format.setSampleRate(44100); format.setChannelCount(2); format.setCodec("audio/pcm"); format.setSampleType(QAudioFormat::SignedInt); format.setSampleSize(16); format.setByteOrder(QAudioFormat::LittleEndian);
然后接下来使用 QAudioDeviceInfo 查看本机的音频设备(声卡)。如果音频设备有问题的话,就返回-1
QAudioDeviceInfo info(QAudioDeviceInfo::defaultOutputDevice()); if (!info.isFormatSupported(format)) { qDebug() << "Raw audio format not supported by backend, cannot play audio."; return -1; }
如果声卡设备没有问题,就使用前面设置好参数的QAudioFormat 对象来构造一个 QAudioOutput对象 ,并取出QAudioOutput对象 内部的QIODevice 对象。向这个QIODevice对象写入数据,QAudioOutput对象 便会播放出声音。
QAudioOutput *audio; audio = new QAudioOutput(format,&a); QIODevice *out = audio->start();
int decodeAndPlay(const char *filename,QIODevice *out) { //![url] http://blog.chinaunix.net/uid-23043718-id-2563087.html av_register_all();//注册所有可解码类型 AVFormatContext *pInFmtCtx=NULL;//文件格式 AVCodecContext *pInCodecCtx=NULL;//编码格式 if (av_open_input_file(&pInFmtCtx,filename,NULL, 0, NULL)!=0)//获取文件格式 printf("av_open_input_file error\n"); if(av_find_stream_info(pInFmtCtx) < 0)//获取文件内音视频流的信息 printf("av_find_stream_info error\n"); //! Find the first audio stream unsigned int j; int audioStream = -1; //找到音频对应的stream for(j=0; j<pInFmtCtx->nb_streams; j++){ if(pInFmtCtx->streams[j]->codec->codec_type==CODEC_TYPE_AUDIO){ audioStream=j; break; } } if(audioStream==-1) { printf("input file has no audio stream\n"); return 0; // Didn't find a audio stream } printf("audio stream num: %d\n",audioStream); //! Decode Audio pInCodecCtx = pInFmtCtx->streams[audioStream]->codec;//音频的编码上下文 AVCodec *pInCodec=NULL; pInCodec = avcodec_find_decoder(pInCodecCtx->codec_id);//根据编码ID找到用于解码的结构体 if(pInCodec==NULL) { printf("error no Codec found\n"); return -1 ; // Codec not found } if(avcodec_open(pInCodecCtx, pInCodec)<0) { printf("error avcodec_open failed.\n"); return -1; // Could not open codec } /*static*/ AVPacket packet; int rate = pInCodecCtx->bit_rate; printf(" bit_rate = %d \r\n", pInCodecCtx->bit_rate); printf(" sample_rate = %d \r\n", pInCodecCtx->sample_rate); printf(" channels = %d \r\n", pInCodecCtx->channels); printf(" code_name = %s \r\n", pInCodecCtx->codec->name); printf(" block_align = %d\n",pInCodecCtx->block_align); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// uint8_t *pktdata; int pktsize; // 1 second of 48khz 32bit audio 192000 int out_size = AVCODEC_MAX_AUDIO_FRAME_SIZE*100; uint8_t * inbuf = (uint8_t *)malloc(out_size); long start = clock(); // pInFmtCtx 中调用对应格式的packet获取函数 const double K=0.0054; double sleep_time=0; while(av_read_frame(pInFmtCtx, &packet)>=0) { //如果是音频 if(packet.stream_index==audioStream) { pktdata = packet.data; pktsize = packet.size; while(pktsize>0){ out_size = AVCODEC_MAX_AUDIO_FRAME_SIZE*100; //解码 int len = avcodec_decode_audio2(pInCodecCtx,(short*)inbuf,&out_size,pktdata,pktsize); if (len<0) { printf("Error while decoding.\n"); break; } if(out_size>0) { // out_size sleep_time // 16384 91 // 8096 46 // 4608 25 // y = k*x + b; // sleep_time = 0.0054 * out_size + b; // rate b // 320000 1.9 // 128000 0.8 // // 1411200 0 if(rate >= 1411200){ sleep_time = K * out_size - 1; //printf(" rate : %d,sleep : %lf \n",rate,sleep_time); }else if(rate >= 320000 ){ sleep_time = K * out_size + 1.9; //printf(" rate : %d,sleep : %lf \n",rate,sleep_time); } else if(rate >= 128000){ sleep_time = K * out_size - 0.3; //printf( "rate : %d,sleep : %lf \n",rate,sleep_time); } else { sleep_time = K * out_size + 0.5; //printf(" rate : %d,sleep : %lf \n",rate,sleep_time); } out->write((char*)inbuf,out_size); QTest::qSleep( sleep_time ); } pktsize -= len; pktdata += len; } } av_free_packet(&packet); } long end = clock(); printf("cost time :%f\n",double(end-start)/(double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC); free(inbuf); if (pInCodecCtx!=NULL) { avcodec_close(pInCodecCtx); } av_close_input_file(pInFmtCtx); printf("good bye !\n"); return 0; }
