A Road Map Through Nachos——Nachos machine

Nachos Machine
    Nachos simulates a machine that roughly approximates the MIPS architecture. The machine has registers, memory and a cpu.
    In addition, an event-driven simulated clock provides a mechanism to schedule interrupts and execute them at a later time.
    The simulated MIPS machine can execute arbitrary programs.
    One simply loads instructions into the machine's memory, initializes registers (including the program counter PCReg) and then tells the machine to start executing instructions.
    The machine then fetches the instruction PCReg points at, decodes it, and executes it.
    The process is repeated indefinitely, until an illegal operation is performed or a hardware interrupt is generated.
    When a trap or interrupt takes place, execution of MIPS instructions is suspended, and a Nachos interrupt service routine is invoked to deal with the condition.
    Conceptually, Nachos has two modes of execution, one of which is the MIPS simulator.
    Nachos executes user-level processes by loading them into the simulator's memory, initializing the simulator's registers and then running the simulator.
    User-programs can only access the memory associated with the simulated machine.
    The second mode corresponds to the Nachos ``kernel.''
    The kernel executes when Nachos first starts up, or when a user-program executes an instruction that causes a hardware trap (e.g., illegal instruction, page fault, system call, etc.).
    In ``kernel mode'', Nachos executes the way normal Unix processes execute.
    That is, the statements corresponding to the Nachos source code are executed, and the memory accessed corresponds to the memory assigned to Nachos variables.
Machine Components
    The Nachos/MIPS machine is implemented by the Machine object, an instance of which is created when Nachos first starts up.The Machine object exports a number of operations and public variables that the Nachos kernel accesses directly.
    The Nachos Machine object provides registers, physical memory, virtual memory support as well as operations to run the machine or examine its current state.
    When Nachos first starts up, it creates an instance of the Machine object and makes it available through the global variable machine.
    The following public variables are accessible to the Nachos kernel: registers, mainMemory, virtual memory.
    register, mainMemory, virtual memory这些公共的变量可以从Nachos内核中进行访问。
    At this point, we know enough about the Machine object to explain how it executes arbitrary user programs.
    First, we load the program's instructions into the machine's physical memory .
    Next, we initialize the machine's page tables and registers.
    Finally we invoke machine->Run(), which begins the fetch-execute cycle for the machine.
    The following public variables are accessible to the Nachos kernel:
        An array of 40 registers, which include such special registers as a stack pointer, a double register for multiplication results, a program counter, a next program counter (for branch delays), a register target for delayed loads, a value to be loaded on a delayed load, and the bad virtual address after a translation fault.
        Memory is byte-addressable and organized into 128-byte pages, the same size as disk sectors.
        Memory corresponding to physical address x can be accessed in Nachos at machine->mainMemory[x]. By default, the Nachos MIPS machine has 31 pages of physical memory.
        内存中物理地址x可以在Nachos中通过machine->mainMemory[x]进行访问。缺省情况下,Nachos MIPS机器有31页。
    Virtual Memory:
        Nachos supports VM through either a single linear page table or a software-managed TLB (though not simultaneously).
        Machine(bool debug):
            The Machine constructor takes a single argument debug.
            When debug is TRUE, the MIPS simulator executes instructions in single step mode, invoking the debugger after each instruction is executed.
            By default, single-stepping is disabled. It is enabled by specifying the ``-s'' command line option when starting Nachos up.
        ExceptionType Translate(int virtAddr, int* physAddr, int size, bool writing):
            converts virtual address virtAddr into its corresponding physical address physAddr.
            does the actual work of executing an instruction.
            It fetches the current instruction address from the PC register, fetches it from memory, decodes it, and finally executes it.
            Any addresses referenced as part of the fetch/execute cycle (including the instruction address given by PCReg) are translated into physical addresses via the Translate() routine before physical memory is actually accessed.
            ``turns on'' the MIPS machine, initiating the fetch-execute cycle. This routine should only be called after machine registers and memory have been properly initialized.It simply enters an infinite fetch-execute loop.
            The main loop in Run does three things:
                1) it invokes OneInstruction to actually execute one instruction
                2) it invokes the debugger, if the user has requested single-step mode on the command line
                3) it increments a simulated clock after each instruction.
        int  ReadRegister(int num):
            fetches the value stored in register num.
        void WriteRegister(int num, int value):
            places value into register num.
        bool ReadMem(int addr, int size, int* value):
            Retrieves 1, 2, or 4 bytes of memory at virtual address addr.
            Note that addr is the virtual address of the currently executing user-level program; ReadMem invokes Translate before it accesses physical memory.
            One point that should be noted is that ReadMem fails (returning FALSE), if the address translation fails (for whatever reason).
            Thus, if the page is not present in physical memory, ReadMem fails. ReadMem does not distinguish temporary failures (e.g., page not in memory) from hard errors (e.g., invalid virtual address)
        bool WriteMem(int addr, int size, int value):
            writes 1, 2, or 4 bytes of value into memory at virtual address addr. The same warnings given for ReadMem apply here as well.

