修改etop 解决System NOT running to use fully qualified hostnames 问题
NAME="[email protected]"
echo erl -sname $NAME -hidden -s etop -s erlang halt -output text $@
erl -name $NAME -hidden -s etop -s erlang halt -output text $@
Hi list
1. 在A 电脑上 启动一个node erl -name [email protected] -setcookie 123
2. 在B 电脑上 监控A
root@jasson:/usr/lib/erlang/lib/observer- ./etop -node '[email protected]' -setcookie 123 -lines 5 -sort memory -interval 50 -accumulate true -tracing on
但执行上面的 出错了,请大家看看哪里错了. 谢谢
Error Couldn't connect to node '[email protected]'
=ERROR REPORT==== 23-Jun-2010::16:26:43 ===
** System NOT running to use fully qualified hostnames **
** Hostname is illegal **
Usage of the erlang top program
Options are set as command line parameters as in -node a@host -..
or as parameter to etop:start([{node, a@host}, {...}])
Options are:
node atom