
帖子 84
体力 315
注册 2005-11-30
发表于 2006-3-8 10:21  资料 主页 短消息 

征集题目:给我发送短消息 或 邮件都可以





记得发之前加上标题: 数字(如:二十六) + 标题(如:跳动的菜单)



一 实用且必用的小脚本代码
二 鼠标旁边的提示信息,类似与163登录后的页面提示效果
三 如果文字过长,则将过长的部分变成省略号显示
四 滚动的图片
五 接收键盘指令的脚本
六 让你的文本链接渐隐渐显
七 类似与QQ的好友/黑名单之类的树型菜单-----推荐
八 很多的脚本翻页------推荐
九 DIV的透明层实现
十 JSP页面自动生成html页面/或任何格式页面-----推荐
十一 超级强大的表单验证-----推荐
十二 漂亮的脚本日历
十三 进入,退出页面的各种效果!
十四 很酷的效果,表格被选中回变颜色
十五 弹出提示的效果
十六 图片之间的切换
十七 DIV_圆边圆角的实现
十八 跳动的菜单
十九 通过页面抓取照片
二十 客户端静态页面玩分页
二十一 类似与google个性页面的好东东------网友155120
二十二 漂亮的表格
二十三 经典的带阴影的可拖动的浮动层------网友marvellous--------推荐
二十四 运行代码的代码------网友:Lenvo
二十五 凹陷文字------------网友:Lenvo
二十六 漂亮的仿flash菜单---网友:Lenvo
二十七 自定义容器和字体大小---网友:greengnn
二十八 超级REAL视频播放器---网友:leaf52
二十九 网站论坛上面快捷键提交表单的方法---网友:greengnn
三   十 accesskey 提交---网友:greengnn
三十一 新闻广告图片切换效果+描述---网友:greengnn

三十二 菜单特效---网友:greengnn
三十三 采用CSS和JS的下拉菜单---网友:greengnn
三十四 一个漂亮的菜单---网友:chyf1982
三十五 滚屏显示---网友:33o3
三十六 制作特殊字的脚本
三十七 美化列表
三十八 CSS模仿IE警告信息栏---网友:独来读网
三十九 文字幻灯片---网友:独来读网
四   十 一个非常不错的loading 效果---网友:sungla
四十一 文字滚动---网友:powerzl
四十二 可拖动窗口,附带鼠标控制渐变透明---网友:lionhoho
四十三 繁简体文字转换工具---网友:newlethe
四十四 收集整理的四个方向的滚动---网友:newlethe
四十五 将HTML自动转为JS代码---网友:liaoyizhi520
四十六 锁定表列---网友:liaoyizhi520
四十七 滚动的图片---网友:z3333426
四十八 放大镜特效---网友:thw416
四十九 无名,感觉像黑克帝国---网友:cnbohu
五  十 美丽的菜单---网友:9999999999999
五十一 没有控制拦的REALL播放器---网友:9999999999999

五十二 荧光效果---网友:9999999999999
五十三 滚动效果---网友:wuleying
五十四 用层模拟可移动的小窗口---网友:goodrose
五十五 小方块---网友:leobluewing

五十五 文字包围图片的效果
五十六  无图片实现圆角框
五十七 图片预加载的使用
五十八 数字选中放大
五十九 很帅的一个效果
六十 文本编辑器
六十一 JSP页面不缓存
六十二 图片淡如淡出
六十三 给图片添加图片的倒影
六十四 取得页面的大小 宽高等各种信息
六十五 漂亮的表格

六十六 透明的Div提示
六十七 来访统计


<embed src="pnm://" hidden=true autostart=true loop=true>


<script language=vbscript>document.write now</script>


<a style="cursor:hand" 

<a style="cursor:hand"

<a href=javascript:window.external.addChannel("typhoon.cdf")>加入频道</a>

<a href="youEmail">与我联系</a>

function see(){
today = new Date();
self.status = today.toString();
<body onload=see()>

<a href=javascript:close()>[关闭窗口]</a>

<script>function look(){


[Copy to clipboard]
<input type=button value=后退 onclick=history.go(-1)>
<input type=button value=刷新 onclick=history.go(-0)>
<input type=button value=前进 onclick=history.go(+1)>


[Copy to clipboard]
<script>function l() {"yourURL","name","width=500,height=150,border=0")

[广告] 北京网页设计专场讲座现场照片


帖子 84
体力 315
注册 2005-11-30
发表于 2006-3-8 10:23  资料 主页 短消息 

二 鼠标旁边的提示信息,类似与163登录后的页面提示效果
<a href="#" title="这是提示">tip</a> <script Language="JavaScript"> //***********默认设置定义.********************* tPopWait=50;//停留tWait豪秒后显示提示。 tPopShow=5000;//显示tShow豪秒后关闭提示 showPopStep=20; popOpacity=99; //***************内部变量定义***************** sPop=null; curShow=null; tFadeOut=null; tFadeIn=null; tFadeWaiting=null; document.write("<style type='text/css'id='defaultPopStyle'>"); document.write(".cPopText { background-color: #F8F8F5;color:#000000; border: 1px #000000 solid;font-color: font-size: 12px; padding-right: 4px; padding-left: 4px; height: 20px; padding-top: 2px; padding-bottom: 2px; filter: Alpha(Opacity=0)}"); document.write("</style>"); document.write("<div id='dypopLayer' style='position:absolute;z-index:1000;' class='cPopText'></div>"); function showPopupText(){ var o=event.srcElement; MouseX=event.x; MouseY=event.y; if(o.alt!=null && o.alt!=""){o.dypop=o.alt;o.alt=""}; if(o.title!=null && o.title!=""){o.dypop=o.title;o.title=""}; if(o.dypop!=sPop) { sPop=o.dypop; clearTimeout(curShow); clearTimeout(tFadeOut); clearTimeout(tFadeIn); clearTimeout(tFadeWaiting); if(sPop==null || sPop=="") { dypopLayer.innerHTML="";"Alpha()"; dypopLayer.filters.Alpha.opacity=0; } else { if(o.dyclass!=null) popStyle=o.dyclass else popStyle="cPopText"; curShow=setTimeout("showIt()",tPopWait); } } } function showIt(){ dypopLayer.className=popStyle; dypopLayer.innerHTML=sPop; popWidth=dypopLayer.clientWidth; popHeight=dypopLayer.clientHeight; if(MouseX+12+popWidth>document.body.clientWidth) popLeftAdjust=-popWidth-24 else popLeftAdjust=0; if(MouseY+12+popHeight>document.body.clientHeight) popTopAdjust=-popHeight-24 else popTopAdjust=0;;;"Alpha(Opacity=0)"; fadeOut(); } function fadeOut(){ if(dypopLayer.filters.Alpha.opacity<popOpacity) { dypopLayer.filters.Alpha.opacity+=showPopStep; tFadeOut=setTimeout("fadeOut()",1); } else { dypopLayer.filters.Alpha.opacity=popOpacity; tFadeWaiting=setTimeout("fadeIn()",tPopShow); } } function fadeIn(){ if(dypopLayer.filters.Alpha.opacity>0) { dypopLayer.filters.Alpha.opacity-=1; tFadeIn=setTimeout("fadeIn()",1); } } document.onmouseover=showPopupText; </script>

[广告] 北京网页设计专场讲座现场照片


帖子 84
体力 315
注册 2005-11-30
发表于 2006-3-8 10:25  资料 主页 短消息 

三 如果文字过长,则将过长的部分变成省略号显示
<DIV STYLE="width: 120px; height: 50px; border: 1px solid blue; overflow: hidden; text-overflow:ellipsis"> <NOBR>就是比如有一行文字,很长,表格内一行显示不下.</NOBR> </DIV>



