c++ generic algorithm common examples

When reading the article by Lippman Stanley, I come across the example on the chpater 12 where it has discussed the topic of generic algorithm;


algorithm is a chapter that introduce the common used algorithms, such as erase, remove, count, count_if, iterator, copy, back_inserter (a kind of iterator adaptor), unique, sort, stable_sort, for_each, and some of the common stream objects/iterators, such as ifstream and istream_iterator, functio object and etc...


to use all of those common algorithm , we'd better put them into some context, the context that I am about to put them into is a live use case scenario.


here is the deal, we want to count several children's illustrated books, and we wantt to get a feel for the level of vocabulary appropriated to such books. the ideas is as follow. 


read the text of some number of children's illustrated books, storing the text in invididual string vectors, and then 


  1. make a copy of each vector 
  2. merge the five vectors in to a large vector
  3. sort the large vector in alphabetic order
  4. remove all duplicated words
  5. count the number of words longer than six characters (length is a presumable measure of complexity, at least in terms of vocabulary)
  6. Remove any semantically neural words (such as and, if or, but and so on)
  7. Print the vector 

Here is the code with the steps above in mind, let's start to looks into the code to get some feel of the normal/common algorithm that we might use in our daily life. 




* file
*  process_vocabs.cpp
* this is a source file for a text processing application.
* the general steps is as follow.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <list>
#include <allocators>
#include <fstream>

using std::cout;
using std::cerr;
using std::endl;
using std::cin;

using std::sort;
using std::stable_sort; // stable_sort will preserve the order of elements
using std::remove;
using std::copy;
using std::unique;
using std::count_if;

using std::string;
using std::vector;
using std::list;

using std::back_inserter;

using std::fstream;
using std::ifstream;
using std::istream_iterator; // the iterator to visit the istream object

// what is the allocator used for?
using std::allocator;

* GreaterThan: function object class to filter word that is less than 6 length long
class GreaterThan {
public :
	GreaterThan(int sz = 6) : _size(sz) { }
	bool operator ()( const string &s1) { return s1.size() > _size; } 
	int _size;

* PrintElem:
*  function object class to print element according to print format
class PrintElem {
	PrintElem(int lineLen = 8) : _line_length(lineLen), _cnt(0) {}
	void operator() ( const string &elem) {
		if (_cnt % _line_length == 0) { cout << "\n"; }

		cout << elem << " " ;

	int _line_length;
	int _cnt;

class LessThan
	bool operator() (const string &s1, 
					 const string &s2) 
		return s1.size() < s2.size(); 

// the original text has the following declaration
// typedef vector<string, allocator> textword;
typedef vector<string> textwords;

// the original program has the following signature
// void process_vocab(vector<textwords, allocator>*pvec) 
void process_vocab(vector<textwords> *pvec)
	if (!pvec) { 

	vector <string> texts;
	vector<textwords>::iterator iter;
	for (iter = pvec->begin(); iter != pvec->end(); ++iter) {
		copy(iter->begin(), (*iter).end(), back_inserter(texts));

	// sort the element of the texts
	sort(texts.begin(), texts.end());

	// let's see what we have 
	for_each(texts.begin(), texts.end(), PrintElem());

	cout << "\n\n";

	// delete all duplicate elements
	vector<string>::iterator it;
	it = unique(texts.begin(), texts.end());
	texts.erase(it, texts.end());
	// ok, let's see what we have now
	for_each( texts.begin(), texts.end(), PrintElem() );
	cout << "\n\n";

	// ok, sort elements based on default length of 6
	// stable_sort will preserve the order of equal elements
	stable_sort(texts.begin(),  texts.end(), LessThan() );
	for_each(texts.begin(), texts.end(), PrintElem() );

	cout << "\n\n"; 
	// count number of string greater than length 6
	int cnt = 0;
	// obsolte form of count -- standard change this 
	cnt = count_if(texts.begin(), texts.end(), GreaterThan());

	cout << "Number of words greater than length six are " << cnt << endl;

	static string rw[] = {"and", "if", "or", "but", "the" };
	vector<string, allocator<string> > remove_words(rw, rw + 5);

	vector<string, allocator<string> >::iterator it2 = remove_words.begin();
	for (; it2 != remove_words.end(); ++it2) 
		int cnt = 0;
		// obsolte form of count -- standard change this
		cnt = count(texts.begin(), texts.end(), *it2);

		cout << cnt << " instances removed: " << (*it2) << endl;
		texts.erase( remove(texts.begin(), texts.end(), *it2), // remove does not change the size of the container, but it 
			                                                   // moves the elements to rmeoved to the end of the vector
			texts.end() );

		cout << "\n\n";

		for_each( texts.begin(), texts.end(), PrintElem());

// difference type is the type capable of holding the result 
// of subtracting two iterator of a container
// -- in this case, of a string vector ...
// ordinarily, this is handled by default 
typedef vector<string, allocator<string> >::difference_type diff_type;

// prestandard header syntax for <fstream>

int prcess_vocab_main()
	vector<textwords> sample;

	vector<string, allocator<string> > t1, t2;
	string t1fn, t2fn;
	// request input files from user ...
	// should so some error checking in real-world program
	cout << "text file #1 : " ; cin >> t1fn;
	cout << "text file #2 : " ; cin >> t2fn;

	// open the files
	ifstream infile1 (t1fn.c_str() );
	ifstream infile2 (t2fn.c_str() );

	// special form of iterator
	// ordinarily, diff_type is provided by default...
	// the obsolte form of the istream_iterator is as 
	//   istream _iterator<string, diff_type> .... 
	istream_iterator<string> input_set1(infile1), eos; // eos is the conierge that keep the door of something
	istream_iterator<string> input_set2(infile2);

	// special form of iterator
	copy(input_set1, eos, back_inserter(t1) );
	copy(input_set2, eos, back_inserter(t2) );

	sample.push_back(t1); sample.push_back(t2);

	return 0;


and to drive this, you can create several data.txt files, and input the path of data.txt files which will starts to load the files in.



so in wrap up/sum up/conclusion/summarize, what you can see from the use of common algorithms are the following categories




  • iterator pattern to go through some collections
  • iterator adaptor pattern where you can tell where/how to insert to a collection (back_inserter, inserter)
  • function object which can be used in lieu of the function pointer, with advantages of (1). store information; (2). optimize such as inline function.
  • common sort algorithms - sort, stable_sort
  • aggregation algorithms -  count, count_if
  • iterative algorithm  - for_each 
  • filter algorithm - remove, erase, unique....


