Oracle 11g: ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis solution


When you create table using sql like this.

SQL> create table ships
  2  (
  3    ship_id number ,
  4    ship_name varchar2(20),
  5    home_PORT_ID number,
  6    constrain ships_ports_fk foreign key (home_port_id) references ports (po
  7  );

You may got following error message after execute.

  constrain ships_ports_fk foreign key (home_port_id) references ports (port_id)

第 6 行出现错误:
ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis solution



You may have something misspell.



Please review your sql code to check if anything is misspelled. E.g. In my case, I misspell "constraint" as "constrain".


