clear all; close all; clc; t =0:2*pi/99:2*pi; x =1.5*cos(t); y =3.25*sin(t); subplot(2,3,1),plot(x,y); axis normal,grid on, title('Normal and Grid on') subplot(2,3,2),plot(x,y); axis equal,grid on, title('Equal and Grid on') subplot(2,3,3),plot(x,y); axis square,grid on, title('Square and Grid on') subplot(2,3,4),plot(x,y); axis image,box off,title('Image and Box off') subplot(2,3,5),plot(x,y); axis image fill,box off, title('Image fill and box off') subplot(2,3,6),plot(x,y); axis tight,box off, title('Tight and box off')输出各种轴控制指令的不同影响
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