帖子 84
体力 315
注册 2005-11-30
发表于 2006-3-8 10:27  资料 主页 短消息 

四  滚动的图片
<script language="javascript"> imgArr=new Array() imgArr[0]="<a href=# onmouseMove='javascript:outHover=true' onMouseover='javascript:outHover=true' onMouseout='javascript:outHover=false;mvStart()'><img src= border=0></a>" imgArr[1]="<a href=# onmouseMove='javascript:outHover=true' onMouseover='javascript:outHover=true' onMouseout='javascript:outHover=false;mvStart()'><img src= border=0></a>" imgArr[2]="<a href=# onmouseMove='javascript:outHover=true' onMouseover='javascript:outHover=true' onMouseout='javascript:outHover=false;mvStart()'><img src= border=0></a>" imgArr[3]="<a href=# onmouseMove='javascript:outHover=true' onMouseover='javascript:outHover=true' onMouseout='javascript:outHover=false;mvStart()'><img src= border=0></a>" imgArr[4]="<a href=# onmouseMove='javascript:outHover=true' onMouseover='javascript:outHover=true' onMouseout='javascript:outHover=false;mvStart()'><img src= border=0></a>" var moveStep=4 //步长,单位:pixel var moveRelax=100 //移动时间间隔,单位:ms ns4=(document.layers)?true:false var displayImgAmount=4 //视区窗口可显示个数 var divWidth=220 //每块图片占位宽 var divHeight=145 //每块图片占位高 var startDnum=0 var nextDnum=startDnum+displayImgAmount var timeID var outHover=false var startDivClipLeft var nextDivClipRight function initDivPlace(){ if (ns4){ for (i=0;i<displayImgAmount;i++){ eval("document.divOuter.document.divAds"+i+".left="+divWidth*i) } for (i=displayImgAmount;i<imgArr.length;i++){ eval("document.divOuter.document.divAds"+i+".left="+divWidth*displayImgAmount) } }else{ for (i=0;i<displayImgAmount;i++){ eval("document.all.divAds"+i+".style.left="+divWidth*i) } for (i=displayImgAmount;i<imgArr.length;i++){ eval("document.all.divAds"+i+".style.left="+divWidth*displayImgAmount) } } } function mvStart(){ timeID=setTimeout(moveLeftDiv,moveRelax) } function mvStop(){ clearTimeout(timeID) } function moveLeftDiv(){ if (ns4){ for (i=0;i<=displayImgAmount;i++){ 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eval("document.all.divAds"+parseInt((nextDnum+1)%imgArr.length)+".style.left=document.all.divAds"+nextDnum+".style.pixelLeft+"+divWidth) startDnum=(++startDnum)%imgArr.length nextDnum=(startDnum+displayImgAmount)%imgArr.length startDivClipLeft=moveStep-(divWidth-startDivClipLeft) nextDivClipRight=moveStep-(divWidth-nextDivClipRight) }else{ startDivClipLeft+=moveStep nextDivClipRight+=moveStep } eval("document.all.divAds"+startDnum+".style.clip='rect(0,"+divWidth+","+divHeight+","+startDivClipLeft+")'") eval("document.all.divAds"+nextDnum+".style.clip='rect(0,"+nextDivClipRight+","+divHeight+",0)'") } if (outHover){ mvStop() }else{ mvStart() } } function writeDivs(){ if (ns4){ document.write("<ilayer name=divOuter width=750 height="+divHeight+">") for (i=0;i<imgArr.length;i++){ document.write("<layer name=divAds"+i+">") document.write(imgArr[i]+" ") document.write("</layer>") } document.write("</ilayer>") document.close() for (i=displayImgAmount;i<imgArr.length;i++){ 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帖子 84
体力 315
注册 2005-11-30
发表于 2006-3-8 10:28  资料 主页 短消息 

五 接收键盘指令的脚本

按A就会跳转到娃娃亲的网页,请按A <SCRIPT language="JavaScript"> <!-- var hotkey=97 var destination="" if (document.layers) document.captureEvents(Event.KEYPRESS) function backhome(e){ if (document.layers){ if (e.which==hotkey) window.location=destination } else if (document.all){ if (event.keyCode==hotkey) window.location=destination } } document.onkeypress=backhome onkeydown="javascript:onenter();" function onenter(){ if(event.keyCode==13){ alert("回车"); } } </SCRIPT>
[ 本帖最后由 lipengadmin 于 2006-9-18 11:44 编辑 ]



帖子 84
体力 315
注册 2005-11-30
发表于 2006-3-8 10:29  资料 主页 短消息 

六 让你的文本链接渐隐渐显
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> New Document </TITLE> <META NAME="Generator" CONTENT="EditPlus"> <META NAME="Author" CONTENT=""> <META NAME="Keywords" CONTENT=""> <META NAME="Description" CONTENT=""> </HEAD> <BODY> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> startColor = "#671700"; // 定义链接颜色 endColor = "#D8D1C5"; // 定义要渐变到最后的颜色 stepIn = 17; stepOut = 23; /* 定义是否让所有的文本链接自动渐变,true为是,false为否 */ autoFade = true; /* 在这里定义css样式里的类class:fade,如果为true,那么你要将要渐变的链接上加上此fade样式 */ sloppyClass = false; hexa = new makearray(16); for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++) hexa[i] = i; hexa[10]="a"; hexa[11]="b"; hexa[12]="c"; hexa[13]="d"; hexa[14]="e"; hexa[15]="f"; document.onmouseover = domouseover; document.onmouseout = domouseout; startColor = dehexize(startColor.toLowerCase()); endColor = dehexize(endColor.toLowerCase()); var fadeId = new Array(); function dehexize(Color){ var colorArr = new makearray(3); for (i=1; i<7; i++){ for (j=0; j<16; j++){ if (Color.charAt(i) == hexa[j]){ if (i%2 !=0) colorArr[Math.floor((i-1)/2)]=eval(j)*16; else colorArr[Math.floor((i-1)/2)]+=eval(j); } } } return colorArr; } function domouseover() { if(document.all){ var srcElement = event.srcElement; if ((srcElement.tagName == "A" && autoFade) || srcElement.className == "fade" || (sloppyClass && srcElement.className.indexOf("fade") != -1)) fade(startColor,endColor,srcElement.uniqueID,stepIn); } } function domouseout() { if (document.all){ var srcElement = event.srcElement; if ((srcElement.tagName == "A" && autoFade) || srcElement.className == "fade" || (sloppyClass && srcElement.className.indexOf("fade") != -1)) fade(endColor,startColor,srcElement.uniqueID,stepOut); } } function makearray(n) { this.length = n; for(var i = 1; i <= n; i++) this[i] = 0; return this; } function hex(i) { if (i < 0) return "00"; else if (i > 255) return "ff"; else return "" + hexa[Math.floor(i/16)] + hexa[i%16];} function setColor(r, g, b, element) { var hr = hex(r); var hg = hex(g); var hb = hex(b); = "#"+hr+hg+hb; } function fade(s,e, element,step){ var sr = s[0]; var sg = s[1]; var sb = s[2]; var er = e[0]; var eg = e[1]; var eb = e[2]; if (fadeId[0] != null && fade[0] != element){ setColor(sr,sg,sb,eval(fadeId[0])); var i = 1; while(i < fadeId.length){ clearTimeout(fadeId[i]); i++; } } for(var i = 0; i <= step; i++) { fadeId[i+1] = setTimeout("setColor(Math.floor(" +sr+ " *(( " +step+ " - " +i+ " )/ " +step+ " ) + " +er+ " * (" +i+ "/" + step+ ")),Math.floor(" +sg+ " * (( " +step+ " - " +i+ " )/ " +step+ " ) + " +eg+ " * (" +i+ "/" +step+ ")),Math.floor(" +sb+ " * ((" +step+ "-" +i+ ")/" +step+ ") + " +eb+ " * (" +i+ "/" +step+ ")),"+element+");",i*step); } fadeId[0] = element; } </script> </BODY> </HTML> <A HREF="">让你的文本链接渐隐渐显</A>
[ 本帖最后由 lipengadmin 于 2006-9-18 11:45 编辑 ]



帖子 84
体力 315
注册 2005-11-30
发表于 2006-3-8 10:32  资料 主页 短消息 

七 类似与QQ的好友/黑名单之类的树型菜单_极品
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> New Document </TITLE> <META NAME="Generator" CONTENT="EditPlus"> <META NAME="Author" CONTENT=""> <META NAME="Keywords" CONTENT=""> <META NAME="Description" CONTENT=""> </HEAD> <BODY> <script> if (!document.getElementById) document.getElementById = function() { return null; } function initializeMenu(menuId, actuatorId) { var menu = document.getElementById(menuId); var actuator = document.getElementById(actuatorId); if (menu == null || actuator == null) return; //if (window.opera) return; // I'm too tired = "url(/images/plus.gif)"; actuator.onclick = function() { var display =; = (display == "block") ? "url(/images/plus.gif)" : "url(/images/minus.gif)"; = (display == "block") ? "none" : "block"; return false; } } window.onload = function() { initializeMenu("productsMenu", "productsActuator"); initializeMenu("newPhonesMenu", "newPhonesActuator"); initializeMenu("compareMenu", "compareActuator"); } </script> <style> body { font-family: verdana, helvetica, arial, sans-serif; } #mainMenu { background-color: #EEE; border: 1px solid #CCC; color: #000; width: 203px; } #menuList { margin: 0px; padding: 10px 0px 10px 15px; } li.menubar { background: url(/images/plus.gif) no-repeat 0em 0.3em; font-size: 12px; line-height: 1.5em; list-style: none outside; } .menu, .submenu { display: none; margin-left: 15px; padding: 0px; } .menu li, .submenu li { background: url(/images/square.gif) no-repeat 0em 0.3em; list-style: none outside; } a.actuator { background-color: transparent; color: #000; font-size: 12px; padding-left: 15px; text-decoration: none; } a.actuator:hover { text-decoration: underline; } .menu li a, .submenu li a { background-color: transparent; color: #000; font-size: 12px; padding-left: 15px; text-decoration: none; } .menu li a:hover, submenu li a:hover { /*border-bottom: 1px dashed #000;*/ text-decoration: underline; } span.key { text-decoration: underline; } </style> </head> <body> <div id="mainMenu"> <ul id="menuList"> <li class="menubar"> <a href="#" id="productsActuator" class="actuator">图秀地带收藏夹</a> <ul id="productsMenu" class="menu"> <li> <a href="#" id="newPhonesActuator" class="actuator">我的好友</a> <ul id="newPhonesMenu" class="submenu"> <li><a href="">张三[10000001]</a></li> <li><a href="">李四[10000002]</a></li> <li><a href="">张三[10000001]</a></li> <li><a href="">李四[10000002]</a></li> </ul> </li> <li> <a href="#" id="compareActuator" class="actuator">陌生人</a> <ul id="compareMenu" class="submenu"> <li><a href="">张三[10000001]</a></li> <li><a href="">李四[10000002]</a></li> <li><a href="">张三[10000001]</a></li> <li><a href="">李四[10000002]</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> </body> </BODY> </HTML>



