2006 年8月28日 星期一
Toeic 考记
02 年在比利时的时候,曾经参加过一次 toeic 的一次模拟考,当时感觉题量好大,到最后考完,都还剩 20 多题没做,最后的分数倒还可以, 700 多分,而事隔 4 年,我再次参加同样的英语考试,一方面是为了证明自己的水平,另一方面也是保持自己不中断英语学习的一个外在方式。那次的印象比较深刻,所以这次也不敢掉以轻心,非常注意做题的速度,在最后做完时,还有 10 分钟左右,当时心情就感觉很爽,因为成功做完了,而且感觉难度并不大,正确率在控制范围之内。所以现在也对成绩相当乐观,肯定比 4 年前要好,不知道是 toeic 的难度下降了还是自己确实进步了,虽然四年间一直有学英语,但那时身处英语环境之中,听读能力应该是很有状态的。所以很难说了。
说到复习,大约花了 2 个月,不是很高强度,一开始是背单词,买了本 20 多块的词汇,分不同的主题。每个主题后有些练习,于是头一遍就是背完,再盖住单词,看着中文解释来写词,然后就做习题。这样过来了一个多月,中间也保持轮转前进,然后就开始第二遍,最后临考前一周读句子,过一遍生僻词,这期间,和 gf 互相考,挺搞笑,她考我单词,我考她中药处方,呵呵。从第二个月开始还买了本阅读练习,但感觉没什么意义,难度很低, 20 多块钱,十来天就给全部做完了。算是练练手吧。事实也证明,背单词的那一部分很有效,很多词都出现了, 边做心里边开花。。。 ^_^
现在就等着 2 周后确认成绩,希望能如愿拿到 800+ 吧,告别了托业,也要开始考虑下一个认证考试了,但由于求职日期一天天在迫近,暂时把精力放到技术学习上来,在春节过后,就要启动新的认证计划~!
Monday, August 28, 2006
After Toeic
After some easy review for about 2 months, I surprisingly enjoyed the toeic test taken yesterday, although the good mood soon disappeared after I watched the b-ball game on the world championship tournament between china and Greece at night.
I had once taken a toeic test 4 years ago, when I was studying in Belgium, at the time, I felt that it was so many questions that more than 20 of them were left unsolved when the time ended. But I still get a decent result about 700. As 4 years past, I took the same test again, for one reason, to prove my English capability, and for another, as an approach to keep myself studying English. As the last time’s impression, I dare not look down upon the test, so I forced myself to keep the speed when solving problems, it was about 10 minutes left when I had all of them solved, then I was feeling good at the moment, because I finished them all with the accuracy under control. So I am optimistic on the result, it is going to be better than last time, 4 years ago. I wonder this result is due to the decline of difficulty of the test, or it is due to my own improvement, although I kept learning English for the past 4 years, I was living in a English spoken environment at 4years ago after all, that should had keep my reading and listening ability in a good status. So It is hard to determined.
As for the review, I spent about 2 months, with a relatively low intensity. I began with memorizing new words, I bought a dictionary that divide by topics at the price of about 20 ¥ , after each topic there were also some practices. I recited the new words for the first round, then try to write them out with only the Chinese explanation uncovered. This lasted for one month, with going over iterations. Then followed the second round. And the last time I only went over those difficult ones right before the test was about to take place. During these days, I had interesting time with my girl friend, we helped each other to recite stuffs, She tested my words while I tested her herbal prescription. I also bought a reading practice book at the second month after I started the review, but this seemed useless, those practices were so easy that I only took about 10 days to finished the book which I spent 20 ¥ on. any way, it kept my minds active. And later the fact proved that the new words reciting part helped a lot, many of those new words appeared during the test, that brought smiles on my face at the very moment.
So, it comes to me to wait for the result that will be confirmed 2 weeks later, hopefully I will get a score more than 800. while saying farewell to Toeic, I shall consider the next certification test, I am not going to make a move before the end of this year, as the day of seeking a job is approaching day by day, I am going to put most of my attention on the learning of software relevant knowledge, after the job hunt, I am going for the next certification!