如果@Provides方法很复杂的话,可以将这些代码移动到单独的类中。这个类需要实现Guice的Provider 接口,该接口定义如下
public interface Provider<T> { T get(); }
为一个generic 接口。
public class PathProvider implements Provider<Path>{ private String pathdata = "M 60 20 Q -40 70 60 120 Q 160 70 60 20 z"; @Override public Path get() { return Path.fromString(pathdata); } }
public class ProviderBindingsDemo extends Graphics2DActivity{ @Inject Path path; protected void drawImage(){ AffineTransform mat1; // Colors Color redColor = new Color(0x96ff0000, true); Color greenColor = new Color(0xff00ff00); Color blueColor = new Color(0x750000ff, true); mat1 = new AffineTransform(); mat1.translate(30, 40); mat1.rotate(-30 * Math.PI / 180.0); // Clear the canvas with white color. graphics2D.clear(Color.WHITE); graphics2D.setAffineTransform(new AffineTransform()); SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(greenColor); graphics2D.fill(brush, path); graphics2D.setAffineTransform(mat1); brush = new SolidBrush(blueColor); com.mapdigit.drawing.Pen pen = new com.mapdigit.drawing.Pen(redColor, 5); graphics2D.setPenAndBrush(pen, brush); graphics2D.draw(null, path); graphics2D.fill(null, path); } }