帖子 84
体力 315
注册 2005-11-30
发表于 2006-3-8 10:34  资料 主页 短消息 

八 很多的脚本翻页
<!doctype html public "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312" /> <title> JavaScript: showPages v1.0 [by]</title> <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- /* showPages v1.1 ================================= Infomation ---------------------- Author : Lapuasi E-Mail : Web : Date : 2005-11-17 Example ---------------------- var pg = new showPages('pg'); pg.pageCount = 12; //定义总页数(必要) pg.argName = 'p'; //定义参数名(可选,缺省为page) pg.printHtml(); //显示页数 Supported in Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox */ function showPages(name) { //初始化属性 = name; //对象名称 = 1; //当前页数 this.pageCount = 1; //总页数 this.argName = 'page'; //参数名 this.showTimes = 1; //打印次数 } showPages.prototype.getPage = function(){ //丛url获得当前页数,如果变量重复只获取最后一个 var args =; var reg = new RegExp('[\?&]?' + this.argName + '=([^&]*)[&$]?', 'gi'); var chk = args.match(reg); = RegExp.$1; } showPages.prototype.checkPages = function(){ //进行当前页数和总页数的验证 if (isNaN(parseInt( = 1; if (isNaN(parseInt(this.pageCount))) this.pageCount = 1; if ( < 1) = 1; if (this.pageCount < 1) this.pageCount = 1; if ( > this.pageCount) = this.pageCount; = parseInt(; this.pageCount = parseInt(this.pageCount); } showPages.prototype.createHtml = function(mode){ //生成html代码 var strHtml = '', prevPage = - 1, nextPage = + 1; if (mode == '' || typeof(mode) == 'undefined') mode = 0; switch (mode) { case 0 : //模式1 (页数,首页,前页,后页,尾页) strHtml += '<span class="count">Pages: ' + + ' / ' + this.pageCount + '</span>'; strHtml += '<span class="number">'; if (prevPage < 1) { strHtml += '<span title="First Page">«</span>'; strHtml += '<span title="Prev Page">‹</span>'; } else { strHtml += '<span title="First Page"><a href="javascript:' + + '.toPage(1);">«</a></span>'; strHtml += '<span title="Prev Page"><a href="javascript:' + + '.toPage(' + prevPage + ');">‹</a></span>'; } for (var i = 1; i <= this.pageCount; i++) { if (i > 0) { if (i == { strHtml += '<span title="Page ' + i + '">[' + i + ']</span>'; } else { strHtml += '<span title="Page ' + i + '"><a href="javascript:' + + '.toPage(' + i + ');">[' + i + ']</a></span>'; } } } if (nextPage > this.pageCount) { strHtml += '<span title="Next Page">›</span>'; strHtml += '<span title="Last Page">»</span>'; } else { strHtml += '<span title="Next Page"><a href="javascript:' + + '.toPage(' + nextPage + ');">›</a></span>'; strHtml += '<span title="Last Page"><a href="javascript:' + + '.toPage(' + this.pageCount + ');">»</a></span>'; } strHtml += '</span><br />'; break; case 1 : //模式1 (10页缩略,首页,前页,后页,尾页) strHtml += '<span class="count">Pages: ' + + ' / ' + this.pageCount + '</span>'; strHtml += '<span class="number">'; if (prevPage < 1) { strHtml += '<span title="First Page">«</span>'; strHtml += '<span title="Prev Page">‹</span>'; } else { strHtml += '<span title="First Page"><a href="javascript:' + + '.toPage(1);">«</a></span>'; strHtml += '<span title="Prev Page"><a href="javascript:' + + '.toPage(' + prevPage + ');">‹</a></span>'; } if ( % 10 ==0) { var startPage = - 9; } else { var startPage = - % 10 + 1; } if (startPage > 10) strHtml += '<span title="Prev 10 Pages"><a href="javascript:' + + '.toPage(' + (startPage - 1) + ');">...</a></span>'; for (var i = startPage; i < startPage + 10; i++) { if (i > this.pageCount) break; if (i == { strHtml += '<span title="Page ' + i + '">[' + i + ']</span>'; } else { strHtml += '<span title="Page ' + i + '"><a href="javascript:' + + '.toPage(' + i + ');">[' + i + ']</a></span>'; } } if (this.pageCount >= startPage + 10) strHtml += '<span title="Next 10 Pages"><a href="javascript:' + + '.toPage(' + (startPage + 10) + ');">...</a></span>'; if (nextPage > this.pageCount) { strHtml += '<span title="Next Page">›</span>'; strHtml += '<span title="Last Page">»</span>'; } else { strHtml += '<span title="Next Page"><a href="javascript:' + + '.toPage(' + nextPage + ');">›</a></span>'; strHtml += '<span title="Last Page"><a href="javascript:' + + '.toPage(' + this.pageCount + ');">»</a></span>'; } strHtml += '</span><br />'; break; case 2 : //模式2 (前后缩略,页数,首页,前页,后页,尾页) strHtml += '<span class="count">Pages: ' + + ' / ' + this.pageCount + '</span>'; strHtml += '<span class="number">'; if (prevPage < 1) { strHtml += '<span title="First Page">«</span>'; strHtml += '<span title="Prev Page">‹</span>'; } else { strHtml += '<span title="First Page"><a href="javascript:' + + '.toPage(1);">«</a></span>'; strHtml += '<span title="Prev Page"><a href="javascript:' + + '.toPage(' + prevPage + ');">‹</a></span>'; } if ( != 1) strHtml += '<span title="Page 1"><a href="javascript:' + + '.toPage(1);">[1]</a></span>'; if ( >= 5) strHtml += '<span>...</span>'; if (this.pageCount > + 2) { var endPage = + 2; } else { var endPage = this.pageCount; } for (var i = - 2; i <= endPage; i++) { if (i > 0) { if (i == { strHtml += '<span title="Page ' + i + '">[' + i + ']</span>'; } else { if (i != 1 && i != this.pageCount) { strHtml += '<span title="Page ' + i + '"><a href="javascript:' + + '.toPage(' + i + ');">[' + i + ']</a></span>'; } } } } if ( + 3 < this.pageCount) strHtml += '<span>...</span>'; if ( != this.pageCount) strHtml += '<span title="Page ' + this.pageCount + '"><a href="javascript:' + + '.toPage(' + this.pageCount + ');">[' + this.pageCount + ']</a></span>'; if (nextPage > this.pageCount) { strHtml += '<span title="Next Page">›</span>'; strHtml += '<span title="Last Page">»</span>'; } else { strHtml += '<span title="Next Page"><a href="javascript:' + + '.toPage(' + nextPage + ');">›</a></span>'; strHtml += '<span title="Last Page"><a href="javascript:' + + '.toPage(' + this.pageCount + ');">»</a></span>'; } strHtml += '</span><br />'; break; case 3 : //模式3 (箭头样式,首页,前页,后页,尾页) (only IE) strHtml += '<span class="count">Pages: ' + + ' / ' + this.pageCount + '</span>'; strHtml += '<span class="arrow">'; if (prevPage < 1) { strHtml += '<span title="First Page">9</span>'; strHtml += '<span title="Prev Page">7</span>'; } else { strHtml += '<span title="First Page"><a href="javascript:' + + '.toPage(1);">9</a></span>'; strHtml += '<span title="Prev Page"><a href="javascript:' + + '.toPage(' + prevPage + ');">7</a></span>'; } if (nextPage > this.pageCount) { strHtml += '<span title="Next Page">8</span>'; strHtml += '<span title="Last Page">:</span>'; } else { strHtml += '<span title="Next Page"><a href="javascript:' + + '.toPage(' + nextPage + ');">8</a></span>'; strHtml += '<span title="Last Page"><a href="javascript:' + + '.toPage(' + this.pageCount + ');">:</a></span>'; } strHtml += '</span><br />'; break; case 4 : //模式4 (下拉框) if (this.pageCount < 1) { strHtml += '<select name="toPage" disabled>'; strHtml += '<option value="0">No Pages</option>'; } else { var chkSelect; strHtml += '<select name="toPage" onchange="' + + '.toPage(this);">'; for (var i = 1; i <= this.pageCount; i++) { if ( == i) chkSelect=' selected="selected"'; else chkSelect=''; strHtml += '<option value="' + i + '"' + chkSelect + '>Pages: ' + i + ' / ' + this.pageCount + '</option>'; } } strHtml += '</select>'; break; case 5 : //模式5 (输入框) strHtml += '<span class="input">'; if (this.pageCount < 1) { strHtml += '<input type="text" name="toPage" value="No Pages" class="itext" disabled="disabled">'; strHtml += '<input type="button" name="go" value="GO" class="ibutton" disabled="disabled"></option>'; } else { strHtml += '<input type="text" value="Input Page:" class="ititle" readonly="readonly">'; strHtml += '<input type="text" id="pageInput' + this.showTimes + '" value="' + + '" class="itext" title="Input page" onkeypress="return ' + + '.formatInputPage(event);" onfocus="">'; strHtml += '<input type="text" value=" / ' + this.pageCount + '" class="icount" readonly="readonly">'; strHtml += '<input type="button" name="go" value="GO" class="ibutton" onclick="' + + '.toPage(document.getElementById(\'pageInput' + this.showTimes + '\').value);"></option>'; } strHtml += '</span>'; break; default : strHtml = 'Javascript showPage Error: not find mode ' + mode; break; } return strHtml; } showPages.prototype.createUrl = function (page) { //生成页面跳转url if (isNaN(parseInt(page))) page = 1; if (page < 1) page = 1; if (page > this.pageCount) page = this.pageCount; var url = location.protocol + '//' + + location.pathname; var args =; var reg = new RegExp('([\?&]?)' + this.argName + '=[^&]*[&$]?', 'gi'); args = args.replace(reg,'$1'); if (args == '' || args == null) { args += '?' + this.argName + '=' + page; } else if (args.substr(args.length - 1,1) == '?' || args.substr(args.length - 1,1) == '&') { args += this.argName + '=' + page; } else { args += '&' + this.argName + '=' + page; } return url + args; } showPages.prototype.toPage = function(page){ //页面跳转 var turnTo = 1; if (typeof(page) == 'object') { turnTo = page.options[page.selectedIndex].value; } else { turnTo = page; } self.location.href = this.createUrl(turnTo); } showPages.prototype.printHtml = function(mode){ //显示html代码 this.getPage(); this.checkPages(); this.showTimes += 1; document.write('<div id="pages_' + + '_' + this.showTimes + '" class="pages"></div>'); document.getElementById('pages_' + + '_' + this.showTimes).innerHTML = this.createHtml(mode); } showPages.prototype.formatInputPage = function(e){ //限定输入页数格式 var ie = navigator.appName=="Microsoft Internet Explorer"?true:false; if(!ie) var key = e.which; else var key = event.keyCode; if (key == 8 || key == 46 || (key >= 48 && key <= 57)) return true; return false; } //--> </script> <style> /* Pages Main Tyle */ .pages { color: #000000; cursor: default; font-size: 10px; font-family: Tahoma, Verdana; padding: 3px 0px 3px 0px; } .pages .count, .pages .number, .pages .arrow { color: #000000; font-size: 10px; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 1px solid #CCCCCC; } /* Page and PageCount Style */ .pages .count { font-weight: bold; border-right: none; padding: 2px 10px 1px 10px; } /* Mode 0,1,2 Style (Number) */ .pages .number { font-weight: normal; padding: 2px 10px 1px 10px; } .pages .number a, .pages .number span { font-size: 10px; } .pages .number span { color: #999999; margin: 0px 3px 0px 3px; } .pages .number a { color: #000000; text-decoration: none; } .pages .number a:hover { color: #0000ff; } /* Mode 3 Style (Arrow) */ .pages .arrow { font-weight: normal; padding: 0px 5px 0px 5px; } .pages .arrow a, .pages .arrow span { font-size: 10px; font-family: Webdings; } .pages .arrow span { color: #999999; margin: 0px 5px 0px 5px; } .pages .arrow a { color: #000000; text-decoration: none; } .pages .arrow a:hover { color: #0000ff; } /* Mode 4 Style (Select) */ .pages select, .pages input { color: #000000; font-size: 10px; font-family: Tahoma, Verdana; } /* Mode 5 Style (Input) */ .pages .input input.ititle, .pages .input input.itext, .pages .input input.icount { color: #666666; font-weight: bold; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 1px solid #CCCCCC; } .pages .input input.ititle { width: 70px; text-align: right; border-right: none; } .pages .input input.itext { width: 25px; color: #000000; text-align: right; border-left: none; border-right: none; } .pages .input input.icount { width: 35px; text-align: left; border-left: none; } .pages .input input.ibutton { height: 17px; color: #FFFFFF; font-weight: bold; font-family: Verdana; background-color: #999999; border: 1px solid #666666; padding: 0px 0px 2px 1px; margin-left: 2px; cursor: hand; } /* body */ body { font-size: 12px; } </style> </head> <body> <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- var pg = new showPages('pg'); pg.pageCount =12; // 定义总页数(必要) //pg.argName = 'p'; // 定义参数名(可选,默认为page) document.write('<br>Show Times: ' + pg.showTimes + ', Mood Default'); pg.printHtml(); document.write('<br>Show Times: ' + pg.showTimes + ', Mood 0'); pg.printHtml(0); document.write('<br>Show Times: ' + pg.showTimes + ', Mood 1'); pg.printHtml(1); document.write('<br>Show Times: ' + pg.showTimes + ', Mood 2'); pg.printHtml(2); document.write('<br>Show Times: ' + pg.showTimes + ', Mood 3 (only IE)'); pg.printHtml(3); document.write('<br>Show Times: ' + pg.showTimes + ', Mood 4'); pg.printHtml(4); document.write('<br>Show Times: ' + pg.showTimes + ', Mood 5'); pg.printHtml(5); //--> </script> </body> </html>



