WSGI是Web Service Gateway Interface的缩写。以层的角度来看,WSGI所在层的位置低于CGI。但与CGI不同的是WSGI具有很强的伸缩性且能运行于多线程或多进程的环境下,这是因为WSGI只是一份标准并没有定义如何去实现。实际上WSGI并非CGI,因为其位于web应用程序与web服务器之间,而web服务器可以是CGI,mod_python(注:现通常使用mod_wsgi代替),FastCGI或者是一个定义了WSGI标准的web服务器就像python标准库提供的独立WSGI服务器称为wsgiref。

WSGI标准在PEP(注:Python Enhancement Proposal)333中定义并被许多框架实现,其中包括现广泛使用的django框架。






1. 展示服务器生成的environment环境变量

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server

def application(environ, start_response):
    response_body = ['%s: %s' % (key, value) for key, value in sorted(environ.items())]
    response_body = '\n'.join(response_body)
    status = "200 OK"
    response_headers = [('Context-Type', 'text/plain'), ('Context-Length', str(len(response_body)))]
    start_response(status, response_headers)
    return [response_body]

httpd = make_server('localhost', 8051, application)


2. Get请求

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server
from cgi import parse_qs, escape

html = """
   <form method="get" action="">
         Age: <input type="text" name="age">
         <input name="hobbies" type="checkbox" value="software"> Software
         <input name="hobbies" type="checkbox" value="tunning"> Auto Tunning
         <input type="submit" value="Submit">
      Age: %s<br>
      Hobbies: %s

def application(environ, start_response):

   # Returns a dictionary containing lists as values.
   d = parse_qs(environ['QUERY_STRING'])

   # In this idiom you must issue a list containing a default value.
   age = d.get('age', [''])[0] # Returns the first age value.
   hobbies = d.get('hobbies', []) # Returns a list of hobbies.

   # Always escape user input to avoid script injection
   age = escape(age)
   hobbies = [escape(hobby) for hobby in hobbies]

   response_body = html % (age or 'Empty',
               ', '.join(hobbies or ['No Hobbies']))

   status = '200 OK'

   # Now content type is text/html
   response_headers = [('Content-Type', 'text/html'),
                  ('Content-Length', str(len(response_body)))]
   start_response(status, response_headers)

   return [response_body]

httpd = make_server('localhost', 8051, application)
# Now it is serve_forever() in instead of handle_request().
# In Windows you can kill it in the Task Manager (python.exe).
# In Linux a Ctrl-C will do it.

3. POST请求

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server
from cgi import parse_qs, escape

html = """
   <form method="post" action="">
         Age: <input type="text" name="age">
         <input name="hobbies" type="checkbox" value="software"> Software
         <input name="hobbies" type="checkbox" value="tunning"> Auto Tunning
         <input type="submit" value="Submit">
      Age: %s<br>
      Hobbies: %s

def application(environ, start_response):

   # the environment variable CONTENT_LENGTH may be empty or missing
      request_body_size = int(environ.get('CONTENT_LENGTH', 0))
   except (ValueError):
      request_body_size = 0

   request_body = environ['wsgi.input'].read(request_body_size)
   d = parse_qs(request_body)
   # In this idiom you must issue a list containing a default value.
   age = d.get('age', [''])[0] # Returns the first age value.
   hobbies = d.get('hobbies', []) # Returns a list of hobbies.

   # Always escape user input to avoid script injection
   age = escape(age)
   hobbies = [escape(hobby) for hobby in hobbies]

   response_body = html % (age or 'Empty',
               ', '.join(hobbies or ['No Hobbies']))

   status = '200 OK'

   # Now content type is text/html
   response_headers = [('Content-Type', 'text/html'),
                  ('Content-Length', str(len(response_body)))]
   start_response(status, response_headers)

   return [response_body]

httpd = make_server('localhost', 8051, application)
# Now it is serve_forever() in instead of handle_request().
# In Windows you can kill it in the Task Manager (python.exe).
# In Linux a Ctrl-C will do it.

对于上述的三个例子,在命令行进行保存目录,运行:python 保存的文件名.py,然后即可通过浏览器输入:http://localhost:8051进行访问
