插入迭代器实际上是一个输出迭代器(*it=; ++)
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#include <iostream>
#include <vector> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; void ShowVec( const vector< int> &v) { for (vector< int>::const_iterator it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); ++it) { cout << *it << ' '; } cout << endl; } int main( void) { int a[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; vector< int> v(a, a + 5); vector< int> v2; back_insert_iterator<vector< int> > bii(v); //*bii = 6; bii = 6; ShowVec(v); back_insert_iterator<vector< int> > bii2(v2); copy(v.begin(), v.end(), bii2); ShowVec(v2); back_inserter(v) = 7; ShowVec(v); copy(v.begin(), v.end(), back_inserter(v2)); ShowVec(v2); return 0; } |
查看back_insert_iterator 类的定义:
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// TEMPLATE CLASS back_insert_iterator template< class _Container> class back_insert_iterator : public _Outit { // wrap pushes to back of container as output iterator public: typedef _Container container_type; typedef typename _Container::reference reference; typedef _Range_checked_iterator_tag _Checked_iterator_category; explicit back_insert_iterator(_Container &_Cont) : container(&_Cont) { // construct with container } back_insert_iterator<_Container> & operator=( typename _Container::const_reference _Val) { // push value into container container->push_back(_Val); return (* this); } back_insert_iterator<_Container> & operator*() { // pretend to return designated value return (* this); } back_insert_iterator<_Container> & operator++() { // pretend to preincrement return (* this); } back_insert_iterator<_Container> operator++( int) { // pretend to postincrement return (* this); } protected: _Container *container; // pointer to container }; |
类内部的成员container 保存的是指向容器的指针,重载了*, ++, = 等运算符,* 和 ++ 返回的都是迭代器本身,主要看 赋值运算符:
container->push_back(_Val); 即调用了容器的push_back 函数, 所以可以直接写 bii = 6; 即将6压入容器末尾。程序中还调用了copy
函数,回顾copy 源码,主要是以下代码:
for (; _First != _Last; ++_Dest, ++_First)
*_Dest = *_First;
其中,_First 和 _Last 分别是v.begin() 和 v.end(), _Dest 是 bii2,上面也说了,*_Dest 返回的是自身,而且++_Dest 返回的也是自
身,从_First 遍历到 _Last ,调用back_insert_iterator 类的operator=,即不断地执行container->push_back(_Val); 容器的元素位置会
再来看back_inserter 函数:
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// TEMPLATE FUNCTION back_inserter template< class _Container> inline back_insert_iterator<_Container> back_inserter(_Container &_Cont) { // return a back_insert_iterator return (std::back_insert_iterator<_Container>(_Cont)); } |
实际上返回的也是一个back_insert_iterator 对象,所以能直接替换掉bii2。
当然了,与back 配对的就是front,back 是末尾插入,front 是头端插入,需要注意的是front_insert_iterator 的operator= 调用了
push_front 函数,故如vector 是没有实现push_front 的,不能使用front_insert_iterator ,而list 和 deque 是可以使用的。
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#include <iostream>
#include <vector> #include <list> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; void ShowList( const list< int> &v) { for (list< int>::const_iterator it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); ++it) { cout << *it << ' '; } cout << endl; } int main( void) { int a[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; list< int> l(a, a + 5); list< int> ll; front_insert_iterator<list< int> > fii(l); fii = 0; ShowList(l); copy(l.begin(), l.end(), front_inserter(ll)); ShowList(ll); return 0; } |
*it=; ++
=*it; ->; ++; ==; !=
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#include <iostream>
#include <vector> #include <list> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; int main( void) { vector< int> v; // copy from cin to vector copy(istream_iterator< int>(cin), istream_iterator< int>(), back_inserter(v)); // copy from vector to cout copy(v.begin(), v.end(), ostream_iterator< int>(cout, " ")); cout << endl; return 0; } |