Interrupt Management
    Nachos simulates interrupts by maintaining an event queue together with a simulated clock.
    As the clock ticks, the event queue is examined to find events scheduled to take place now.
    The clock is maintained entirely in software and ticks under the following conditions:
        Every time interrupts are restored (and the restored interrupt mask has interrupts enabled), the clock advances one tick. Nachos code frequently disables and restores interrupts for mutual exclusion purposes by making explicit calls to interrupt::SetLevel().
        Whenever the MIPS simulator executes one instruction, the clock advances one tick.
        Whenever the ready list is empty, the clock advances however many ticks are needed to fast-forward the current time to that of the next scheduled event.
    Whenever the clock advances, the event queue is examined and any pending interrupt events are serviced by invoking the procedure associated with the timer event (e.g., the interrupt service routine).
    All interrupt service routines are run with interrupts disabled, and the interrupt service routine may not re-enable them.
    Warning: in interrupt handler may not call any routines that lead to a context switch of the current thread (e.g., scheduler::Run() or SWITCH() ). Doing so may lead to deadlock.     
    警告:在中断例程处理中将不可以调用任何可以引起当前线程进行上下文切换的例程(如:scheduler::Run() or SWITCH())。如果这样做会引发死锁。
        void Schedule(VoidFunctionPtr handler, int arg, int when, IntType type):
            schedules a future event to take place at time when. When it is time for the scheduled event to take place, Nachos calls the routine handler with the single argument arg.
        IntStatus SetLevel(IntStatus level):
            Change the interrupt mask to level, returning the previous value. This routine is used to temporarily disable and re-enable interrupts for mutual exclusion purposes.
            advances the clock one tick and services any pending requests (by calling CheckIfDue).
            It is called from machine::Run() after each user-level instruction is executed, as well as by SetLevel when the interrupts are restored.
        bool CheckIfDue(bool advanceClock):
            examines the event queue for events that need servicing now. If it finds any, it services them. It is invoked in such places as OneTick.
            ``advances'' to the clock to the time of the next scheduled event.
            It is called by the scheduler (actually Sleep()) when there are no more threads on the ready list and we want to ``fast-forward'' the time.

Real-Time Clock Interrupts
    Nachos provides a Timer object that simulates a real time clock, generating interrupts at regular intervals.
        Timer(VoidFunctionPtr timerHandler, int callArg, bool doRandom):
            The Timer constructor creates a real-time clock that interrupts every TimerTicks (100) time units.
            When the timer goes off, the Nachos simulator invokes procedure timerHandler, passing it callArg as an argument.
            To add a bit of non-determinism to the system, argument doRandom specifies that the time between interrupts should be taken from a uniform interval between 1 and 2*TimerTicks.
            The real-time clock can be used to provide preemption.
    Note that starting Nachos with the ``-rs'' option creates a timer object that interrupts at random intervals and preempts the currently running thread.

Address Translation
    Nachos supports two types of VM architectures: linear page tables, or a software managed TLB. Nachos supports one or the other, but not both (simultaneously).  
    Linear Page Tables
        With linear tables, the MMU splits a virtual address into page number and page offset components.
        使用线性表,存储器管理单元(MMU——Memory Management Unit)将虚拟地址分隔成页号和页内偏移量。
        The page number is used to index into an array of page table entries.
        The actual physical address is the concatenation of the page frame number in the page table entry and the page offset of the virtual address.
        To use linear page tables, one simply initializes variable machine->pageTable to point to the page table used to perform translations.
        In general, each user process will have its own private page table. Thus, a process switch requires updating the pageTable variable.
        In a real machine, pageTable would correspond to a special register that would be saved and restored as part of the SWITCH() operation.
        The machine variable pageTableSize indicates the actual size of the page table.
        Page table entries consist of:
            the physical page frame number for the corresponding virtual page
            a flag indicating whether the entry is currently valid (set by the OS, inspected by hardware)
            a flag indicating whether the page may be written (set by OS, inspected by hardware)
            a bit indicating whether the page has been referenced (set by the hardware, inspected and cleared by OS)
            a dirty bit (set by hardware, inspected and cleared by OS)
        The Nachos machine has NumPhysPages of physical memory starting at location mainMemory.
        Thus, page 0 starts at machine->mainMemory, while page N starts at mainMemory+N*PageSize.
    Software Managed TLB:
Console Device
    Nachos provides a terminal console device and a single disk device.
    Nachos devices are accessed through low-level primitives that simply initiate an I/O operation.
    The operation itself is performed later, with an ``operation complete'' interrupt notifying Nachos when the operation has completed.
    The Console class simulates the behavior of a character-oriented CRT device.
    Data can be written to the device one character at a time through the PutChar() routine.
    When a character has successfully been transmitted, a ``transmit complete'' interrupt takes place and the user-supplied handler is invoked.
    The interrupt handler presumably checks if more characters are waiting to be output, invoking PutChar again if appropriate.
    When a new character arrives, the console device generates an interrupt and the user-supplied input interrupt service routine is invoked to retrieve the character from the device and (presumably) place it into a buffer from which higher-level routines (e.g., GetChar()) can retrieve it later.
        Console(char *readFile, char *writeFile, VoidFunctionPtr readAvail, VoidFunctionPtr writeDone, int callArg):
            The constructor creates an instance of a terminal console.
            Argument readFile contains the Unix file name of where the data is to be read from; if NULL, standard input is assumed.
            Argument writeFile indicates where output written to the console is to go; if NULL, standard output is assumed.
            When a character becomes available for reading, readAvail is invoked with an argument of callArg to notify the Nachos that a character is available.
            The character itself is retrieved by calling Console::GetChar().
            Upon return, it is assumed that the character has been retrieved and when the next one arrives, readAvail will be called again.
        void PutChar(char ch):
            Writes character ch to the output device.
            Once output has started, it is an error to invoke PutChar() again before the corresponding I/O complete interrupt has taken place.
            Once the console device has written the character to the device, it invokes the user-supplied procedure writeDone , passing it callArg as an argument.
        char GetChar():
            Retrieves a character from the console.
            GetChar returns EOF if no new data is available.
            Normally, the user would not invoke GetChar unless the availability of new data had first been signalled via the readAvail() interrupt service routine.
        void CheckCharAvail():
            an internal procedure used to see if new data is available for reading.
    When a console device is created by the constructor, the appropriate Unix files (or stdin/stdout) are opened and a timer event is scheduled to take place 100 time units in the future.
    When the timer expires, the routine CheckCharAvail is invoked to see if any data is present.
    If so, CheckCharAvail reads that character and invokes the user-supplied input interrupt handler readAvail.It then schedules a new timer event so that the process repeats every 100 time units.
    CheckCharAvail simply polls every 100 clock ticks for new data, calling the interrupt service routine whenever data is present for processing.
    Device output is initiated by calling PutChar, giving it a single character to output.
    Once character output has been initiated, the device is made busy until the output complete interrupt takes place.
    PutChar simply outputs the one character, sets an internal flag to indicate that the device is busy, and then schedules a timer interrupt to take place 100 clock ticks later.
    When the timer expires, the state of the device is changed from busy to idle, and the user-supplied output interrupt complete routine is invoked.
    This routine would presumably invoke PutChar if additional output characters were queued awaiting output.

