Siebel Admin: Add Siebel Application Screen to Screen Tab

Add Siebel Application Screen to Screen Tab

November 10, 2009


When you are beginning to analyze a new area, such as Order Management, you might be hope add some common screen to the Screen Tab in order to speed up your work. For example, Administration - Product Screen.

If you want to achieve this purpose, please follow me.


1. Open a Siebel Application and go to Application-level menu, click Help > View

Note: please ensure you are in the home page.

Siebel Admin: Add Siebel Application Screen to Screen Tab_第1张图片

2. Copy following info to another place.

View: CUT Home Page View (CME)

3. Click the screen link from sitemap. (I take ‘Administration – Product Screen’ for example)

4. Go to Application-level menu, click Help > View

Siebel Admin: Add Siebel Application Screen to Screen Tab_第2张图片

5. Copy following info to another place.

Screen: ISS Unified Administration Screen

View: ISS Product Administration View

6. Startup Siebel Tools

7. Extend Application section from Object Explorer (OE)

Siebel Admin: Add Siebel Application Screen to Screen Tab_第3张图片

8. In the OLBE, query your application in Acknowledgment Web View with your keyword ‘CUT Home Page View (CME)’

This view name is what you copied in step2


9. Lock the application that you found and extend Page Tab section from OE.

Siebel Admin: Add Siebel Application Screen to Screen Tab_第4张图片

10. In the Page Tab view, create a new record and fill its field as following.

Screen: ISS Unified Administration Screen (this name is what you copied in step5)

Text: Administration - Product (Any String is OK. It determines the string that will be displayed in the Screen Tab)

Sequence:50 (Any numeral is OK. This number determines the display sequence of the screens)

11. Compile SRF and re-startup you Siebel Application to check outcome.



For any question, please contact me.

[email protected]

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