帖子 84
体力 315
注册 2005-11-30
发表于 2006-3-8 10:36  资料 主页 短消息 

九 DIV的透明层实现
<body bgcolor="#ff0ddd"> <div id="Layer1" style="position:absolute; width:260px; height:115px; z-index:1; left: 50px; top: 77px; filter:Alpha(opacity=30)"> <table width="96%" border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" bordercolor="#FFFFFF" bgcolor="#999999"> <tr> <td height="25" bgcolor="#f5f5f5" class="13">你也可以在这里插入图片</td> </tr> <tr> <td height="20" bgcolor="#f5f5f5" class="12">你想注册地图名片吗</td> </tr> <tr> <td height="20" bgcolor="#f5f5f5" class="12"></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="20" bgcolor="#f5f5f5" class="12"></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="20" bgcolor="#f5f5f5" class="12">地址</td> </tr> <tr> <td height="20" bgcolor="#f5f5f5" class="12">邮编</td> </tr> </table> </div>



帖子 84
体力 315
注册 2005-11-30
发表于 2006-3-8 10:39  资料 主页 短消息 

十 JSP页面自动生成html页面/或任何格式页面

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312">
<LINK href="../css.css" rel=stylesheet type=text/css>

<table width="500" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2">
<td align="center">###title###</td>
<td align="center">作者:###author###&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>



再写一个JSP页面: buildhtml.jsp

<%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=gb2312" import="java.util.*,*"%>
String title="李鹏的jsp生成静态html文件";
String content="小样,还搞不定你?";
String editer="hpsoft";
String filePath = "";
filePath = request.getRealPath("/")+"template.htm";
String templateContent="";
FileInputStream fileinputstream = new FileInputStream(filePath);//读取模块文件
int lenght = fileinputstream.available();
byte bytes[] = new byte[lenght];;
templateContent = new String(bytes);
// 根据时间得文件名
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
String fileame = String.valueOf(calendar.getTimeInMillis()) +".html";
fileame = request.getRealPath("/")+fileame;//生成的html文件保存路径
FileOutputStream fileoutputstream = new FileOutputStream(fileame);//建立文件输出流
byte tag_bytes[] = templateContent.getBytes();
catch(Exception e){




