
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
  <title> new document </title>
  <meta name="generator" content="editplus">
  <meta name="author" content="">
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	function convertNum(fullNum){
		var fullNums = "0123456789";
		var halfNums = "0123456789";
		var index;
		alert("fullNum is " + fullNum);
		if ((index = halfNums.indexOf(fullNum))>0){
			alert("I am a half num! and I will return directly");
			return fullNum;
		if ((index = fullNums.indexOf(fullNum))>0){
			alert("I am a full numm! and I will return after convert");
			return halfNums.charAt(index);
		return NaN;

	function checkNum(str,len){
		alert("In checkNum ,str is " + str);
		var result = "";
		for(var i=0;i<str.length;i++){
			alert("str[" + i + "] is " + str.charAt(i));
			result +=convertNum(str.charAt(i));
		alert("result is " + result + "result length is " + result.length);
		var pattern = "/\\d{" + len + "}/";
		alert("pattern is " + pattern);
		if (null == result.match(eval(pattern))){
			return false;
		return true;
	function doCheck(){
		var num = document.getElementById("nn").value;
		alert("In doCheck,num is " + num);
			alert("Not a num!!!!");
		} else {
			alert("Is a num!!!!");
  <input type="text" value="" id="nn" maxLength="8">
 <input type="button" value="doCheck" onclick="doCheck();">

<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
  <title> new document </title>
  <meta name="generator" content="editplus">
  <meta name="author" content="">
  <meta name="keywords" content="">
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  <input type="text" value="" id="dd">
  <input type="button" onclick="checkDate();">

	function checkDate(){
		var inputDate = document.getElementById("dd").value;
		var y = parseInt(inputDate.substring(0,4),10);
		var m = parseInt(inputDate.substring(4,6),10) - 1;		
		var d = parseInt(inputDate.substring(6,8),10);
		var dt = new Date(y,m,d);
		if(dt.getFullYear() != y || dt.getMonth() != m || dt.getDate() != d){
			return false;
		return true;
