#include<iostream> #include <vector> using namespace std; int main() { unsigned int off,len;//子串开始位置,长度 vector<char>v;//声明容器 char temp; //确保空格也能读进去 while (cin.get(temp)&&temp!='\n') { v.push_back(temp);//添加元素 } cout<<v.size()<<endl; cout<<"Please input the starting position and the length of substring\n"; cin.clear();//恢复流状态 cin>>off>>len; if((off+len)-1>v.size())//判断求子串的输入是否有误 { cout<<"Wrong Input!"<<endl; return 0; } for (vector<char>::iterator iter=v.begin()+off-1;iter!=v.begin()+off+len-1;iter++)//输出子串 { cout<<*iter; } cout<<endl; for(int i=off-1;i<off+len-1;i++) { cout<<v[i]; } cout<<endl; return 1; } //*********wuxinliulei于2010/7/7*******************************
发现了 如下问题:向量vector的变量cvec的函数值cvecc.size()是unsigned的类型
然后提示输入beg 与 len
比如输入 3 5
则输出34567 从3开始的5个字符
cvec .begn() 其实是从1开始的,比如cvec.begin()+len 就代表已经到达了数组的len+1的位置而不是第len个字符
#include <string> // 使用 string 类时须包含这个文件 #include <iostream> #include<cstdio> using namespace std; int main() { string str1; // 输入与输出 cout << "输入字符串 str1: (cin>> 遇到空格就停止了)" << endl; cin >> str1; getchar(); cout << str1 << endl; // 一行行读取 cout << "输入字符串 str1: (getline(cin,stringName)是逐行读取的)" << endl; getline( cin, str1 ); cout << str1 << endl; // 与 c字符转换 string str2("Hello World!"), str3; char str4[50]; cout << "输入 C 字符串" << endl; scanf("%s",str4); str3= str4; //string类型可以直接赋值 C语言字符串当然不行的 cout << "str2 is " << str2 << endl; cout << "str3 is " << str3 << endl; // 求字符串的长度 string str5; cout << "输入字符串 str5" << endl; cin >> str5; int len= str5.size(); cout << "字符串 str5的长度为" << len << endl << endl << endl; // 遍历字符串例子 string str6; cout << "输入字符串 str6" << endl; cin >> str6; unsigned i; for( i= 0; i< str6.size(); ++i ) cout << str6[i]<<" "; cout << endl << endl; // 比较两个字符串 比较规则同 c字符串比较规则 string str7, str8; cout << "输入字符串 str7, str8 , 中间用空格格开" << endl; cin >> str7 >> str8; if( str7< str8 ) cout << str7 << " 小于 " << str8 << endl; else if( str7> str8 ) cout << str7 << " 大于 " << str8 << endl; else cout << str7 << " 等于 " << str8 << endl; // 字符串与字符相加 string str9= "Darren"; char ch1= 'a', ch2= 'b'; str9= str9+ ch1; cout << str9 << endl; str9= ch2+ str9; cout << str9 << endl; // 字符串与字符串相加 string str10= "Acm", str11= "ICPC"; str10.append( str11 ); cout << str10 << endl; // 字符串是否包含子串 如果包含 则返回子串在目标串中第一次出现的位置 string str12= "I am a student", str13= "student", str14= "aaaaaaa"; if( (int)str12.find( str13 )!= -1 ) cout << "Find " << str13 << endl; if( (int)str12.find( str14 )== -1 ) cout << "Not Find " << str14 << endl; // 转换成 c_字符串 string str15= "Hello World"; printf("%s\n", str15.c_str() ); //求取子串 string str16="We think in generalities, but we live in details."; // (quoting Alfred N. Whitehead) string str17 = str16.substr (12,12); // "generalities" unsigned pos = str16.find("live"); // position of "live" in str printf("%d\n",pos); string str18 = str16.substr (pos); // get from "live" to the end cout << str17 << ' ' << str18<< '\n'; return 0; }
#include<cstdio> int main() { int start,end,i,j; char s[100]; gets(s); char *p=s; printf("请输入你想要的子串范围(0开始,开始位置,结束位置):\n"); scanf("%d%d",&start,&end); i = start; while(i<=end) { putchar(*(p+i)); i++; } printf("\n"); char *ans; i = start; j = 0; while(i<=end) { *(ans+j) = *(p+i); i++;j++; } *(ans+j)='\0'; printf("%s",ans); return 0; }