帖子 84
体力 315
注册 2005-11-30
发表于 2006-3-8 10:40  资料 主页 短消息 

十一 超级强大的表单验证
<title>表单验证类 Validator v1.01</title> <style> body,td{font:normal 12px Verdana;color:#333333} input,textarea,select,td{font:normal 12px Verdana;color:#333333;border:1px solid #999999;background:#ffffff} table{border-collapse:collapse;} td{padding:3px} input{height:20;} textarea{width:80%;height:50px;overfmin:auto;} form{display:inline} </style> <table align="center"> <form name="theForm" id="demo" action="" method="get" onSubmit="return Validator.Validate(this,2)"> <tr> <td>真实姓名:</td><td><input name="Name" dataType="Chinese" msg="真实姓名只允许中文"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>英文名:</td><td><input name="Nick" dataType="English" require="false" msg="英文名只允许英文字母"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>主页:</td><td><input name="Homepage" require="false" dataType="Url" msg="非法的Url"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>密码:</td><td><input name="Password" dataType="SafeString" msg="密码不符合安全规则" type="password"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>重复:</td><td><input name="Repeat" dataType="Repeat" to="Password" msg="两次输入的密码不一致" type="password"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>信箱:</td><td><input name="Email" dataType="Email" msg="信箱格式不正确"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>信箱:</td><td><input name="Email" dataType="Repeat" to="Email" msg="两次输入的信箱不一致"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>QQ:</td><td><input name="QQ" require="false" dataType="QQ" msg="QQ号码不存在"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>身份证:</td><td><input name="Card" dataType="IdCard" msg="身份证号码不正确"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>年龄:</td><td><input name="Year" dataType="Range" msg="年龄必须在18~28之间" min="18" max="28"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>年龄1:</td><td><input name="Year1" require="false" dataType="Compare" msg="年龄必须在18以上" to="18" operator="GreaterThanEqual"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>电话:</td><td><input name="Phone" require="false" dataType="Phone" msg="电话号码不正确"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>手机:</td><td><input name="Mobile" require="false" dataType="Mobile" msg="手机号码不正确"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>生日:</td><td><input name="Birthday" dataType="Date" format="ymd" msg="生日日期不存在"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>邮政编码:</td><td><input name="Zip" dataType="Custom" regexp="^[1-9]\d{5}$" msg="邮政编码不存在"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>邮政编码:</td><td><input name="Zip1" dataType="Zip" msg="邮政编码不存在"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>操作系统:</td><td><select name="Operation" dataType="Require" msg="未选择所用操作系统" ><option value="">选择您所用的操作系统</option><option value="Win98">Win98</option><option value="Win2k">Win2k</option><option value="WinXP">WinXP</option></select></td> </tr> <tr> <td>所在省份:</td><td>广东<input name="Province" value="1" type="radio">陕西<input name="Province" value="2" type="radio">浙江<input name="Province" value="3" type="radio">江西<input name="Province" value="4" type="radio" dataType="Group" msg="必须选定一个省份" ></td> </tr> <tr> <td>爱好:</td><td>运动<input name="Favorite" value="1" type="checkbox">上网<input name="Favorite" value="2" type="checkbox">听音乐<input name="Favorite" value="3" type="checkbox">看书<input name="Favorite" value="4" type="checkbox"" dataType="Group" min="2" max="3" msg="必须选择2~3种爱好"></td> </tr> <td>自我介绍:</td><td><textarea name="Description" dataType="Limit" max="10" msg="自我介绍内容必须在10个字之内">中文是一个字</textarea></td> </tr> <td>自传:</td><td><textarea name="History" dataType="LimitB" min="3" max="10" msg="自传内容必须在[3,10]个字节之内">中文是两个字节t</textarea></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><input name="Submit" type="submit" value="确定提交"><input onClick="Validator.Validate(document.getElementById('demo'))" value="检验模式1" type="button"><input onClick="Validator.Validate(document.getElementById('demo'),2)" value="检验模式2" type="button"><input onClick="Validator.Validate(document.getElementById('demo'),3)" value="检验模式3" type="button"></td> </tr> </form> </table> <script> /************************************************* Validator v1.01 code by 我佛山人 *************************************************/ Validator = { Require : /.+/, Email : /^\w+([-+.]\w+)*@\w+([-.]\w+)*\.\w+([-.]\w+)*$/, Phone : /^((\(\d{3}\))|(\d{3}\-))?(\(0\d{2,3}\)|0\d{2,3}-)?[1-9]\d{6,7}$/, Mobile : /^((\(\d{3}\))|(\d{3}\-))?13\d{9}$/, Url : /^http:\/\/[A-Za-z0-9]+\.[A-Za-z0-9]+[\/=\?%\-&_~`@[\]\':+!]*([^<>\"\"])*$/, IdCard : /^\d{15}(\d{2}[A-Za-z0-9])?$/, Currency : /^\d+(\.\d+)?$/, Number : /^\d+$/, Zip : /^[1-9]\d{5}$/, QQ : /^[1-9]\d{4,8}$/, Integer : /^[-\+]?\d+$/, Double : /^[-\+]?\d+(\.\d+)?$/, English : /^[A-Za-z]+$/, Chinese : /^[\u0391-\uFFE5]+$/, UnSafe : /^(([A-Z]*|[a-z]*|\d*|[-_\~!@#\$%\^&\*\.\(\)\[\]\{\}<>\?\\\/\'\"]*)|.{0,5})$|\s/, IsSafe : function(str){return !this.UnSafe.test(str);}, SafeString : "this.IsSafe(value)", Limit : "this.limit(value.length,getAttribute('min'), getAttribute('max'))", LimitB : "this.limit(this.LenB(value), getAttribute('min'), getAttribute('max'))", Date : "this.IsDate(value, getAttribute('min'), getAttribute('format'))", Repeat : "value == document.getElementsByName(getAttribute('to'))[0].value", Range : "getAttribute('min') < value && value < getAttribute('max')", Compare : ",getAttribute('operator'),getAttribute('to'))", Custom : "this.Exec(value, getAttribute('regexp'))", Group : "this.MustChecked(getAttribute('name'), getAttribute('min'), getAttribute('max'))", ErrorItem : [document.forms[0]], ErrorMessage : ["以下原因导致提交失败:\t\t\t\t"], Validate : function(theForm, mode){ var obj = theForm || event.srcElement; var count = obj.elements.length; this.ErrorMessage.length = 1; this.ErrorItem.length = 1; this.ErrorItem[0] = obj; for(var i=0;i<count;i++){ with(obj.elements[i]){ var _dataType = getAttribute("dataType"); if(typeof(_dataType) == "object" || typeof(this[_dataType]) == "undefined") continue; this.ClearState(obj.elements[i]); if(getAttribute("require") == "false" && value == "") continue; switch(_dataType){ case "Date" : case "Repeat" : case "Range" : case "Compare" : case "Custom" : case "Group" : case "Limit" : case "LimitB" : case "SafeString" : if(!eval(this[_dataType])) { this.AddError(i, getAttribute("msg")); } break; default : if(!this[_dataType].test(value)){ this.AddError(i, getAttribute("msg")); } break; } } } if(this.ErrorMessage.length > 1){ mode = mode || 1; var errCount = this.ErrorItem.length; switch(mode){ case 2 : for(var i=1;i<errCount;i++) this.ErrorItem[i].style.color = "red"; case 1 : alert(this.ErrorMessage.join("\n")); this.ErrorItem[1].focus(); break; case 3 : for(var i=1;i<errCount;i++){ try{ var span = document.createElement("SPAN"); = "__ErrorMessagePanel"; = "red"; this.ErrorItem[i].parentNode.appendChild(span); span.innerHTML = this.ErrorMessage[i].replace(/\d+:/,"*"); } catch(e){alert(e.description);} } this.ErrorItem[1].focus(); break; default : alert(this.ErrorMessage.join("\n")); break; } return false; } return true; }, limit : function(len,min, max){ min = min || 0; max = max || Number.MAX_VALUE; return min <= len && len <= max; }, LenB : function(str){ return str.replace(/[^\x00-\xff]/g,"**").length; }, ClearState : function(elem){ with(elem){ if(style.color == "red") style.color = ""; var lastNode = parentNode.childNodes[parentNode.childNodes.length-1]; if( == "__ErrorMessagePanel") parentNode.removeChild(lastNode); } }, AddError : function(index, str){ this.ErrorItem[this.ErrorItem.length] = this.ErrorItem[0].elements[index]; this.ErrorMessage[this.ErrorMessage.length] = this.ErrorMessage.length + ":" + str; }, Exec : function(op, reg){ return new RegExp(reg,"g").test(op); }, compare : function(op1,operator,op2){ switch (operator) { case "NotEqual": return (op1 != op2); case "GreaterThan": return (op1 > op2); case "GreaterThanEqual": return (op1 >= op2); case "LessThan": return (op1 < op2); case "LessThanEqual": return (op1 <= op2); default: return (op1 == op2); } }, MustChecked : function(name, min, max){ var groups = document.getElementsByName(name); var hasChecked = 0; min = min || 1; max = max || groups.length; for(var i=groups.length-1;i>=0;i--) if(groups[i].checked) hasChecked++; return min <= hasChecked && hasChecked <= max; }, IsDate : function(op, formatString){ formatString = formatString || "ymd"; var m, year, month, day; switch(formatString){ case "ymd" : m = op.match(new RegExp("^((\\d{4})|(\\d{2}))([-./])(\\d{1,2})\\4(\\d{1,2})$")); if(m == null ) return false; day = m[6]; month = m[5]--; year = (m[2].length == 4) ? m[2] : GetFullYear(parseInt(m[3], 10)); break; case "dmy" : m = op.match(new RegExp("^(\\d{1,2})([-./])(\\d{1,2})\\2((\\d{4})|(\\d{2}))$")); if(m == null ) return false; day = m[1]; month = m[3]--; year = (m[5].length == 4) ? m[5] : GetFullYear(parseInt(m[6], 10)); break; default : break; } if(!parseInt(month)) return false; month = month==12 ?0:month; var date = new Date(year, month, day); return (typeof(date) == "object" && year == date.getFullYear() && month == date.getMonth() && day == date.getDate()); function GetFullYear(y){return ((y<30 ? "20" : "19") + y)|0;} } } </script>



