号外 CXF is JAX-WS certified in Geronimo 2.0-M6-RC1!

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The Apache Geronimo team just announced that they’re JEE certified as of today with their 2.0-M6-RC1 release. This is especially good news from a CXF point of view as Geronimo used CXF for JAX-WS certification!

A big congratulations to everyone on the Geronimo and CXF teams. Some people that deserve an especially large thanks for helping certify CXF inside G include Dan Kulp, Jarek Gawor, Jeff Genender, Jervis Liu,  Jim Ma, and I’m sure many others as well. (I’m pretty sure that I’ll be permanently remembered as the guy who kept breaking the Geronimo build in an effort to add some of the missing features, so I’m lucky these people are still talking to me ;-)).


顺便说一下Jervis Liu 坐我对面, Jim Ma坐我旁边。再次祝贺他们:)

