nginx 源码学习笔记(十二)——基本容器——ngx_buf


typedef void *            ngx_buf_tag_t;

typedef struct ngx_buf_s  ngx_buf_t;

struct ngx_buf_s {
    u_char          *pos;              //已经执行的数据位置
    u_char          *last;              //使用的内存的最后一个字节的指针
    off_t            file_pos;           //文件指针
    off_t            file_last;
    u_char          *start;         /* start of buffer */      //buffer开始指针
    u_char          *end;           /* end of buffer */      //buffer结束指针
    ngx_buf_tag_t    tag;                                 //buf属于哪个模块
    ngx_file_t      *file;
    ngx_buf_t       *shadow;
    /* the buf's content could be changed */
    unsigned         temporary:1;
     * the buf's content is in a memory cache or in a read only memory
     * and must not be changed
    unsigned         memory:1;                           //在内存中是不能更改的
    /* the buf's content is mmap()ed and must not be changed */
    unsigned         mmap:1;                            //是否是mmap的内存
    unsigned         recycled:1;                          
    unsigned         in_file:1;                            //是否文件
    unsigned         flush:1;
    unsigned         sync:1;
    unsigned         last_buf:1;
    unsigned         last_in_chain:1;
    unsigned         last_shadow:1;
    unsigned         temp_file:1;
    /* STUB */ int   num;




你可能感兴趣的:(nginx 源码学习笔记(十二)——基本容器——ngx_buf)