帖子 84
体力 315
注册 2005-11-30
发表于 2006-3-8 10:41  资料 主页 短消息 

十二 漂亮的脚本日历
<Script LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> var months = new Array("一", "二", "三","四", "五", "六", "七", "八", "九","十", "十一", "十二"); var daysInMonth = new Array(31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31,30, 31, 30, 31); var days = new Array("日","一", "二", "三","四", "五", "六"); var classTemp; var today=new getToday(); var year=today.year; var month=today.month; var newCal; function getDays(month, year) { if (1 == month) return ((0 == year % 4) && (0 != (year % 100))) ||(0 == year % 400) ? 29 : 28; else return daysInMonth[month]; } function getToday() { = new Date(); this.year =; this.month =; =; } function Calendar() { newCal = new Date(year,month,1); today = new getToday(); var day = -1; var startDay = newCal.getDay(); var endDay=getDays(newCal.getMonth(), newCal.getFullYear()); var daily = 0; if ((today.year == newCal.getFullYear()) &&(today.month == newCal.getMonth())) { day =; } var caltable = document.all.caltable.tBodies.calendar; var intDaysInMonth =getDays(newCal.getMonth(), newCal.getFullYear()); for (var intWeek = 0; intWeek < caltable.rows.length;intWeek++) for (var intDay = 0;intDay < caltable.rows[intWeek].cells.length;intDay++) { var cell = caltable.rows[intWeek].cells[intDay]; var montemp=(newCal.getMonth()+1)<10?("0"+(newCal.getMonth()+1)):(newCal.getMonth()+1); if ((intDay == startDay) && (0 == daily)){ daily = 1;} var daytemp=daily<10?("0"+daily):(daily); var d="<"+newCal.getFullYear()+"-"+montemp+"-"+daytemp+">"; if(day==daily) cell.className="DayNow"; else if(intDay==6) cell.className = "DaySat"; else if (intDay==0) cell.className ="DaySun"; else cell.className="Day"; if ((daily > 0) && (daily <= intDaysInMonth)) { cell.innerText = daily; daily++; } else { cell.className="CalendarTD"; cell.innerText = ""; } } document.all.year.value=year; document.all.month.value=month+1; } function subMonth() { if ((month-1)<0) { month=11; year=year-1; } else { month=month-1; } Calendar(); } function addMonth() { if((month+1)>11) { month=0; year=year+1; } else { month=month+1; } Calendar(); } function setDate() { if (document.all.month.value<1||document.all.month.value>12) { alert("月的有效范围在1-12之间!"); return; } year=Math.ceil(document.all.year.value); month=Math.ceil(document.all.month.value-1); Calendar(); } </Script> <Script> function buttonOver() { var obj = window.event.srcElement; obj.runtimeStyle.cssText = "background-color:#FFFFFF"; // obj.className="Hover"; } function buttonOut() { var obj = window.event.srcElement; window.setTimeout(function(){obj.runtimeStyle.cssText = "";},300); } </Script> <Style> Input {font-family: verdana;font-size: 9pt;text-decoration: none;background-color: #FFFFFF;height: 20px;border: 1px solid #666666;color:#000000;} .Calendar {font-family: verdana;text-decoration: none;width: 170;background-color: #C0D0E8;font-size: 9pt;border:0px dotted #1C6FA5;} .CalendarTD {font-family: verdana;font-size: 7pt;color: #000000;background-color:#f6f6f6;height: 20px;width:11%;text-align: center;} .Title {font-family: verdana;font-size: 11pt;font-weight: normal;height: 24px;text-align: center;color: #333333;text-decoration: none;background-color: #A4B9D7;border-top-width: 1px;border-right-width: 1px;border-bottom-width: 1px;border-left-width: 1px;border-bottom-style:1px;border-top-color: #999999;border-right-color: #999999;border-bottom-color: #999999;border-left-color: #999999;} .Day {font-family: verdana;font-size: 7pt;color:#243F65;background-color: #E5E9F2;height: 20px;width:11%;text-align: center;} .DaySat {font-family: verdana;font-size: 7pt;color:#FF0000;text-decoration: none;background-color:#E5E9F2;text-align: center;height: 18px;width: 12%;} .DaySun {font-family: verdana;font-size: 7pt;color: #FF0000;text-decoration: none;background-color:#E5E9F2;text-align: center;height: 18px;width: 12%;} .DayNow {font-family: verdana;font-size: 7pt;font-weight: bold;color: #000000;background-color: #FFFFFF;height: 20px;text-align: center;} .DayTitle {font-family: verdana;font-size: 9pt;color: #000000;background-color: #C0D0E8;height: 20px;width:11%;text-align: center;} .DaySatTitle {font-family: verdana;font-size: 9pt;color:#FF0000;text-decoration: none;background-color:#C0D0E8;text-align: center;height: 20px;width: 12%;} .DaySunTitle {font-family: verdana;font-size: 9pt;color: #FF0000;text-decoration: none;background-color: #C0D0E8;text-align: center;height: 20px;width: 12%;} .DayButton {font-family: Webdings;font-size: 9pt;font-weight: bold;color: #243F65;cursor:hand;text-decoration: none;} </Style> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" class="Calendar" id="caltable"> <thead> <tr align="center" valign="middle"> <td colspan="7" class="Title"> <a href="javaScript:subMonth();" title="上一月" Class="DayButton">3</a> <input name="year" type="text" size="4" maxlength="4" onkeydown="if (event.keyCode==13){setDate()}" onkeyup="this.value=this.value.replace(/[^0-9]/g,'')" onpaste="this.value=this.value.replace(/[^0-9]/g,'')"> 年 <input name="month" type="text" size="1" maxlength="2" onkeydown="if (event.keyCode==13){setDate()}" onkeyup="this.value=this.value.replace(/[^0-9]/g,'')" onpaste="this.value=this.value.replace(/[^0-9]/g,'')"> 月 <a href="JavaScript:addMonth();" title="下一月" Class="DayButton">4</a> </td> </tr> <tr align="center" valign="middle"> <Script LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> document.write("<TD class=DaySunTitle id=diary >" + days[0] + "</TD>"); for (var intLoop = 1; intLoop < days.length-1;intLoop++) document.write("<TD class=DayTitle id=diary>" + days[intLoop] + "</TD>"); document.write("<TD class=DaySatTitle id=diary>" + days[intLoop] + "</TD>"); </Script> </TR> </thead> <TBODY border=1 cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" ID="calendar" ALIGN=CENTER ONCLICK="getDiary()"> <Script LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> for (var intWeeks = 0; intWeeks < 6; intWeeks++) { document.write("<TR style='cursor:hand'>"); for (var intDays = 0; intDays < days.length;intDays++) document.write("<TD class=CalendarTD onMouseover='buttonOver();' onMouseOut='buttonOut();'></TD>"); document.write("</TR>"); } </Script> </TBODY> </TABLE> <Script LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> Calendar(); </Script>



帖子 84
体力 315
注册 2005-11-30
发表于 2006-3-8 10:56  资料 主页 短消息 


十三 进入,退出页面的各种效果!

进入页面<meta http-equiv="Page-Enter" content="revealTrans(duration=x, transition=y)">
推出页面<meta http-equiv="Page-Exit" content="revealTrans(duration=x, transition=y)">
  0 矩形缩小
  1 矩形扩大
  2 圆形缩小
  3 圆形扩大
  4 下到上刷新
  5 上到下刷新
  6 左到右刷新
  7 右到左刷新
  8 竖百叶窗
  9 横百叶窗
  10 错位横百叶窗
  11 错位竖百叶窗
  12 点扩散
  13 左右到中间刷新
  14 中间到左右刷新
  15 中间到上下
  16 上下到中间
  17 右下到左上
  18 右上到左下
  19 左上到右下
  20 左下到右上
  21 横条
  22 竖条
  23 以上22种随机选择一种



帖子 84
体力 315
注册 2005-11-30
发表于 2006-3-8 10:57  资料 主页 短消息 

十四 很酷的效果,表格被选中回变颜色
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312"> <html> <head> </head> <title>Mapabc地图无限</title> <script language="JavaScript"> var searchResult=new Array();//鼠标滑过时显示背景色 function borderize(what,color,color2) { } function borderize_on(e){ if (document.all) source3=event.srcElement else if (document.getElementById) if (source3.className=="zuo22"){ borderize(source3,"#999999","#F6F6F8") } else{ while(source3.tagName!="TABLE"){ source3=document.getElementById? source3.parentNode : source3.parentElement if (source3.className=="zuo22") borderize(source3,"#999999","#F6F6F8") } } } function borderize_off(e){ if (document.all) source4=event.srcElement else if (document.getElementById) if (source4.className=="zuo22") borderize(source4,"white","white") else{ while(source4.tagName!="TABLE"){ source4=document.getElementById? source4.parentNode : source4.parentElement if (source4.className=="zuo22") borderize(source4,"white","white") } } } </script> <body > <table width="96%" border="0" onMouseOver="borderize_on(event)" onMouseOut="borderize_off(event)" class="zuo22" onclick="javascript:clickfun('123')"> <TR> <TD>把鼠标移过来</TD> <TD>把鼠标移过来</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD>把鼠标移过来</TD> <TD>把鼠标移过来</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD>把鼠标移过来</TD> <TD>把鼠标移过来</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD>把鼠标移过来</TD> <TD>把鼠标移过来</TD> </TR> </table> </body> </html>



