Installation metasploit 4.2 on new ipad (ios 5.1.1 after jailbreak)

Hello, I have installed metasploit 4.2 on my new ipad just now. I will guide you how to install it step by step. First you need jailbreak your device, you can find tutorial on my Youtube channel (Here: Jailbreak for new ipad).
1. Update your source archive.
Kevins-iPad:/var root# apt-get update
2. Install some dependence.
Kevins-iPad:/var/ root# apt-get install adv-cmds apt basic-cmds bootstrap-cmds bzip2 class-dump coreutils developer-cmds diskdev-cmds file-cmds gawk gdb git gzip iokittools less make nano network-cmds openssh rsync shell-cmds system-cmds com.ericasadun.utilities top uikittools findutils inetutils diffutils lsof subversion vim xar tar patch unrar unzip wget whois xml2 zip p7zip nmap python -y
3. Install ruby 1.8.6
Check your ruby version, I think your haven’t install ruby, if you installed, please make sure your ruby version is 1.8.6, because I have try to install or update ruby version to 1.9. I got some error when I ran msfconsole. So check your ruby version first.
Kevins-iPad:/var root# ruby -v
ruby 1.9.2p0 (2010-08-18 revision 29036) [arm-darwin9]
How to remove ruby version 1.9.2
Kevins-iPad:/var root# apt-get remove –purge ruby
Install ruby 1.8.6
Kevins-iPad:/var root# wget
Kevins-iPad:/var root# dpkg -i ruby_1.8.6-p111-5_iphoneos-arm.deb
4. Install rubygems
Kevins-iPad:/var root# wget
Kevins-iPad:/var root# dpkg -i rubygems_1.2.0-3_iphoneos-arm.deb
5. Download mestsploit 4.2
metasploit 4.3 didn’t work when I tested, so you download metasploit 4.2 for your ipad.
Kevins-iPad:/var/pentest root# wget
Kevins-iPad:/var/pentest root# tar -xvf framework-4.2.0.tar.bz2
6. Run…
Kevins-iPad:/var/pentest root# ls
framework-4.2.0.tar.bz2 msf/
Kevins-iPad:/var/pentest root# cd msf/
Kevins-iPad:/var/pentest/msf root# ls
HACKING armitage* documentation/ lib/ msfbinscan* msfconsole* msfelfscan* msfgui* msfpayload* msfrop* msfrpcd* msfvenom* scripts/ tools/
README data/ external/ modules/ msfcli* msfd* msfencode* msfmachscan* msfpescan* msfrpc* msfupdate* plugins/ test/
Kevins-iPad:/var/pentest/msf root# ./msfconsole
Installation metasploit 4.2 on new ipad (ios 5.1.1 after jailbreak)_第1张图片
Fix the error:
Kevins-iPad:/var/pentest/msf root# mv modules/auxiliary/bnat/bnat_router.rb modules/auxiliary/bnat/bnat_router.rb.bak
Installation metasploit 4.2 on new ipad (ios 5.1.1 after jailbreak)_第2张图片
Run metasploit on New Ipad…
Installation metasploit 4.2 on new ipad (ios 5.1.1 after jailbreak)_第3张图片
Have fun~

你可能感兴趣的:(Installation metasploit 4.2 on new ipad (ios 5.1.1 after jailbreak))