Disk Device
    The Disk object simulates the behavior of a real disk. The disk has only a single platter, with multiple tracks containing individual sectors.
    Each track contains the same number of sectors, and blocks are uniquely identified by their sector number.
    As with a real disk, the OS initiates operations to read or write a specific sector, and a later interrupt indicates when the operation has actually completed.
    The Nachos disk allows only one pending operation at a time; the OS may initiate new operations only when the device is idle.
    Note that it is the responsibility of the OS to insure that new requests are not issued while the disk is busy servicing an earlier request.
    In order to simulate typical delays in accessing a disk, the Nachos Disk object dynamically varies the time between the initiation of an I/O operation and its corresponding I/O complete interrupt.
    为了模拟在访问磁盘时的延迟,Nachos Disk对象在初始化I/O操作和与之对应的I/O完成中断之间使用不同的动态时间。
    The simulated disk contains NumTracks (32) tracks, each containing SectorsPerTrack (32) sectors. Individual sectors are SectorSize (128) bytes in size.
    In addition, Disk contains a ``track buffer'' cache.
    Immediately after seeking to a new track, the disk starts reading sectors, placing them in the track buffer.
    That way, a subsequent read request may find the data already in the cache reducing access latency.
        Disk(char *name, VoidFunctionPtr callWhenDone, int callArg):
            This constructor assumes that the simulated disk is kept in the Unix file called name.
            If the file does not already exist, Nachos creates it and writes a ``magic number'' of 0x456789ab into the initial four bytes.
            The presence of a magic number allows Nachos to distinguish a file containing a Nachos simulated disk from one containing something else.
            Finally, Nachos insures that the rest of the file contains NULL sectors.
            All Nachos disks have the same size, given by the formula NumSectors*SectorsPerTrack
            If the file already exists, Nachos reads the first 4 bytes to verify that they contain the expected Nachos ``magic number,'' terminating if the check fails.
            The last two constructor arguments are used to provide an ``I/O complete'' interrupt mechanism.
            the Nachos machine signals the completion of a Disk operation (e.g., read or write) by invoking the procedure callWhenDone, passing it an argument of callArg.
            the SynchDisk object uses this routine to wake up a thread that has been suspended while waiting for I/O to complete.
        ReadRequest(int sectorNumber, char *data):
            Is invoked to read the specified sector number into the buffer data. In Nachos, all sectors are the same size (SectorSize).
            Note that this operations returns immediately, before the transfer actually takes place.
            ReadRequest schedules an interrupt to take place sometime in the future, after a time roughly dependent on the seek distance needed to complete the operation.
            Only after the interrupt takes place is it correct to start using the data.
        WriteRequest(int sectorNumber, char *data):
            Similar to ReadRequest, except that it writes a single sector.
        ComputeLatency(int newSector, bool writing):
            estimates the latency required to access the block newSector given the current position of the disk head.
            The routine is used in deciding when to schedule an I/O complete interrupt when servicing a read or write request.

