

public class ClassIME_Spell_Code
  public ClassIME_Spell_Code()

  #region 汉字拼音码
  /// <summary>
  /// 汉字拼音码
  /// </summary>

  public static string GetIME_Spell(string strIMEChar)
   string strResult = "";


    for (int i = 0 ; i < strIMEChar.Length ; i++)
     strResult = strResult + Extract_HZ(strIMEChar.Substring(i,1));

    return strResult;
   catch(System.NullReferenceException NullEx)
    throw NullEx;
   catch(Exception ex)
    throw ex;

  public static string  Extract_HZ(string HZ)
    byte[] ZW = new byte[2];
    long HZ_INT;
    ZW = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(HZ);
    // get the  array of byte from the single char
    if (ZW.Length <= 1 )
     return HZ;
    int i1 = (short)(ZW[0]);
    int i2 = (short)(ZW[1]);
    HZ_INT=i1*256+i2; //  expresstion
    //table of the constant list
    // 'A';     //45217..45252
    // 'B';     //45253..45760
    // 'C';     //45761..46317
    // 'D';     //46318..46825
    // 'E';     //46826..47009
    // 'F';     //47010..47296
    // 'G';     //47297..47613

    // 'H';     //47614..48118
    // 'J';     //48119..49061
    // 'K';     //49062..49323
    // 'L';     //49324..49895
    // 'M';     //49896..50370
    // 'N';     //50371..50613
    // 'O';     //50614..50621
    // 'P';     //50622..50905
    // 'Q';     //50906..51386

    // 'R';     //51387..51445
    // 'S';     //51446..52217
    // 'T';     //52218..52697
    // 'W';     //52698..52979
    // 'X';     //52980..53640
    // 'Y';     //53689..54480
    // 'Z';     //54481..55289

    // HZ_INT match  the constant
    if  ((HZ_INT>=45217) && (HZ_INT<=45252))
     return "A";
    if ((HZ_INT>=45253) && (HZ_INT<=45760))
     return "B";
    if  ((HZ_INT>=45761) && (HZ_INT<=46317))
     return "C";

    if ((HZ_INT>=46318) && (HZ_INT<=46825))
     return "D";
    if  ((HZ_INT>=46826) && (HZ_INT<=47009))
     return "E";
    if ((HZ_INT>=47010) && (HZ_INT<=47296))
     return "F";
    if ((HZ_INT>=47297) && (HZ_INT<=47613))
     return "G";
    if ((HZ_INT>=47614) && (HZ_INT<=48118))
     return "H";
    if ((HZ_INT>=48119) && (HZ_INT<=49061))
     return "J";
    if ((HZ_INT>=49062) && (HZ_INT<=49323))
     return "K";
    if ((HZ_INT>=49324) && (HZ_INT<=49895))
     return "L";
    if ((HZ_INT>=49896) && (HZ_INT<=50370))
     return "M";

    if ((HZ_INT>=50371) && (HZ_INT<=50613))
     return "N";

    if ((HZ_INT>=50614) && (HZ_INT<=50621))
     return "O";
    if ((HZ_INT>=50622) && (HZ_INT<=50905))
     return "P";

    if ((HZ_INT>=50906) && (HZ_INT<=51386))
     return "Q";

    if ((HZ_INT>=51387) && (HZ_INT<=51445))
     return "R";
    if ((HZ_INT>=51446) && (HZ_INT<=52217))
     return "S";
    if ((HZ_INT>=52218) && (HZ_INT<=52697))
     return "T";
    if ((HZ_INT>=52698) && (HZ_INT<=52979))
     return "W";
    if ((HZ_INT>=52980) && (HZ_INT<=53640))
     return "X";
    if ((HZ_INT>=53689) && (HZ_INT<=54480))
     return "Y";
    if ((HZ_INT>=54481) && (HZ_INT<=55289))
     return "Z";
    return "";
   catch(System.NullReferenceException NullEx)
    throw NullEx;
   catch(Exception ex)
    throw ex;

  class ClassIME_Spell_Full
   public ClassIME_Spell_Full()

   public const uint IME_REGWORD_STYLE_USER_FIRST    =0x80000000;
   private string result,srcstring="字";
   public delegate void Mycallback(string lpszReading,uint dwStyle,string lpszString,object o);
   public Mycallback myc;

   public static extern uint ImmEnumRegisterWord( uint hkl,Mycallback lpfnEnumProc,string lpszReading, uint dwStyle,string lpszRegister, object o);

   //Call this to register word
   public void ImmCall(string[] args)
    myc=new Mycallback(MyCBProc);
    uint x=ImmEnumRegisterWord(0xE00E0804,myc,null,IME_REGWORD_STYLE_USER_FIRST+1,srcstring,null);
   public void  MyCBProc(string lpszReading,uint dwStyle,string lpszString,object o)



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