1. 一步法: MB1B 移动类型301
1) 过帐时会导致发出工厂和接受工厂的库存同时变化
2) 转移记帐价值为发出工厂物料的库存价值
2. 二步法: MB1B 发送移动类型303 接受移动类型305
1) Goods issue时发出工厂库存减少,接受工厂的在途库存增加,MMBE可以查看
2) Goods receipt将接收工厂的库存增加,在途库存清0。
From Plant to Plant 1 Step |
From Plant to Plant 2 Steps |
Movement type |
301: Transfer from plant to plant |
Goods issue: 303 (Remove from storage to plant) Goods receipt: 305 (Put away in plant) |
Price |
Valuation price (supplying plant) |
Valuation price (supplying plant) |
Planning using |
Reservation |
‑ |
Stock after Goods issue |
‑ |
Stock in transfer |
Delivery costs |
‑ |
‑ |
Cross-company-code using |
Company code clearing |
Company code clearing |
n 接收工厂可以制订采购计划(采购申请,库存转储计划协议)
n 可以在库存转储单中输入供应商(物流供应商)
n 在订单中可以体现运费
n 可以和MRP功能集成
n 可以在转储单中执行有效性检查(availablity check)
(1) 不带交货的转储过程
1. 创建转储订单: 订单类型UB 输入交货工厂
2. 发货:库存转移记帐MB1B ,移动类型351
3. 收货:MIGO 101接收工厂根据转储单接收货物
(2) 带交货的转储过程
1. IMG->Material Management->Purchasing->Purchase Order->Set up Stock Transfer Order->Define Shipping Data for Plants
2. IMG->Material Management->Purchasing->Purchase Order->Set up Stock Transfer Order->Assign Delivery Type and Checking Rule
给供应工厂(Supply plant)分配交货类型(Delivery Type)和检查规则。
3. IMG->Material Management->Purchasing->Purchase Order->Set up Stock Transfer Order->Assign Document Type, One-Step Procedure, Underdelivery Tolerance
1. 创建转储订单:ME21N 订单类型UB, 输入交货工厂
2. 创建发货单:VL10B/VL10D,自动生成外向交货单
3. 发货过帐:VL02N 发货过帐
4. 收货(只用于2步法):MIGO 101根据转储单收货
Stock Transport Order Without Delivery |
Stock Transport Order with Delivery |
Stock Transport Order with Delivery and Billing Document |
Order type |
Order type UB Item category U |
Order type UB Item category U |
Order type NB ● Item category BLANK (cross-company-code) ● Item category U (intra-company-code without billing document) |
Movement type |
GI: 351 (One-step procedure not supported) |
GI: 641 GI: 647 |
GI: 643 GI: 645 |
Delivery type in SD |
‑ |
NL |
Schedule line category in SD |
‑ |
NN |
NC |
Billing type in SD |
‑ |
‑ |
IV |
Document type MM-IV |
‑ |
‑ |
RE |
Price |
Valuation price |
Valuation price |
Pricing in SD and MM |
Planning using |
Purchase order |
Purchase order |
Purchase order |
Stock after Goods issue |
Stock in transit |
Stock in transit |
(Stock in transit CC) |
Delivery costs |
yes |
yes |
yes |
Cross-company-code using |
Company code clearing |
Company code clearing |
Revenue account; |