首先来看istream_iterator 的源码:
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// TEMPLATE CLASS istream_iterator template < class _Ty, class _Elem = char, class _Traits = char_traits<_Elem>, class _Diff = ptrdiff_t > class istream_iterator : public iterator < input_iterator_tag, _Ty, _Diff, const _Ty *, const _Ty & > { // wrap _Ty extracts from input stream as input iterator typedef istream_iterator<_Ty, _Elem, _Traits, _Diff> _Myt; public: typedef _Elem char_type; typedef _Traits traits_type; typedef basic_istream<_Elem, _Traits> istream_type; #if _SECURE_SCL typedef _Range_checked_iterator_tag _Checked_iterator_category; #endif istream_iterator() : _Myistr( 0) { // construct singular iterator } istream_iterator(istream_type &_Istr) : _Myistr(&_Istr) { // construct with input stream _Getval(); } const _Ty & operator*() const { // return designated value return (_Myval); } const _Ty * operator->() const { // return pointer to class object return (& ** this); } _Myt & operator++() { // preincrement _Getval(); return (* this); } protected: void _Getval() { // get a _Ty value if possible if (_Myistr != 0 && !(*_Myistr >> _Myval)) _Myistr = 0; } istream_type *_Myistr; // pointer to input stream _Ty _Myval; // lookahead value (valid if _Myistr is not null) }; |
上面只截取了部分用上的源码,istream_iterator 类有两个成员,一个是输入流对象指针,一个是输入的值,如
istream_iterator<int>(cin) 调用构造函数,初始化_Myistr,且通过函数_Getval() 初始化_Myval,_Getval() 调用输入流的
operator>> 将键盘输入的值赋予_Myval。而 istream_iterator<int>() 呢初始化_Myistr 为0,此时_Myval 被忽略。
回顾copy 源码,主要是以下代码:
for (; _First != _Last; ++_Dest, ++_First)
*_Dest = *_First;
此时_First 和 _Last 是 istream_iterator<int> 类型,_Dest是back_insert_iterator 类型,而判断_First 和 _Last 是否相等,其实
operator != 里面是判断它们的成员指针_Myistr 是否相等,在_Getval 函数可以看到,当我们输入错误(类型不匹配)或者ctrl+z,
则 istream_iterator<int>(cin) 的_Myistr 被置为0,此时本来 istream_iterator<int>() 的_Myistr 就为0,故相等,不再继续执行下去。
如果不等,即输入正确的话,*First 调用istream_iterator 类的operator* 直接返回_Myval ,接着调用back_insert_iterator 类的
operator=,即调用container 的push_back ,将_Myval 压入容器。++_Dest 是没什么效果的,而++_First 在istream_iterator 类的
operator++ 中会继续调用_Getval,即继续获得键盘输入覆盖_Myval。
再来看ostream_iterator 的源码:
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// TEMPLATE CLASS ostream_iterator template< class _Ty, class _Elem = char, class _Traits = char_traits<_Elem> > class ostream_iterator : public _Outit { // wrap _Ty inserts to output stream as output iterator public: typedef _Elem char_type; typedef _Traits traits_type; typedef basic_ostream<_Elem, _Traits> ostream_type; #if _SECURE_SCL typedef _Range_checked_iterator_tag _Checked_iterator_category; #endif ostream_iterator(ostream_type& _Ostr, const _Elem *_Delim = 0) : _Myostr(&_Ostr), _Mydelim(_Delim) { // construct from output stream and delimiter } ostream_iterator<_Ty, _Elem, _Traits>& operator=( const _Ty& _Val) { // insert value into output stream, followed by delimiter *_Myostr << _Val; if (_Mydelim != 0) *_Myostr << _Mydelim; return (* this); } ostream_iterator<_Ty, _Elem, _Traits>& operator*() { // pretend to return designated value return (* this); } ostream_iterator<_Ty, _Elem, _Traits>& operator++() { // pretend to preincrement return (* this); } protected: const _Elem *_Mydelim; // pointer to delimiter string (NB: not freed) ostream_type *_Myostr; // pointer to output stream }; |
ostream_iterator 类也有两个成员,一个是输出流对象指针,一个是字符串指针,看上面的copy 代码,此时_First 和 _Last
分别是v.begin() 和 v.end(),_Dest是 ostream_iterator<int> 类型,*_Dest 返回自身,++_Dest 也返回自身,而在operator= 函数中
*_Myostr << _Val;
if (_Mydelim != 0)
*_Myostr << _Mydelim;
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