Java Web services 开发之概述
Web services 是一系列相互关联的应用函数,它们可以在Internet上被调用。Web services 是独立的、可以自己解释自己的组件,可以在Web上发布、定位、和调用。

Web services 的种类可以为三种:


Web services 的业务角色和交互

可以分为service provider, service broker, and service client

  • Service providers create and deploy their Web services and can publish the availability of their WSDL-described services through a service registry, such as a UDDI Business Registry.
  • service provider主要是建立发布Web services。

  • Service brokers register and categorize published services and provide search services. For example, UDDI acts as a service broker for WSDL-described Web services.
  • Service brokers 是归类并注册Web services,以利于查询。

  • Service clients use broker services such as the UDDI Business Registry to discover a needed WSDL-described service and then bind to and call the service provider.
  • Service clients 则是在Service brokers中查找到Web services,然后绑定到Service providers并调用之。



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