spring in action 3 野人翻译,no.001

Wow! As I write this, it’s been almost seven years since Spring 1.0 was released and Ryan Breidenbach and I started work on the first edition of Spring in Action. Back then, who would have guessed that Spring would transform Java development as much as it has?
In that first edition, Ryan and I tried to cover every corner of the Spring Frame-
work. For the most part, we were successful. Back then the entire Spring story could
easily be told in 11 chapters with dependency injection, AOP, persistence, transactions,
Spring MVC, and Acegi Security as the main characters. Of course, back then that
story had to be told with a lot of XML. (Does anybody remember what it was like
declaring transactions with TransactionProxyFactoryBean?)
在一周目中,Ryan和我尝试改变Spring每一个角落。大体上来说,我们是成功的。在那之前整个Spring以11个章节进行描述,以依赖注入、AOP(Aspect Oriented Programming面向切面编程),持久化、事务、Spring MVC、安全中心系统(Acegi Security)这些作为主要特点进行描述。当然在那时还不得不说了一坨XML的事情(还有人记得他看起来像事务申明与事务代理工程bean吗?)
By the time I got around to writing the second edition, Spring had grown quite a bit. Again, I tried to squeeze everything I could into a single book. I found out it wasn’t possible. Spring had expanded well beyond what could be discussed in a 700- to 800-page book. In fact, entire, completely written chapters were cut out of the second edition because there wasn’t room.
More than three years and two major versions of Spring have passed since the sec-
ond edition was printed. Spring covers more ground than ever before and it would
take several volumes to comprehensively cover the entire Spring portfolio. It’s not
possible to cram everything there is to know about Spring into a single book.
So I’m not going to even try.
Often books get thicker with each successive edition. But you’ve probably noticed by now that this third edition of Spring in Action has fewer pages than the second edi- tion. That’s possible for a couple of reasons.
每一本书的再版都是变得又厚又大。但是你可能注意到目前Spring In Action的三周目比二周目用了更少的纸张。(纳尼,坑爹呢这是,二周目我还没看过呢)。这可能是有原因的。

Since I couldn’t fit everything into one volume, I was choosy about what topics made it into this edition. I decided to focus on what I believe are the core Spring topics that most Spring developers should know. That’s not to say that the other topics aren’t important, but these are the essentials of Spring development.
The other reason this edition is smaller is due to the fact that while Spring’s reach has continued to expand, it has continued to become simpler with each release. Spring’s rich set of configuration namespaces, adoption of annotation-driven pro- gramming models, and application of sensible conventions and defaults have reduced Spring configuration from page upon page of XML down to only a handful of elements.
关于这一版这么小的其他原因实际上是Spring的发布版本开始不断变得更加可扩展,操作更加简单。Spring丰富的配置命名空间,通过注解驱动,前置编程模块(?),合理法则(?),默认减少了Spring来自XML仅仅使用元素配置的方式。【2013-05-28 03:12】
