继承体系下除了overridden 技术外使得子类与父类表现出不同行为外,反射也可以,而且反射使得继承不需要overridden

 * This small example is more dramatic than it seems—it contains each of the
 * steps previously mentioned. The printName method examines the object for its
 * class (this.getClass()). In doing so, the decision of what to print is made by del-
 * egating to the object’s class. The method acts on this decision by printing the
 * returned name. Without being overridden, the printName method behaves differ-
 * ently for each subclass than it does for HelloWorld. The printName method is flex-
 * ible; it adapts to the class that inherits it, causing the change in behavior. As we
 * build our examples in scope and complexity, we will show you many more ways to
 * attain flexibility using reflection.
 * 继承体系下除了overridden 技术外使得子类与父类表现出不同行为外,反射也可以,而且反射使得继承不需要overridden。
 * @author doctor
 * @time 2014年11月28日 上午8:54:05

public class GetClassPractice {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		new HelloWorld().printName();
		new HelloWorldChild1().printName();
		new HelloWorldChild2().printName();
		System.out.println(new HelloWorld().getClassType());
		System.out.println(new HelloWorldChild1().getClassType());
		System.out.println(new HelloWorldChild2().getClassType());
		new Hello1().printName();
		new Hello2().printName();


	public static class HelloWorld {
		public void printName() {
		public  Class<? extends HelloWorld> getClassType(){
			return getClass();

	public static class HelloWorldChild1 extends HelloWorld {


	public static class HelloWorldChild2 extends HelloWorld {


	public interface Hello{
		public default void printName(){
	public static class Hello1 implements Hello{
	public static class Hello2 implements Hello{

class com.github.ebook.javarefectioninaction.GetClassPractice$HelloWorld
class com.github.ebook.javarefectioninaction.GetClassPractice$HelloWorldChild1
class com.github.ebook.javarefectioninaction.GetClassPractice$HelloWorldChild2
