mondrian3.2之Writing a schema

Writing a schema !终于看完了!笔记做了32页,辛苦了!!!!




Collection of Cubes, Virtual cubes, Shared dimensions, and Roles.

Logical elements


A collection of dimensions and measures, all centered on a fact table.


A cube defined by combining the dimensions and measures of one or more cubes. A measure originating from another cube can be a <CalculatedMember>.


Base cubes that are imported into a virtual cube


Usage of a base cube by a virtual cube.


Usage of a dimension by a virtual cube.


Usage of a measure by a virtual cube.




Usage of a shared dimension by a cube.




Level of a hierarchy.


SQL expression used as key of the level, in lieu of a column.


SQL expression used to compute the name of a member, in lieu of Level.nameColumn.


SQL expression used to compute the caption of a member, in lieu ofLevel.captionColumn.


SQL expression used to sort members of a level, in lieu of Level.ordinalColumn.


SQL expression used to compute a measure, in lieu of Level.parentColumn.


Member property. The definition is against a hierarchy or level, but the property will be available to all members.


SQL expression used to compute the value of a property, in lieu of Property.column.




A member whose value is derived using a formula, defined as part of a cube.


A set whose value is derived using a formula, defined as part of a cube.

Physical elements


Fact or dimension table.


Defines a 'table' using a SQL query, which can have different variants for different underlying databases.


Defines a 'table' by joining a set of queries.


Defines a table using an inline dataset.


Maps a parent-child hierarchy onto a closure table.

Aggregate Tables


Exclude a candidate aggregate table by name or pattern matching.


Declares an aggregate table to be matched by name.


Declares a set of aggregate tables by regular expression pattern.


Specifies name of the column in the candidate aggregate table which contains the number of fact table rows.


Tells Mondrian to ignore a column in an aggregate table.


Maps foreign key in the fact table to a foreign key column in the candidate aggregate table.


Maps a measure to a column in the candidate aggregate table.


Maps a level to a column in the candidate aggregate table.

Access control


An access-control profile.


A set of rights to a schema.


A set of rights to a cube.


A set of rights to a hierarchy and levels within that hierarchy.


A set of rights to a member and its children.


Definition of a set of rights as the union of a set of roles.


A reference to a Role.



Imports a user-defined function.



Holder for annotations.


User-defined property attached to a metadata element.


Part of the definition of a Hierarchy; passed to a MemberReader, if present.


Property of a calculated member.


Holds the formula text within a <NamedSet> or <CalculatedMember>.


Holder for <ColumnDef> elements.


Definition of a column in an <InlineTable> dataset.


Holder for <Row> elements.


Row in an <InlineTable> dataset.


Value of a column in an <InlineTable> dataset.


SQL expression used to compute a measure, in lieu of Measure.column.


The SQL expression for a particular database dialect.