帖子 84
体力 315
注册 2005-11-30
发表于 2006-3-8 11:01  资料 主页 短消息 

十五 弹出提示的效果
<html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312" /> <title>cao888---提示</title> </head> <body> <script language=javascript> var cao_x,cao_y; function cao888() { this.display=display; } function display() { document.write("<table align=center><tr><td><button style='width:100px;height:30px;font-size:12px;border:1px solid #A4B3C8;background-color:green;' type=button onclick=document.getElementById('cao1').style.display='block' onfocus=this.blur()>CAO留言</button></td></tr></table>"); document.write("<div id='cao1' style='font-size:12px;position:absolute;display:none;text-align:center;overflow:visible'>"); document.write("<div style='position:absolute;top:expression((body.clientHeight-300)/2);left:expression((body.clientWidth-200)/2);width:200px;height:180px;background-color:#dbdbdb;border:1px solid #cccccc;'>"); document.write("<table width=200 height=20 bgcolor=green onmousedown=';;setCapture();' onmouseup='releaseCapture();' onmousemove='caoMove(this.parentNode)' style='cursor:move;'>"); document.write("<tr align=center>"); document.write("<td align=left>提示:CAO888</td>"); document.write("</tr>"); document.write("</table>"); document.write("<span style= cursor:hand'none';><img src=''><br>CAO呀,错误了...<br>[确定]</span>"); document.write(" </div>"); document.write("</div>"); } function caoMove(obj) //实现层的拖移 { if(event.button==1) { var caoX=obj.clientLeft; var caoY=obj.clientTop;;; } } </script> <script language=javascript> var mycao=new cao888(); mycao.display(); </script> </body> </html>



帖子 84
体力 315
注册 2005-11-30
发表于 2006-3-8 11:01  资料 主页 短消息 

十六 图片之间的切换
<script language=JavaScript> <!-- var imgUrl=new Array(); var imgLink=new Array(); var adNum=0; var jumpUrl=""; imgLink[1]=""; imgLink[2]=""; imgUrl[1]=""; imgUrl[2]=""; var imgPre=new Array(); var j=0; for (i=1;i<=imgUrl.length-1;i++) { if(imgLink[i]!="") {j++;} else {break;} } function playTran(){ if (document.all); } var key=0; function nextAd(){ if(adNum<j)adNum++ ; else adNum=1; if( key==0 ){key=1;} else if (document.all){ imgInit.filters.revealTrans.Transition=6; imgInit.filters.revealTrans.apply(); playTran(); } document.images.imgInit.src=imgUrl[adNum]; jumpUrl=imgLink[adNum]; theTimer=setTimeout("nextAd()", 7000); } function goUrl(){ jumpTarget='_blank'; if (jumpUrl != ''){ if (jumpTarget != ''),jumpTarget); else location.href=jumpUrl; } } //--> </script> <a href="javascript:goUrl()"><img style="FILTER: revealTrans(duration=2,transition=6);border:1 solid black" src="javascript:nextAd()" width=300 border=0 name=imgInit height="210"></a> </body> </html>



帖子 84
体力 315
注册 2005-11-30
发表于 2006-3-8 11:02  资料 主页 短消息 

十七 DIV_圆边圆角的实现
<html xmlns:v> <head> <style> v\:*{behavior: url(#default#VML);} </style> </head> <body> <v:roundRect style="position:absolute;left:20px;top:50px;width:200px;height:140px;" FillColor="#AAEAFA" Filled="T" /> </body>



帖子 84
体力 315
注册 2005-11-30
发表于 2006-3-8 11:03  资料 主页 短消息 

十八 跳动的菜单
<html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312" /> <title>模仿as效果的导航菜单</title> <style type="text/css"> <!-- a:link,a:visited { text-decoration: none; color: #666666 } a:hover { text-decoration: underline } #hor1 { position:absolute; left:320px; top:20px; width:220px; height:20px; z-index:1; background-color: #999900; } #hor2 { position:absolute; left:320px; top:40px; width:220px; height:20px; z-index:2; background-color: #FFCC00; } #hor3 { position:absolute; left:320px; top:60px; width:220px; height:20px; z-index:3; background-color: #99CC00; } #board1 { position:absolute; left:320px; top:40px; width:220px; height:120px; z-index:-100; background-color: #333333; visibility: hidden; } body,td,th { font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; color: #FFFFFF; font-weight: bold; } body { background-color: #666666; } #board2 { position:absolute; left:320px; top:60px; width:220px; height:120px; z-index:-90; background-color: #333333; visibility: hidden; } #board3 { position:absolute; width:220px; height:120px; z-index:-80; left: 320px; top: 80px; background-color: #333333; visibility: hidden; } #hor4 { position:absolute; left:320px; top:80px; width:220px; height:20px; z-index:4; background-color: #99CCCC; } #board4 { position:absolute; left:320px; top:100px; width:220px; height:120px; z-index:-70; background-color: #333333; visibility: hidden; } --> </style> <script type="text/javascript"> lastNo=0 function re(menu_no){ if(lastNo!=menu_no){ cur=menu_no+1 lastNo=menu_no rest() }else{ cur=100 } document.getElementById("board"+menu_no).style.visibility="visible" } function rest(){ for(i=1;i<=4;i++){ document.getElementById("hor"+i)*i; document.getElementById("board"+i).style.visibility="hidden" } menu_num=4; act=1 height=120+20 speed=0; posY=0; } function huke(){ if(act==1&&cur<100){ speed=(height-posY)*0.69+speed*0.6 posY+=speed for(i=cur;i<=menu_num;i++){ document.getElementById("hor"+i)*20 } if(Math.abs(height-posY)<0.5){ for(i=cur;i<=menu_num;i++){ document.getElementById("hor"+i)*20 } act=0 } setTimeout("huke()",50) } } </script> </head> <body> <div id="hor1" onclick="re(1);huke()">News</div> <div id="hor2" onclick="re(2);huke()">Populor</div> <div id="hor3" onclick="re(3);huke()">Sports</div> <div id="hor4" onclick="re(4);huke()">Woman</div> <div id="board1">1.由AS而想起Javascript<br />2.用Jscript写ASP有没有先天性的不足?<br />3.没有了。</div> <div id="board2">1.xhtml+css真的来了吗?<br />2.Flash取代传统网站<br />3.Flash何时才能连接数据库?</div> <div id="board3">1.程序员与小姐的10个相同。<br />2.中国的程序员与中国的足球?</div> <div id="board4">1.二十一世纪最缺的是什么?人才<br /> <a href="" target="_blank"></a> <a href="" target="_blank"></a></div> </body> </html>



