select KPGYSBH,KPGYSMC,KPGYS from (select distinct KPGYS, wldwbh KPGYSBH,wldwmc KPGYSMC,ZTXXIDS
from t_rkd, t_wldwxx where t_rkd.KPGYS=t_wldwxx.wldwxxid and t_rkd.state='审核通过' and DJLXID ='LXCGRK'
and coalesce(t_rkd.rkbj,0) = 1 and coalesce(t_rkd.kpbj,0) =0
select distinct GHGYS as KPGYS, wldwbh KPGYSBH,wldwmc KPGYSMC,ZTXXIDS from
T_CGHD, t_wldwxx where T_CGHD.GHGYS=t_wldwxx.wldwxxid and T_CGHD.state='审核通过'
and coalesce(T_CGHD.kpbj,0) =1) as a where ( 1=1 and (posstr(ZTXXIDS,'ZTXX20050113095312453') <> 0)
AND KPGYS in (select wldwxxid from t_wldwxx) and 1=1) order by KPGYSBH DESC fetch first 120 rows only ;
2, 确定是 t_rkd.kpbj =1 已经全部做完了。
3,不能在 新增该厂商了,可以通过搜索 入库单号去查询已经做过的了。
高 权限 :select * from T_UserQX where XTYHID='XTYH20100623160358271' AND MKBHJB like 'CW0020101%';
select * from T_UserQX where XTYHID='XTYH20110421134532926' AND MKBHJB like 'CW0020101%';