if (av_open_input_file(&pInFmtCtx,filename,NULL, 0, NULL)!=0)//获取文件格式 printf("av_open_input_file error\n");
if(av_find_stream_info(pInFmtCtx) < 0)//获取文件内音视频流的信息 printf("av_find_stream_info error\n");
//! Find the first audio stream unsigned int j; int audioStream = -1; //找到音频对应的stream for(j=0; j<pInFmtCtx->nb_streams; j++){ if(pInFmtCtx->streams[j]->codec->codec_type==CODEC_TYPE_AUDIO){ audioStream=j; break; } } if(audioStream==-1) { printf("input file has no audio stream\n"); return 0; // Didn't find a audio stream } printf("audio stream num: %d\n",audioStream);
pInCodecCtx = pInFmtCtx->streams[audioStream]->codec;//音频的编码上下文 AVCodec *pInCodec=NULL; pInCodec = avcodec_find_decoder(pInCodecCtx->codec_id);//根据编码ID找到用于解码的结构体 if(pInCodec==NULL) { printf("error no Codec found\n"); return -1 ; // Codec not found } if(avcodec_open(pInCodecCtx, pInCodec)<0) { printf("error avcodec_open failed.\n"); return -1; // Could not open codec } /*static*/ AVPacket packet; int rate = pInCodecCtx->bit_rate; printf(" bit_rate = %d \r\n", pInCodecCtx->bit_rate); printf(" sample_rate = %d \r\n", pInCodecCtx->sample_rate); printf(" channels = %d \r\n", pInCodecCtx->channels); printf(" code_name = %s \r\n", pInCodecCtx->codec->name); printf(" block_align = %d\n",pInCodecCtx->block_align);
uint8_t *pktdata; int pktsize; // 1 second of 48khz 32bit audio 192000 int out_size = AVCODEC_MAX_AUDIO_FRAME_SIZE*100; uint8_t * inbuf = (uint8_t *)malloc(out_size); long start = clock(); // pInFmtCtx 中调用对应格式的packet获取函数 const double K=0.0054; double sleep_time=0; //! Decode Audio while(av_read_frame(pInFmtCtx, &packet)>=0) { //如果是音频 if(packet.stream_index==audioStream) { pktdata = packet.data; pktsize = packet.size; while(pktsize>0){ out_size = AVCODEC_MAX_AUDIO_FRAME_SIZE*100; //解码 int len = avcodec_decode_audio2(pInCodecCtx,(short*)inbuf,&out_size,pktdata,pktsize); if (len<0) { printf("Error while decoding.\n"); break; } if(out_size>0) { // out_size sleep_time // 16384 91 // 8096 46 // 4608 25 // y = k*x + b; // sleep_time = 0.0054 * out_size + b; // rate b // 320000 1.9 // 128000 0.8 // // 1411200 0 if(rate >= 1411200){ sleep_time = K * out_size - 1; //printf(" rate : %d,sleep : %lf \n",rate,sleep_time); }else if(rate >= 320000 ){ // rate 在320000 的音乐播放最好,时间误差 5分钟 +- 1 秒 sleep_time = K * out_size + 1.9; //printf(" rate : %d,sleep : %lf \n",rate,sleep_time); } else if(rate >= 128000){ sleep_time = K * out_size - 0.3; //printf( "rate : %d,sleep : %lf \n",rate,sleep_time); } else { sleep_time = K * out_size + 0.5; //printf(" rate : %d,sleep : %lf \n",rate,sleep_time); } out->write((char*)inbuf,out_size); // 这里正是向音频设备写入数据 QTest::qSleep( sleep_time ); // 写入数据后,等音频设备播放 } pktsize -= len; pktdata += len; } } av_free_packet(&packet); } long end = clock(); printf("cost time :%f\n",double(end-start)/(double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
free(inbuf); if (pInCodecCtx!=NULL) { avcodec_close(pInCodecCtx); } av_close_input_file(pInFmtCtx); printf("good bye !\n"); return 0;