帖子 84
体力 315
注册 2005-11-30
发表于 2006-3-8 11:04  资料 主页 短消息 

十九 通过页面抓取照片
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <!-- saved from url=(0047) --> <HTML><HEAD><TITLE>te</TITLE> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312"> <META content="MSHTML 6.00.2800.1528" name=GENERATOR> <META content=C# name=CODE_LANGUAGE> <META content=JavaScript name=vs_defaultClientScript> <META content= name=vs_targetSchema><LINK href="te.files/mycss.css" type=text/css rel=stylesheet></HEAD> <BODY background=te.files/qback1.gif><!-- MUST CALL INTEGRATORWEB METHOD _DIRECTLY_ AFTER DEFINING THE IX OBJECT --> <FORM id=Form1 name=Form1 action=te.aspx method=post> &nbsp; <TABLE id=Table1 style="POSITION: static" borderColor=#cccccc cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=500 align=center bgColor=#ffffff border=1> <TBODY> <TR> <TD style="LINE-HEIGHT: 1.5em; HEIGHT: 35px" borderColor=#ffffff background=te.files/titledown.gif colSpan=2><FONT face=宋体></FONT></TD></TR> <TR> <TD style="PADDING-LEFT: 15px; COLOR: #660033; LINE-HEIGHT: 1.5em; PADDING-TOP: 10px" vAlign=top borderColor=#ffffff align=left background=te.files/bg1.gif><FONT face=宋体>友善提醒:<BR>1、如果别的程 序(如qq)或者其他网页正在使用摄像头,请先关闭相关程序,否则本</FONT><FONT face=宋体>网页对摄像头的功能不能使用。<BR>2、本网页必须使用一个插件ezvidc60.ocx,如果你未安装,请<A href="">下载安装</A>,(把下载的文件ezvid.rar解压到一个目录后,双击执行ezvid.bat即可)。如果您认为这会威胁到您计算机的安全,请关闭本页。</FONT></FONT></TD> <TD style="HEIGHT: 222px" borderColor=#ffffff align=middle> <OBJECT id=Form1_vd height=240 width=320 classid=CLSid:DF6D6569-5B0C-11D3-9396-008029E9B3A6 name=Form1_vd VIEWASTEXT> <PARAM NAME="_ExtentX" VALUE="8467"> <PARAM NAME="_ExtentY" VALUE="6350"> <PARAM NAME="AutoSize" VALUE="-1"> <PARAM NAME="CenterVideo" VALUE="-1"> <PARAM NAME="BackColor" VALUE="-2147483643"> <PARAM NAME="BorderStyle" VALUE="1"> <PARAM NAME="VideoBorder" VALUE="1"> <PARAM NAME="DriverIndex" VALUE="0"> <PARAM NAME="Preview" VALUE="-1"> <PARAM NAME="PreviewRate" VALUE="15"> <PARAM NAME="Overlay" VALUE="0"> <PARAM NAME="StretchPreview" VALUE="0"> <PARAM NAME="CancelKey" VALUE="0"> <PARAM NAME="CaptureRate" VALUE="66666"> <PARAM NAME="MakeUserConfirmCapture" VALUE="-1"> <PARAM NAME="PercentDropForError" VALUE="10"> <PARAM NAME="CaptureViaBackgroundThread" VALUE="0"> <PARAM NAME="IndexSize" VALUE="27000"> <PARAM NAME="CaptureAudio" VALUE="0"> <PARAM NAME="AbortLeftMouse" VALUE="-1"> <PARAM NAME="AbortRightMouse" VALUE="-1"> <PARAM NAME="TimeLimitEnabled" VALUE="0"> <PARAM NAME="TimeLimit" VALUE="30"> <PARAM NAME="StreamMaster" VALUE="0"> <PARAM NAME="YieldEventEnabled" VALUE="0"> <PARAM NAME="FrameEventEnabled" VALUE="0"> <PARAM NAME="VideoStreamEventEnabled" VALUE="0"> <PARAM NAME="WaveStreamEventEnabled" VALUE="0"> <PARAM NAME="UsePreciseCaptureControls" VALUE="0"> <embed src="8467" width="320" height="240" _extentx="8467" _extenty="6350" autosize="-1" centervideo="-1" backcolor="-2147483643" borderstyle="1" videoborder="1" driverindex="0" preview="-1" previewrate="15" overlay="0" stretchpreview="0" cancelkey="0" capturerate="66666" makeuserconfirmcapture="-1" percentdropforerror="10" captureviabackgroundthread="0" indexsize="27000" captureaudio="0" abortleftmouse="-1" abortrightmouse="-1" timelimitenabled="0" timelimit="30" streammaster="0" yieldeventenabled="0" frameeventenabled="0" videostreameventenabled="0" wavestreameventenabled="0" useprecisecapturecontrols="0"> </embed> </OBJECT></TD></TR> <TR> <TD style="HEIGHT: 36px" align=middle background=te.files/title.gif colSpan=2><FONT face=宋体><INPUT onclick=catchone(); 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帖子 84
体力 315
注册 2005-11-30
发表于 2006-3-8 11:05  资料 主页 短消息 

二十 客户端静态页面玩分页
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帖子 137
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注册 2005-5-3
发表于 2006-3-8 13:28  资料 短消息 

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[ 本帖最后由 bound0 于 2006-7-24 11:49 编辑 ]



帖子 84
体力 315
注册 2005-11-30
发表于 2006-3-8 14:52  资料 主页 短消息 

二十二 漂亮的表格
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>CSS Tables</title> <link href="styles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> </head> <style type="text/css"> /* CSS Document */ body { font: normal 11px auto "Trebuchet MS", Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #4f6b72; background: #E6EAE9; } a { color: #c75f3e; } #mytable { width: 700px; padding: 0; margin: 0; } caption { padding: 0 0 5px 0; width: 700px; font: italic 11px "Trebuchet MS", Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; text-align: right; } th { font: bold 11px "Trebuchet MS", Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #4f6b72; border-right: 1px solid #C1DAD7; border-bottom: 1px solid #C1DAD7; border-top: 1px solid #C1DAD7; letter-spacing: 2px; text-transform: uppercase; text-align: left; padding: 6px 6px 6px 12px; background: #CAE8EA url(images/bg_header.jpg) no-repeat; } th.nobg { border-top: 0; border-left: 0; border-right: 1px solid #C1DAD7; background: none; } td { border-right: 1px solid #C1DAD7; border-bottom: 1px solid #C1DAD7; background: #fff; font-size:11px; padding: 6px 6px 6px 12px; color: #4f6b72; } td.alt { background: #F5FAFA; color: #797268; } th.spec { border-left: 1px solid #C1DAD7; border-top: 0; background: #fff url(images/bullet1.gif) no-repeat; font: bold 10px "Trebuchet MS", Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; } th.specalt { border-left: 1px solid #C1DAD7; border-top: 0; background: #f5fafa url(images/bullet2.gif) no-repeat; font: bold 10px "Trebuchet MS", Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #797268; } /*---------for IE 5.x bug*/ html>body td{ font-size:11px;} </style> <body> <table id="mytable" cellspacing="0" summary="The technical specifications of the Apple PowerMac G5 series"> <caption>&nbsp;</caption> <tr> <th scope="col" abbr="Configurations" class="nobg">Configurations</th> <th scope="col" abbr="Dual 1.8">Dual 1.8GHz</th> <th scope="col" abbr="Dual 2">Dual 2GHz</th> <th scope="col" abbr="Dual 2.5">Dual 2.5GHz</th> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row" abbr="Model" class="spec">lipeng</th> <td>M9454LL/A</td> <td>M9455LL/A</td> <td>M9457LL/A</td> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row" abbr="G5 Processor" class="specalt">mapabc</th> <td class="alt">Dual 1.8GHz PowerPC G5</td> <td class="alt">Dual 2GHz PowerPC G5</td> <td class="alt">Dual 2.5GHz PowerPC G5</td> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row" abbr="Frontside bus" class="spec">地图名片</th> <td>900MHz per processor</td> <td>1GHz per processor</td> <td>1.25GHz per processor</td> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row" abbr="L2 Cache" class="specalt">图秀卡</th> <td class="alt">512K per processor</td> <td class="alt">512K per processor</td> <td class="alt">512K per processor</td> </tr> </table> </body> </html>



帖子 84
体力 315
注册 2005-11-30
发表于 2006-3-8 15:22  资料 主页 短消息 

二十三 经典的带阴影的可拖动的浮动层--转贴自网友:marvellous
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帖子 1208
体力 1525
注册 2005-8-1
发表于 2006-3-9 10:08  资料 主页 短消息  QQ

<script> function Preview() { var TestWin=open(''); TestWin.document.write(code.value); } </script> <textarea id=code cols=60 rows=15></textarea> <br> <button onclick=Preview() >运行</button>

<冷韵 style=“物种:人;性别:男;状态:野生;” />


帖子 1208
体力 1525
注册 2005-8-1
发表于 2006-3-9 10:10  资料 主页 短消息  QQ

<div style="width:300px;padding:20px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;word-break:break:all; font-size:12px; line-height:18px; background-color:#eeeeee;"> <font disabled> 怎么样,我凹下去了吧?<br> 你不想试试吗?<br> <a href=""></a></font> </div>

<冷韵 style=“物种:人;性别:男;状态:野生;” />


帖子 1208
体力 1525
注册 2005-8-1
发表于 2006-3-9 10:14  资料 主页 短消息  QQ

<style> /* 先把这个 xmenu 的样式放到css里 */ .xmenu td{font-size:12px;font-family:verdana,arial;font-weight:bolder;color:#ffffff;border:1px solid #336699;background:#336699;filter:blendtrans(duration=0.5);cursor:hand;text-align:center;} </style> <script> /* 这是把事件动作绑定到菜单上的函数 */ function attachXMenu(objid){ var tds=objid.getElementsByTagName('td'); for(var i=0;i<tds.length;i++){ with(tds[i]){ onmouseover=function(){ with(this){ filters[0].apply(); style.background='#66CCFF'; //这是鼠标移上去时的背景颜色 style.border='1px solid #ffffff'; //边框 style.color='black'; //文字颜色 filters[0].play(); } } onmouseout=function(){ with(this){ filters[0].apply(); style.background='#336699'; //这是鼠标离开时的背景颜色 style.border='1px solid #336699'; //边框 style.color='#ffffff'; //文字颜色 filters[0].play(); } } } } } </script> <!--菜单从这里开始, 注意要把class设置成和css里相同的, 还要为它设一个id--> <table class="xmenu" id="xmenu0" width="500" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="4" border="0" bgcolor="#336699" align="center"> <tr> <td><a href=""></a></td> <td>Name</td> <td>Is</td> <td>LeX</td> <td>Rus</td> <td>!!!</td> </tr> </table> <script>attachXMenu(xmenu0); //在上面这个table结束的地方执行事件动作的绑定, 这里的这个xmenu0就是那个table的id</script> <br><br><br><br> <!--下面这个是竖排的--> <table class="xmenu" id="xmenu1" width="100" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="4" border="0" bgcolor="#336699" align="center"> <tr><td>My</td></tr> <tr><td>Name</td></tr> <tr><td>Is</td></tr> <tr><td>LeX</td></tr> <tr><td>Rus</td></tr> <tr><td>!!!</td></tr> </table> <script>attachXMenu(xmenu1);</script>

<冷韵 style=“物种:人;性别:男;状态:野生;” />


帖子 635
体力 784
注册 2004-9-8
发表于 2006-3-17 17:12  资料 主页 短消息  QQ
[收藏] 我平时收集的JavaScript经典效果.

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