使用CreateProcess创建新的process 并返回process运行结束返回值

#include <malloc.h> DWORD run_Execute(LPCTSTR lpszFile, LPCTSTR lpszParam) { DWORD exitCode = 0; PROCESS_INFORMATION pInfo = {0}; STARTUPINFO sInfo = {0}; sInfo.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO); sInfo.wShowWindow = SW_SHOW; int nCmdLen = (_tcslen(lpszFile) + _tcslen(lpszParam) + 2) * sizeof(TCHAR); LPTSTR lpszCmd = (LPTSTR)_alloca(nCmdLen); memset(lpszCmd, 0, nCmdLen); _tcscpy(lpszCmd, lpszFile); if(lpszParam) { _tcscat(lpszCmd, _T(" ")); _tcscat(lpszCmd, lpszParam); } if(CreateProcess( NULL, //LPCTSTR lpApplicationName, // pointer to name of executable module lpszCmd, //LPTSTR lpCommandLine, // pointer to command line string NULL, //LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpProcessAttributes, // process security attributes NULL, //LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpThreadAttributes, // thread security attributes FALSE, //BOOL bInheritHandles, // handle inheritance flag 0, //DWORD dwCreationFlags, // creation flags NULL, //LPVOID lpEnvironment, // pointer to new environment block NULL, //LPCTSTR lpCurrentDirectory, // pointer to current directory name &sInfo, //LPSTARTUPINFO lpStartupInfo, // pointer to STARTUPINFO &pInfo)) //LPPROCESS_INFORMATION lpProcessInformation // pointer to PROCESS_INFORMATION { // Wait until child process exits. WaitForSingleObject( pInfo.hProcess, INFINITE ); if (GetExitCodeProcess(pInfo.hProcess, &exitCode)) { TRACE( _T("Exit code = %d/n"), exitCode); } else { TRACE( _T("GetExitCodeProcess() failed: %ld/n"), GetLastError()); ASSERT(0); } // Close process and thread handles. CloseHandle( pInfo.hProcess ); CloseHandle( pInfo.hThread ); } else { TRACE( _T("CreateProcess() failed: %ld/n"), GetLastError()); ASSERT(0); } return exitCode; }


//测试示例 run_Execute(_T("notepad.exe"), _T("c://temp//aa.txt"));
