
接入UART输出LOG,发现接入USBuboot能跑起来,而且在跑到检测是否有USB接入这段代码的时候就退出了,因为检测不到USB了。为啥? 此时用示波器观测Vbus,发现出现这种情况的时候,VBUS电压在4.38V,也就是说低于设备能正常识别USB的电压4.5V。通过阅读芯片手册,发现VINDPM默认配置是01104.36V),IINLIM3AICHG默认配置是2048mA。在这种情况下,接入USB设备启动、芯片被激活,此时由于DPM机制的作用,BQ24296将试图以尽可能大的电流给电池充电,当电脑的USB驱动能力不够强的情况下,那么就有可能把VBUS拉低到寄存器VINDPM所配置的值,而芯片默认的VINDPM4.36V,所以就出现了接入USB无法启动机器的情况。
Dynamic Power Management To meet maximum current limit in USB spec and avoid over loading the adapter, the device features Dynamic Power Management (DPM), which continuously monitors the input current and input voltage.When input source is over-loaded, either the current exceeds the input current limit (REG00[2:0]) or the voltage  falls below the input voltage limit (REG00[6:3]). The device then reduces the charge current until the input current  falls below the input current limit and the input voltage rises above the input voltage limit.When the charge current is reduced to zero, but the input source is still overloaded, the system voltage starts to  drop. Once the system voltage falls below the battery voltage, the device automatically enters the supplement mode where the BATFET turns on and battery starts discharging so that the system is supported from both the  input source and battery.
