How to deinstall OCM (Doc ID 761313.1) |
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Modified:05-Jul-2013 Type:HOWTO |
In this Document
OracleConfiguration Manager - Version 10.0.0 and later
Informationin this document applies to any platform.
***Checkedfor relevance on 05-Jul-2013***
Can wedisable OCM installation during a silent install?
How tode-install OCM?
When doingan upgrade from to in silent mode After the upgrade completessuccessfully, there will be two new DBMS jobs
+ Triedsetting:
But thetwo jobs, as well as the ORACLE_OCM user and it's objects
Still getcreated.
How can wedisable OCM installation ?
MGMT_CONFIG_JOB- comes with the OCM(Oracle Configuration Manager) installation - This is aconfiguration collection job.
Please check the Document369111.5 - 'Oracle Configuration ManagerRelease 10.3 FAQ
The job iscreated by the script ocmjb10.sql by running procedure
MGMT_STATS_CONFIG_JOB:-This is an OCM Statistics collection job created in ocmjb10.sql by running
OracleConfiguration Manager is installed during upgrading Oracle Database to, but will not be configured and will not run if you do not select"Enable Oracle Configuration Manager" option during the installationprocess.
OCM isinstalled in $ORACLE_HOME/ccr directory, so you can remove ccr directoryonly.The size of this directory will be around 100 Mb.
If youwish, you can remove ocm after installation by running following command
:$rm -rfOCM_INSTALL_ROOT/ccr (On UNIX)
If you want to deinstall OCM,please do followingsteps
If database collections were done, log into thedatabase with and DBA user (like SYSTEM) and execute:
SQL> @ccr/admin/scripts/dropocm.sql
SQL> @ccr/admin/scripts/dropemrep_collect.sql(if db is a repository)
SQL> @ccr/admin/scripts/ebs_dropccr.sql<ORACLE_APPS_USER> (if db is used for ebs)
* Execute:$ORACLE_HOME/ccr/bin/deployPackages –d $ORACLE_HOME/ccr/inventory/core.jar (onlinux, this will stop the scheduler and remove the crontab entry; on windows,it will stop the scheduler and remove the service)
Remove the directory
i. Unix: rm –rf $ORACLE_HOME/ccr
ii. Windows:rmdir %ORACLE_HOME%\ccr
Now, ifyou want to prevent OCM being installed?
This isFor using OPatch in silent mode, in this way,ocm response file MUST bespecified.
Tospecified a response file:
- Go to$ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/ocm/bin and run $./emocmrsp script.(for the
question Iaccept the License Agreement you can choose NO if you do not want
registerand configure Oracle Configuration Manager)
After thatresponse (ocm.rsp) file will be created in the same directory.
Now, youcan use $./opatch script in silent mode and none interaction from user
side willbe required during patch installation.
$./opatch apply /path_to_unziped_patch/ -silent-ocmrf $
OCM is apart of OPatch now. If you wish to not register ocm after using
OPatch toapply a patch, then please create a response file and configure it
likementioned in above update. After that, OCM will not be registered and
configuredfor collection puprose, and this action will locate ocm binaries in $
ORACLE_HOME/ccrfolder for further installation per customer request. Size of
CCR folderis around 100 MB.
You candelete ccr folder after applying patch (manually or create shell script
which willremove ccr folder) IF you wish.
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