clj-xmemcached: memcached client for clojure


    Clj-xmemcached is an opensource memcached client for clojure wrapping xmemcached. Xmemcached is an opensource high performance memcached client for java.

Leiningen Usage

To include clj-xmemcached,add:

     [clj-xmemcached "0.1.1"]

to your project.clj.


Create a client

(use [clj - xmemcached.core])
(def client (xmemcached 
" host:port " ))
(def client (xmemcached 
" host1:port1 host2:port2 "  :protocol  " binary " ))

Then we create a memcached client using binary protocol to talk with memcached servers host1:port1 and host2:port2. Valid options including:

  :name       Client's name
  :protocol  Protocol to talk with memcached,a string value in text,binary or kestrel,default is text protocol.
  :hash          Hash algorithm,a string value in consistent or standard,default is standard hash.
  :timeout    Operation timeout in milliseconds,default is five seconds.
  :pool          Connection pool size,default is one.

Store items

(xset client  " key "   " dennis " )
(xset client 
" key "   " dennis "   100 )
(xappend client 
" key "   "  zhuang " )
(xprepend client 
" key "   " hello, " )

The value 100 is the expire time for the item in seconds.Store functions include xset,xadd,xreplace,xappend and xprepend.Please use doc to print documentation for these functions.

Get items

(xget client  " key " )
(xget client 
" key1 "   " key2 "   " key3 " )
(xgets client 
" key " )

xgets returns a value including a cas value,for example:

  {:value  " hello,dennis zhuang " , : class  net.rubyeye.xmemcached.GetsResponse, :cas  396 }

And bulk get returns a HashMap contains existent items.

Increase/Decrease numbers

(xincr client  " num "   1 )
(xdecr client 
" num "   1 )
(xincr client 
" num "   1   0 )

Above codes try to increase/decrease a number in memcached with key "num",and if the item is not exists,then set it to zero.

Delete items

(xdelete client  " num " )

Compare and set

(xcas client  " key "  inc)

We use inc function to increase the current value in memcached and try to compare and set it at most Integer.MAX_VALUE times. xcas can be called as:

 (xcas client key cas - fn max - times)

The cas-fn is a function to return a new value,set the new value to

(cas - fn current - value)


(xshutdown client)


(xflush client)
(xflush client (InetSocketAddress. host port))


(xstats client)


Please see the example code in example/demo.clj


Copyright (C) 2011-2014 dennis zhuang[[email protected]]

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.

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